The Mafia And His Obsession: Part 1 by Lylah James









Chapter 16





I stood in front of the partially closed door. I shouldn’t have been here—actually, I should have been far away from here.

But I couldn’t help myself.

After catching a glimpse of Valerie walking down the hall, I followed and ended up here. Right outside her bedroom.

I was coming up the stairs and had paused at the sight of her standing in the middle of the corridor that led to her side of the house. She just stood there, staring into the distance as if wanting to take a step forward, but some invisible force was stopping her.

I saw her debating with herself, her fists clenching at her sides. Her heart wanting one thing but her mind stopping her.

It was that moment I knew she was never allowed outside of her bedroom. This must have been her first time. Did Igor let her out? Or maybe he wasn’t present right now?

This was forbidden yet there she was—breaking the rules.

I was left wondering why, intrigued by the idea of her being forbidden and doing forbidden things. A feisty character buried deep inside the silent girl.

Then her eyes landed on mine. All thoughts went silent in my head. I could only stare at her, our gaze meeting and never wavering.

She paused, her lips parting, her eyes widening at the sight of me. Her hand went to her stomach, her fingers clenching the fabric of her dress.

Valerie took a step back; I took one forward.

She bit on her lips nervously before taking another step back. I took another forward, stalking her.

I was the hunter; she was the prey. And I couldn’t wait to catch her.

And just like prey, she turned away and escaped, running away from me. That only made me want to catch her more. A wolf always enjoyed a good hunt.

Her quick footsteps faded away, and she disappeared into her bedroom. I stood there for a second, watching the empty hall until I took a step forward, following after her—wanting to be near her.

It was a strange, fucked-up feeling, but since I had woken this morning, she was the only one I could think of. Ayla’s face had faded away in my dreams, replaced by the mute nun.

I had woken up in a sweat, confused at the sudden changed vision. And since then, she was all I could think of.

The blonde-haired nun, silent, with the most expressive beautiful eyes.

And now, here I stood, outside her door like a lost fucking puppy.

Alessio would be laughing his ass off. I would never hear the end of it from Phoenix.

Damn it!

But instead of turning away, I pushed the door open and walked inside. She was alone in the room, her bodyguard nowhere to be seen. Her room must have been left unlocked. I wasn’t surprised, though. Looking at her now, I knew there was no chance she would escape. There was something trapping her here. Not Igor or these closed doors.

Valerie was sitting in the same chair, facing the windows—sitting in the same exact position as yesterday.

She didn’t turn around at the sound of me. Closing the door behind me, I walked further into the room, anticipation licking its way through my body.

We were alone.

My lips tilted up in a smirk. There was nowhere for her to run now.

I spotted the notebook and pen on the bed. Walking toward it, I grabbed them and made my way to her. She still hadn’t turned away, and my fists clenched at the idea of her purposely ignoring me.

Playing hard to get, baby?

I scoffed, shaking my head. I wasn’t a man to play games with—she would be crushed in a matter of seconds.

No games, silent myshka. You wouldn’t like the consequences.

I was the only one allowed to play games. An interesting game was about to be played.

I wasn’t going to take Valerie. No, she herself would ask me to—beg me to. It would be all her. As long as I played my cards right, her secrets would be mine, and Valerie would be asking me to fuck her in a few days.

Just a little bit of effort on my part—and then easy peasy.

My feet stopped in front of her, blocking her view of the window. She looked up at me, startled before masking her expression.

Placing the notepad and pen on her lap, I straightened up again. Valerie looked down at her lap and then up at me.

She stayed unmoving, silent, her gaze fixated on me.

I found that I couldn’t tear my eyes off her, either.

After clearing my throat, I nodded toward the notepad. “How are you today?”

Are you fucking serious, Viktor? What are you—a fifteen-year-old virgin trying to get some pussy?

She took her eyes off mine and looked down at her lap. And then she took the pen in her hand, putting it on the paper.

I stared at her face; it was filled with concentration as she slowly wrote her words down.


I am fine. And you?


I read the words when she showed me the paper. Sending her a small smile, I shrugged. “I’m alive—biggest gift of the day.”

