The Mafia And His Angel, Part 3 by Lylah James









Chapter 32



Almost three months later


I woke up with an uncomfortable feeling in my lower region. My stomach tightened for a moment, and I moved around, trying to get rid of the stiffness.

My stomach and back muscles contracted, and my eyes snapped open when I felt a gush between my legs.

Oh. Oh.

Not again.

I pinched my eyes closed in embarrassment.

This would be the second time I peed the bed this week.

How mortifying.

My cheeks heated, and I struggled in a sitting position. Thank God Alessio was downstairs. Last time, he was unlucky.

We were both sleeping, and in the middle of the night, I had the urge to pee badly. I was too late, though. By the time I was able to get up, I had already peed. Right there on the bed.

I cried in embarrassment, and Alessio woke up. The tears just kept flowing at how shameful it was.

But being the gentleman he was, Alessio never complained.

He kissed me softly on my forehead and got up from the bed. After helping me stand up, he walked us to the bathroom and pulled me into the shower.

While I stood there crying, he took care of me, showering me with care and then drying me with a soft towel. Alessio had dressed me again in a clean nightgown. He had even removed the wet sheet and had a clean blanket on.

And then he held me in his arms until I had fallen asleep again.

This time I was on my own. I was slightly grateful for that.

I got off the bed and looked down at the wet blanket. My eyebrows furrowed when the fluid kept leaking out.

I was still peeing!

Wasn’t that too much?

I stomped my foot in frustration but then paused.

The fluid trickled down my legs as I stared at bed. This wasn’t normal. The fluid was clear…colorless.

I touched the wet spot with two fingers and brought it to my nose.

It didn’t smell.

When realization dawned, my mouth fell open.


Ignoring the wet trail I was leaving behind, I waddled to the bathroom as quickly as I could…which wasn’t too quickly.

My belly was huge. Even Ivy said I was really big for my body size.

Alessio loved it, though. He showered my pregnant belly with so much love. He mentioned a couple of times that he loved me pregnant.

Because it showed everyone that I was his.

I could never understand men and their possessive tendencies.

My back was aching as I stripped off and took a quick shower. After changing into a clean dress, I tied my hair in a bun and walked out.

I glanced at the bed one final time and left the room. The maid would have to clean it.

Slowly, I walked down the stairs. Alessio was going to throw a fit, but I had a perfect way to shut him up.

I came to a stop on the final step when I noticed the men in the living room. Maddie and Lena were there too. They were both sewing baby booties for Princess.

Perfect. I had everyone in one place.

When Alessio noticed me, he immediately stood up.

“Ayla! Why are you walking down the stairs alone?” he bellowed, making his way to me. He looked really mad, and I almost flinched at his loud tone.

Alessio held me by the waist and half-carried me to the sofa. I planted my feet on the floor before he could push me in a sitting position.

“Wait,” I muttered.

He paused.

I swallowed hard and felt suddenly nervous.

He took my silence in a bad way and started panicking. “What is it, Ayla? Is something wrong? Is it the baby? Are you hurt? Are you in pain?”

“No. I’m okay. Everyone, stay calm. It’s all good and okay.”

He raised an eyebrow and waited for me to continue.

My gaze went to everyone before meeting Alessio’s again.

“My water broke.” I could hear the excitement in my voice as I waited for their reaction.

There was about five seconds of shock and silence before everyone exploded together.



“We’re not fucking ready!”

“Oh dear.”

“Oh my God!”

“You’re not due for another two days!”

That last one was Alessio. For the first time, he appeared almost speechless.

He looked at me like I had grown two heads. Actually, all the men had the same expression on their faces.

Viktor looked like he was about to faint. Nikolay was practically ready for make a run for it. Phoenix was already taking a few steps back.

“You’re not ready. We’re not ready. The baby isn’t supposed to come out now. Ivy said so! Another two days. We have another two days, Ayla!” Alessio rambled.

His eyes were filled with fear when he palmed my very pregnant belly. There was a hard kick, one that I felt in my lower stomach, and my back contracted painfully.

“Ouch,” I muttered, rubbing the sore spot.

“What’s wrong?” Alessio’s eyes went even wider with panic. He pulled me closer and pointedly looked at Viktor.

“Get the car,” he demanded.

Viktor stared at me, not moving an inch.

“I think he’s in shock,” I whispered to Alessio.

“Viktor!” Alessio bellowed this time. I winced and sighed at the catastrophe in front of me.

Viktor snapped back to the present, tripped over his own feet, broke Lena’s favorite vase, and went down in a heap.

He laid there for a second before quickly getting back up and running out of the door.

“Phoenix, go get Ayla’s bag. Princess’s bag is in the piano room,” Maddie ordered as she came to stand by my side.

“Nikolay, can you make sure Viktor doesn’t crash into something with the car? I don’t think he can drive at the moment,” I told him.

He looked the calmest. Well, as calm as he could be in this situation. If it was his choice, he would have been out of the door by now.

