The Mafia And His Obsession: Part 1 by Lylah James









Chapter 4





My men followed me out, their steps close to mine but still behind. Just the way it should be. The harsh winter air hit me hard in the face, and I winced.

Fucking Russia and its winter.

“Are you ready?” Valentin asked, his voice ruining my mood further. Always yapping. Maybe I should shut his mouth for him. Shove a block of snow in his face or something.

Keep dreaming, the devil currently perched on my shoulder laughed. My lips curled up in distaste, and I almost shooed him away, but that would look weird.

Shooing away something that wasn’t even there. My men would think me crazy.

Maybe I was. Living with Valentin Solonik for a year had driven me crazier than when I was living with Alessio.

Crazy to say, but I almost missed the poor bastard.

You can’t miss your enemy, the devil laughed in my ears.

Another reminder of what I had to do. What I was actually born to do. My legacy. Those years spent with the Ivanshovs, I was on borrowed time, living a life that wasn’t mine.

A character who was made up. A killer who was dancing to someone else’s tunes.

Little did I know, I was born to lead a family. I was born to have everyone else bowing to me.

I was born to succeed Valentin Solonik.

“Konstantin, are you listening to me?”

His voice broke into my thoughts, and my head snapped up, regarding him with a glare. He swallowed and smiled, almost nervously.

“What?” I asked, my legs moving again. He matched my steps, following next to me.

“The estate is ready for your arrival. One of my men will lead you through and show you around, just to get yourself familiar. I have to stay behind and take care of some club business,” he answered, almost robotic, like he practiced it.

“I don’t need anyone to lead me around.” With a raised eyebrow, I waited for his answer.

His silence was his answer as he opened the car door for me. Ha. In your face, Valentin Solonik. The Boss opening the door for his heir. That’s new.

He would be bowing to me soon too. I had been waiting for this day for a very long time. Only a few months now and everything would be just the way it was supposed to be.

I used to hate games; now I was just loving it. You can only love a game when you are the Master. The leader. When the reins are in your hands, you can move the chest piece anywhere you want, the others will just have to follow, silently and obediently.

After I was seated in the car, Valentin closed the door and gave me another tight smile.

Rolling the windows down, I motioned him over. He came closer and I whispered so only he could hear. “Do you need the bathroom?”

“What?” he stuttered.

“The bathroom. You look like you are constipating. I don’t think your men would enjoy the foul smell, no matter how much they love you,” I continued.

He could only stare, his mouth opened, speechless. Tipping my black hat toward him, I winked. “Boss,” I mumbled, just to rustle his feathers a little.

One point for me.

Before he could move, I rolled up the windows. My body settled back against the seat, relaxing as the car started moving.

With my eyes on the front, I took a deep breath. Another step on the chess board. Another piece played.

In the rearview mirror, Valentin’s figure grew smaller and smaller, until it completely disappeared.

It was his turn now. How fucking exciting.

Closing my eyes, I let myself think of every moment leading to this one. Every step I took was for one purpose. In the end, was I going to get what I wanted most?

A game was being played…it might have appeared that I was the winner for now, but for how long?

How long before I fall, because we always fall? From the top, everything crumbles under your feet and you hit rock bottom again.

It must have been a long thinking process, because the next time I was brought back to the present, the car had stopped and my driver was speaking to me.

“Sir, we are here.”

I opened my eyes to see it was dark outside, the sun already down, casting the perfect darkness for people like me.

Perfect start for a new beginning.

The driver opened the door for me, and I stepped out, staring at the estate in front of me. It was dark, except for the lamps around it.

In the night, it looked like those ghost houses in Halloween movies. A castle that was hiding the Devil.

I fucking loved it.

But I knew in the morning, it would be the perfect beautiful estate for the filthiest and richest man in Russia. Also known as Valentin Solonik.

But soon, it would be me. Konstantin Solonik.

Have I mentioned how much I hated that name? I wondered how much my mother hated me to name me after a fucking theatre actor. More like an opera actor. I shuddered at the thought.

“This way,” Yegor said, nodding his way toward the entrance.

“Do I have to do this?” I questioned, taking a step forward.

“You have no choice, Konstantin,” he replied quietly, only for my ears.

He was right. Only because a year ago, I made a choice to lie and play a part in the game of power. And now, here I was.

Yegor slapped my back in encouragement. “Think of relief after all this shit is done.”