Valerie frowned, her face changing from calm to worried.

Are you in danger?


After quickly writing, she showed me the paper again.

“Not really. Are you?” I questioned, taking the subject off me. She didn’t need to know anything about it. The less she knew, the better.

The worry lines faded at my words, and then the silent myskha shook her head.

Not really.

I raised an eyebrow at her answer. “That’s not an answer. Is it a yes or a no?”

Her lips settled in a straight line before she furiously started to write down on the notepad again.


You gave me the same answer.


I brought a fist to my mouth, trying to hide my laughter. Ah, there she was. The feisty nun peeking up at me again.

It left me wondering if I was the only one who saw that side of her. She appeared to be closed off, almost emotionless, but there was fire in her. And I wanted to explore that.

“It’s the only answer you’re getting,” I replied, daring her to fight me.

She didn’t. Instead her eyes met mine, and we were both lost yet again.

The sound of the door snapped my gaze away from her. I stared at Igor as he stood against the closed door, his eyes going from Valerie to me.

He frowned at the sight of me. Crossing his arms, he stood there but stayed silent. He knew better than to say anything back to me. Yesterday had served as a lesson to him.

I looked back at Valerie to see her staring at Igor now. Her face was filled with fear, her fingers clenching and then unclenching around the pen.

My lips curled back in anger. Fucking Igor.

He just ruined my moment with my myshka.

I ignored her bodyguard, acting as if he wasn’t even there. He was irrelevant. I would deal with him later.

Placing a finger under Valerie’s chin, I brought her attention back to me. Her eyes met mine, tears filling up in hers.

Instinctively, I brushed my thumbs over her cheeks and then under her eyes, caressing her face softly.

She hiccupped back a sob before tearing her eyes away from mine. Valerie looked down at her lap, and I was forced to move my hands away.

I watched her as she wrote down in her notepad. When she showed me the paper, I read the words slowly.


You shouldn’t be here. If my husband finds out, you will be punished greatly.


Before I could answer, she took back the notepad and started writing again.


Nobody is allowed in here. You should leave.


I shook my head, and frustration glinted in her beautiful eyes.



He will hurt you.


I shook my head again, and she slammed her pen on the notepad, blinking away tears. She looked so devastated, scared—trembling with fear. Hurt me…do you mean he will hurt you, my beautiful nun?

Leaning forward until our faces were inches apart, I made sure her eyes were on me. “Valerie, this estate is as much mine as it is his. He can’t hurt me. He wouldn’t even dare. And your husband sure as hell can’t kick me out of here. I can come and go as I please. Nobody will dare test my anger,” I whispered to her.

Her lips parted, her mouth falling open at my words. Confusion clouded her gaze, and she only blinked up at me.

“Nobody will hurt me.” Nobody will hurt you.

Valerie’s confusion made me smile. She didn’t even know who I was—what I meant to the Solonik family.

I was their only winning card—the master of this game. Her fucking husband was a nobody.

“Sir, it is improper for you to be this close to Boss’s wife.”

I looked over Valerie’s shoulder, raising an eyebrow at Igor. He swallowed nervously before averting his gaze.

My gaze went back to where it needed to be, and she seemed oblivious to Igor’s words. There was no response from her. I had thought it would break our moment again, but her gaze was still fixated on mine.


She blinked up at me, and then her cheeks turned red. Smirking, I pulled away. What was the mute nun just thinking?

Did she imagine my lips on hers—kissing her? Or maybe more?

She blushed harder, looking down at her lap. Her fingers played the edge of the papers, and she licked her lips nervously.

I saw her peeking up at me shyly, her long eyelashes hiding her beautiful doe eyes. Taking my lighter from my pocket, I clicked it open.

Her gaze instantly went to the small fire, completely entranced by it. I took a cigarette out of the small box I kept in my pocket and placed it between my teeth. Her eyes went from the lighter to my lips, and she stared as I lit the end of the cigarette.

She gave me a strange look, like she was studying me, memorizing my face in that little head of hers.