At my suggestion, he nodded and quickly ran out to check on Viktor.

“Are you having any contractions?” Lena asked, pushing Alessio away.

Alessio glowered before coming to stand in front of me.

“No. Nothing yet. My water broke about twenty minutes ago. Or a little less,” I explained.

“Hmm…you’ll probably start your contractions before you reach the hospital,” she continued.

I nodded in understanding. “How bad will it be?”

While speaking, my gaze stayed on Alessio.

“It’s different for everyone, dear. I can’t say for sure.”

I hummed in response, watching my man silently freak out at the thought of his wife giving birth. He was already sweating heavily, and I noticed his hands shaking at his side.

Placing a hand out, I waited for Alessio to take it. When he did, I pulled him to me. My rounded belly was cradled against Alessio’s lower abdomen as I hugged him.

“I’m going to be fine. You need to breathe or you’re going to pass out, and I can’t have you passing out on me, Alessio,” I said softly against his chest.

I could feel Lena and Maddie at my side. They were practically plastered against me, not that I was complaining. I was glad for their support. I needed it more than I would admit.

Alessio’s arms went around me, hugging me tight. I felt him relax as he breathed out. With my ear over his chest, I could hear and feel his pounding heart.

It matched my own.

I was a nervous wreck inside—panicking but trying to act as calm as I could. If everyone else was freaking out, they needed someone to be calm.

It appeared that the pregnant lady herself was going to be the peacemaker.

“Are you hurting?” he asked quietly. I could hear the tint of fear in his voice.

I shook my head before pulling away. “I’m okay. For now. We just need to get to the hospital.”

“I got the bag!” Phoenix practically screamed from the top of the stairs.

“The car is here. It’s parked.” Nikolay came rushing in, screaming too.

“Where the fuck is the baby’s bag?” Alessio snapped.

“Huh?” Phoenix looked at the bag he was holding stupidly. “I got Ayla’s bag.”

“You are useless.” With a growl, Alessio was taking off himself. I watched him run up the stairs as I felt another pain shoot up my spine.

I winced, my hand going to rub at my back.

“What’s wrong?” Maddie asked nervously.

“My back is hurting,” I finally admitted.

Just then I felt my stomach cramp. It wasn’t too painful, but it was enough to make me gasp in shock. It felt like my skin was stretching, and my lower belly felt heavy. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

“The contractions have started, haven’t they?” Lena said with a knowing look.

I nodded.

“Will you be coming with us?” I asked Lena, with a pout.

She shook her head. “Maddie will be there for you. I’ll stay home and get everything ready for the big homecoming.”

Lena pressed her palm dramatically to her forehead and sighed. I rolled my eyes because it was such a Maddie move.

“There is so much to do,” Lena sighed but with a happy, serene look on her face.

“While Mom is busy, we’ll pop the baby out. It’s a fair plan,” Maddie added.

More like I would be doing the popping.

I shuddered at the thought just as another intense ache went through my back and lower belly. That hurt!

And it was only the beginning.

I felt a slight tremor of fear, and the panic continued to rise. “Maddie, you can’t leave my side, okay?”

She soothingly patted my arm. “I’m not gonna leave. Even when you threaten to kill me.”

“Okay, good.”

When I was finally reassured, Maddie and I made our way out of the kitchen. I was slow, much slower as each step felt too uncomfortable. It felt like my stomach would drop any second now.

I heard a shout. I furrowed my forehead in confusion.


“I got the bag,” he bellowed.

Maddie and I were just walking into the living room when we saw him practically beeline toward the door without even a glance our way.


I waddled to the entrance with Maddie at my side. Just when we reached outside, we saw the two cars rushing out of the driveway as if some kind of demon was chasing them.

Wait, what? WHAT?

“Did they just drive off without us?” Maddie growled at the empty parking spot. “Who’s going to pop out the baby? Alessio? Or Viktor? Freaking stupid assholes.”

I rubbed my temple tiredly. This was a mess…a total mess.

When another pain coursed through my lower belly and I doubled over, the cars rushed back in.

Alessio and Viktor jumped out, almost falling in their haste. “What the fuck? Why aren’t you in the car?” Viktor snapped.

Alessio silently made his way to me, and I glared. There was a sheepish look on his face, and he mouthed a quick sorry.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Lyov and Isaak coming from the courtyard. They looked at everyone gathered, and their steps hastened to me.

“What’s wrong?” Lyov asked quickly.

“It’s time. The baby is coming. But she’s two days early. That’s not good. Not normal, right?” Alessio rattled back, his hand molding over my stomach protectively.

Isaak’s and Lyov’s eyes widened, and they paused with their mouth hanging open.

Great. Just what I needed. Two more panicking Mafia men.

“Alessio, two days early is nothing. I’m sure everything is good,” I tried to reason.

Isaak’s and Lyov’s mouths snapped shut.

“It’s time,” Isaak muttered. “Fuck.”