I laughed before slapping his back too, maybe a little too hard. He stumbled forward before quickly catching himself. He grumbled something under his breath, his glare not one to miss.

He was lucky I considered him a friend or he would have been dead, his eyes gouged out for even thinking of glaring my way. Nodding toward my men, I made my way inside. The cold was left outside, thank fucking God for that.

The door closed behind us, and I stared. It wasn’t much different than the Ivanshov estate. Almost the same, just more sterile.

No warmth. No feelings. No laughter or sweet smiles.

Sometimes, I missed it. Other times, I was thankful.

At least now I didn’t have to look at someone who was forbidden to me. I didn’t have look at her and crave her touch, knowing well I couldn’t have her.

I made a mistake once. I touched her before, almost kissed her…our little secret.

“The kitchen is to your left, but it doesn’t matter. You have the maids to bring your food, whatever you need,” Yegor continued his useless introduction. His voice broke through my depressing thoughts.

“My room?” I asked, already moving toward the imperial staircase.

“You’re so fucking impatient,” he muttered under his breath.

“I need my beauty sleep, asshole. I’m taking an early flight tomorrow morning,” I growled, stomping upstairs.

“Back to the States?”

I huffed in response. Back into the enemy’s cave. Time to play with the little Queen, Valentin’s voice resonated through my ears.

He was absent yet his words wouldn’t leave me. Fucking bastard. Just ruined my night.

Through the silence, I walked down the hall, trying to find a suitable room. Maybe the last room in the corner? More privacy while fucking someone.

“Are the walls soundproof?” I asked, going door by door.

“No—” he started, but I quickly shut him up with a raise of my hand.

“Just fucking great. I love this shit…not,” I hissed. “It’s not my fault when you won’t be able to sleep at night. Just saying. The women always turn into screamers, even when they aren’t.”

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever, man.”

“Jealous?” He didn’t answer. No problem, I already got my answer.

I was still walking, still looking, when my eyes fell onto something—or someone.

My feet stop, my body frozen at the sight that beheld me.

The door was partially open, but it was the sight from behind the door that got me intrigued.

Against my better judgment, I moved closer, just a step, toward the door. I leaned forward, peering inside, wanting a better view.

The light was on, the chandelier casting a beautiful glow around the room. But that wasn’t what caught my attention.

It was the woman sitting underneath the chandelier.

The world stilled for one fucking moment. Maybe I was robbed of my breath. Whatever it was, I could only stare at her.

She was a sight to see.

My eyebrows fused together in confusion. “What is she wearing?”

My gaze followed the length of her body. The plain navy gown shielded everything. It was loose around her body. The white collar was high, covering her neck. Her arms were hidden with long sleeves, except her hands.

She was dressed specifically not to tempt any man. Yet…

“She looks like a fucking nun.”

A beautiful nun.

After my shock at her clothes, my eyes moved upward to her face. Her head was down, looking at her lap. She was knitting in the silence, while the chandelier glowed around her.

She was glowing under the light.

Her long blonde hair fell behind her back. Some wavy strands were hanging loose around her face, shielding her from my eyes. And I wanted to see more.

A nun with a tempting figure, one that made any man want to sin.

Her fingers continued to work the needles, threading whatever was in her hand. Slowly she brought her head up, like she knew she was being watched.

Our eyes met for the briefest second. She cocked her head to the side, staring at me fully, almost like she was memorizing my face before she looked down again.

One look, so quick, and then it was gone. Like I wasn’t even there.

One look was enough to make me want more.

My thoughts came to a screeching halt when a hand pulled me away from the door. “You shouldn’t be here, Konstantin,” Yegor whispered.

“Who is she?” I asked, my eyes still on her.

“Solonik’s wife.”

I froze, my eyes widening. It felt like cold water had just been dumped over my head, shaking me awake. Bringing me back to the present.

Forget about having cold water dumped over my head. It felt more like I was drowning in the cold ocean with no escape. Just dark and a seeping coldness that could make anyone go numb.

“Valentin’s wife,” I whispered. My gaze was fixated on her, finding it hard to move away.

Yegor came to stand in front of me, shaking his head slowly. “You aren’t allowed here. This is where his wife stays. She is always in there. Nobody is allowed to come in here except for her bodyguard. He is in there with her right now, always watching her.”

“She is so young,” I muttered.

“Are you listening to me?”

I nodded, my gaze still on the door. “Yeah, I am.”