I placed the lighter back into my pocket and inhaled before blowing the smoke out past my lips. The smoke caressed her face, and she blinked her eyes once, still staring at me.

I stepped closer, inhaling at my cigarette again. Valerie’s eyes were on my lips—watching before looking down at her lap.

Her attention was on her notepad as she started writing.

“I kinda hate it when your attention isn’t on me, myshka,” I muttered for her ears only.

There was no response. Not even a flinch. She didn’t even look up at me to acknowledge my words. Cocking my head to the side, I stared at this beautiful woman.

There was so much about her that I still needed to learn. So much to explore. So much to see. She was filled with so many secrets that I didn’t even know where to start.

Valerie kept writing and then showed me her paper.


You shouldn’t smoke. It’s bad for your health.


Reading the words, I busted out in laughter. Was that what she was worried about? My health?

I shook my head at her silly thoughts—oh baby, that’s the last thing you need to be worried about.

I controlled my death, and I sure as fuck wasn’t ready for it yet. Death could fuck itself in the ass with a splintered rod. I would call it when I was fucking ready for it to drag me to hell.


Smoking is bad.


I hadn’t noticed her writing until she showed me her notepad again.

“You are right. Smoking is bad.” I shrugged. “And I like to do bad things.”

She sucked in a harsh breath, her gaze quickly snapping to her lap. Moving closer into her space, I crowded in with my body. She was trapped with nowhere to go.

Leaning closer until my lips were next to her ears, I whispered. “I like to do…very bad things.”

I expected her to push me away, any reaction to my words, but I only got a small shiver. Pulling away, I stared at her.

She swallowed hard, her chest heaving with each breath. I was tempted to tease her more—so tease her I did.

A single finger feathered over her cheek, slowly moving down while caressing her porcelain skin. So smooth, so soft. I wanted to bite it—turn her skin red with my marks.

The thought had my dick twitching in excitement. Down, boy. Patience.I promise, your patience will be greatly rewarded by a warm pussy.

My finger continued its downward path—her jaw, her neck. It lingered there for a second, tickling her skin near her ear before moving down again.

Her lips parted, her breathing louder and harsher. Valerie turned her head slightly to the side, inviting me for more. I knew she had done it unconsciously.

When my touch moved to her chest, her breath hitched with a silent gasp. I smirked at her reaction—fucking perfect.

My thumb soothed over her left tit before circling her nipple. A soft touch through her dress, but she jumped like she had been shot with a bolt of lightning.

Valerie’s lips moved, but no words came out—only silence. She was voiceless.

Her eyes fluttered, her breathing accelerating with each swipe of my thumb.

“Only my woman has the right tell me what to do or not do,” I murmured, my thumb feathering over her nipple again. Her gaze quickly went to my lips and then my eyes again.

She shivered, her hands clenching her dress too tightly. “And you, myshka, you aren’t my woman.”


The devil made its appearance again with one word before disappearing like it was nothing.

Fuck you, you nasty piece of shit.

Her hand came up, her fingers wrapping around my wrist, stalling my movement. I raised an eyebrow in surprise, staring down at her hold on me.

Her fingers tightened, and I looked back up again. Valerie stared at me with desperation—I couldn’t read her. I knew she was attracted to me—she wanted more, but the fear was there. And rightfully so.

I was seducing her slowly, and she was falling in the trap laid out for her.

“You are so tempting, Valerie,” I said. Her eyes were on my mouth, watching my words.

She blinked up at me, the sad look in her eyes making my heart clench tightly. Her gaze went back to my lips again. Letting her go, I took a small step back.

“It seems whenever I am with you, I forget what’s right and wrong,” I continued while watching her reaction.

Her shoulder dropped, her eyes leaving my face before falling to her lap. It hurt to see the defeated expression on her face.

But I had needed to know something, and my suspicion was just confirmed.

The way her eyes always went from my eyes to my lips whenever I was talking. She would only respond when she was looking at my face—other times it was as if I wasn’t even speaking.

Shaking my head, I stared at her in complete astonishment. And a little bit in awe.

This beautiful nun, with alluring eyes, wasn’t just mute.

She was fucking deaf.