“It’s okay. We got this. It’s cool. Everyone stay calm. Stay calm. Isaak, we have done this before. We’re good,” Lyov muttered back.

He was surprisingly calm. Huh?

Isaak nodded. “Yeah.”

“Where the fuck is the car?” Lyov suddenly bellowed.

Or not. He was definitely not calm.

“The car is right behind you,” Maddie returned, a look of exasperation on her face.

“Right. Right. Let’s get her in the car. Get going, boys,” Lyov ordered harshly. He sounded out of breath.

Alessio swept me off my feet and cradled me to this chest. “I got you, Angel.”

I locked my arms behind his neck and held on. He carried us to the car. After placing me on the seat, he climbed in beside me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held me to him before barking out his order. “Let’s go.”

Maddie was half-sitting, her legs still out when the car tore out of the driveway. “Fucker!”

“Pull your fucking legs inside,” Viktor snapped.

“If you can give me the time, asshole,” she snapped back fiercely.

I pressed my forehead in the crook of Alessio’s neck and breathed in his manly smell. Alessio’s smell. The scent of his expensive cologne touched my nose, and I sighed as my shoulders slowly relaxed.

He was tensed underneath me; his legs felt like a rock. One of his hands was fisted at my hip while the other was gently rubbing my pregnant belly.

From my position, I could feel his wild heart and the throbbing vein in his neck. Placing a kiss there, I closed my eyes. “It’s going to be okay.” My voice was quiet, only for him to hear.

His hand paused on my stomach. I felt him take several deep breaths, but he didn’t say anything.

The rest of the ride went quickly and silently. Nobody spoke a word, and the tense air was suffocating.

When Alessio helped me out of the car, it felt like I could finally breathe normally. He cradled me yet again in his arms and carried us into the hospital.

“Where is Dr. Cooper?” he shouted inside the entrance.

There were doctors, nurses, and patients all around, and everyone paused at his shout.

“You aren’t supposed to shout,” I muttered. My cheeks heated under everyone’s scrutinizing stares. Alessio was completely oblivious to the attention he brought upon ourselves.

“Are you Alessio Ivanshov?” an elderly nurse asked.

“Yes,” he growled, giving the woman a mean look, though she didn’t look at all scared. She just looked pissed that Alessio was causing a commotion.

“Dr. Cooper has already prepared a room for your wife. I’ll lead the way,” she continued before turning around without a second glance.

We followed her to the elevator. Getting inside, Alessio didn’t relinquish his hold on me. Not even when I tried to wiggle free.

“You can let me down now,” I said softly. “I’m too heavy.”

He glared at me, and I stared back, waiting for him to calm down. “No,” he snapped.

Okay, now he sounded like a caveman.

“I can carry you,” he continued, sounding much calmer now.

With a sigh, I shut up. There was no point arguing. He would win in the end.

When we stepped out of the elevator, the nurse steered us to a room at the corner. “You will be the only one on this floor. Your husband has it reserved for you.”

My eyes widened when I realized she was speaking to me. Reserved? The whole floor?

I stared at Alessio, but he was concentrating in front of him as he led us to my room. The room looked nothing like I expected.

It was a huge room. Couches in the corner with a coffee table. The bed wasn’t small, either. It was most likely a double bed. Even the pillows looked too soft. The machines looked dainty next to the bed in the large room.

I guess Alessio really prepared for this.

He settled me on the bed and pushed me back against the pillow. “Where is Ivy?” Alessio asked again.

His blue eyes stayed on mine, though.

“She’s doing a surgery right now,” the nurse calmly replied as she fussed over me.

“What? She’s supposed to be here. With Ayla. Who’s going to deliver the baby?” Alessio shouted.

I rubbed my forehead as I watched him lose control yet again.

From the corner of my eye, I saw her checking the machines, and then she came back to my side with a syringe.

“This won’t hurt,” she murmured, pushing the needle into my arm. I closed my eyes, refusing to watch what she was doing. I winced, but she was right. It didn’t hurt. Just a tiny prickling sensation.

But Alessio being Alessio saw my wince and went crazy on the nurse.

“What did you do to her? What are you doing?”

If Viktor didn’t pull him back, Alessio wouldn’t have probably leap over the nurse.

Oh God. Someone do something. This was about to turn ugly.

“Sir, please would you calm down. I am just doing my job. With that said, your wife has just started her contractions. She won’t give birth for many hours. But then again, that just depends on her body and the baby. I have had a few women whose labour went as long as eighteen hours,” the nurse explained as kindly as she could.

But it was obvious she was losing patience. And quickly.

“Your wife is not the first woman to give birth. She’ll be fine,” she muttered before walking out of the room.

“Well, she is my woman. And she’s giving birth for the first time,” Alessio retorted back. “There is a big difference!”

I closed my eyes, my head sinking into the pillow.

This was going to be a long ride.

A long, tiring ride with six overbearing, gun-carrying, ruthless mafia men.

Who promptly panicked at the idea of a woman giving birth.