“She won’t speak to you. Don’t worry about that. She stays by herself so you won’t have any problem avoiding her. Just choose a room on the other side,” he said, releasing a long breath.

“She is so young,” I repeated, and Yegor closed his eyes.

“Konstantin—” he hissed, but I shook my head. “Look, I don’t know the story. Nobody does. One day Valentin was single with a limp dick, and the next day they were married.”

My eyes met his with a fierce glare. “She doesn’t belong here.”

“You are right. She doesn’t. But that’s not our problem,” he practically bellowed the last word.

“What the fuck! She can hear you,” I said. My fists raised to punch his ugly face, but he quickly ducked away.

“Even if she does, she can’t speak,” he muttered. His eyes went to the door, and I almost saw a hint of emotion there before he quickly went back to being a cold bastard.

That stopped me. “She can’t speak or won’t speak?”

“Can’t speak. She is mute.”

A mute nun who married Solonik. Well, shit just got more interesting.

Yegor pushed my shoulders in frustration. “Konstantin, listen to me. You need to listen or you will be fucked. Valentin is crazy about his wife. If he finds you anywhere near her, your dead body will be found the next morning. Trust me, you won’t be the first.”

I was half listening to him and half thinking how the fuck did Solonik get a wife like her. She was probably younger than me, and Valentin was old enough to be my father.

She was too young to be here. To be in this life.

“This is my warning. More like my helpful warning. Stay away from her and focus on why you are here. We have come this far, and we can’t lose now,” he continued in panic.

That captured my attention. Fuck, I couldn’t lose focus now. He was right.

Who cared about Valentin’s wife? She wasn’t part of the plan. And I had to stay far, far away from her.

Taking a deep breath, I released it slowly. “You are right.”

I couldn’t fuck this up. Now was not the time to get distracted by a woman with pretty blonde hair and dressed like a fucking nun in a convent or something.

“Punch me,” I whispered.


“Just do it.”

He punched him. Right in the face. Fuck, I didn’t think he would actually do it. So I kicked him in his knee instead. “I didn’t fucking mean it.”

Although the punch did bring me back to my senses.

No blondes for you, Konstantin. Keep your dick in your pants. For tonight, at least.

“I’m going to bed,” I called out, walking away from Yegor. Away from her.

After a few minutes of getting lost, I finally found a bedroom that suited me. Without wasting any time, I got into bed and closed my eyes.

Another game to be played tomorrow.

Unfortunately, sleep didn’t come to me. It stayed away like a fucking stubborn child. I rolled around in bed the whole night, actually begging to the moon for sleep.

But nope. Nada. Zilch.

When the sun started to make its appearance, I was pissed as fuck.

Pissed to the point that I wanted to yell, Off with their heads, to everyone I saw. Just great. A perfect morning to see.

I avoided everyone, even my pilot and hostess. The plane ride was enough for me to gather all my information. Everything was locked and ready to fire.

When the plane touched ground, I was fucking ready to start the day.

All thoughts about a pretty blonde girl were gone from my head. Only my destination mattered.

With the help from Valentin, he had a car waiting for me. Giving the address to the driver, he drove me to where I wanted…needed to be.

I closed my eyes when the car made its final stop.

One year.

One fucking year.

I was back, motherfucker.

Are you ready for me? I didn’t think so. Nobody was ready.

I inhaled and then exhaled. On my next breath, I opened my eyes and stepped out of the car. My legs didn’t stop until I was standing in front of the door that I walked out of one year ago.

A year ago, she hugged me goodbye. Right there. In front of that door.

Little did she know, I wouldn’t be back. Not until now.

The door opened. I heard gasps. I saw shocked faces. Familiar faces.

And then I saw her.

Standing on the top of the stairs, her hand covering her mouth in shock.

One second. Two. Three.

Her next step was slow and then she was running down the stairs at full force. Pregnant belly and all, almost giving me a heart attack.

I stepped forward, trying to stop her from her thoughtless action. Protectiveness made its way into my heart at the sight of her running toward me.

My arms opened wide, and she jumped into my embrace, holding me close. Her tears soaked my shirt as she sobbed brokenly.

I held her tighter, as close as I could with her rounded stomach. Burying my face into her neck, I breathed in her sweet smell.

Home. This was what home felt like.

My lips touched her skin in the slightest touch, my whisper only for her ears to hear.

Baby girl.”