The Alien King’s Pet by Loki Renard

17Love Hurts

Growing wings hurts.

It must have been one of those weird psychological things, because before the doctor brought it up, Katie hadn’t noticed she was growing wings at all. But from the moment she was told, she started to feel an ache which made her fractious and uncomfortable almost all the time.

Being back in Dominax’s possession was… well… She didn’t know that she would ever truly be used to being a pet. He loved her, that much was obvious. But he didn’t know how to love her.

“I missed you,” he said when they had the first proper moment to themselves alone. The doctor had been dismissed, and Darma had been sent to lick his wounds in another part of the castle.

Katie found herself alone in Dominax’s presence for the first time in months. She felt oddly shy.

“I, uh… I guess I missed you too,” she admitted reluctantly. “But I was mad at you. You beat me for basically nothing. And if you’re going to do that, then I don’t want to have your babies. I want to…”

She was going to say she wanted to go back to Earth. But there was now no returning to Earth. When she first escaped the palace, there was some limited possibility she might be able to go home. She could have maybe found a freighter or something going by Mars or whatever. But not now. Even if a magic portal opened up, there was no chance of ever returning to the planet where she had been born and expected to live her entire life.

Wings changed everything. Even more than a baby might have. Wings made her a freak on the planet of her birth. Wings set her apart from every human that had ever been, and probably most of them who would ever be.

For the moment they weren’t really wings in the sense of Dominax’s, or anyone else’s. For the moment they were uncomfortable extensions from her shoulders which hadn’t even begun to feather. In other words, she was like a baby bird, and she felt just as aesthetically unappealing.

“You don’t truly know what you want yet, my pet. You have spent so much time in rebellion, you have never truly experienced all the pleasures of being owned by a king.”

“You mean being fucked by one.”

“Not just that,” he smiled. “This is a palace full of riches and entertainments which you never behaved long enough to enjoy. And now that you have returned to me as a criminal, you must be punished.”

“Not the leather…”

“Not the leather,” he said. “What I intend to do to you will make you beg for the leather, my wayward pet.”

He took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, possessively. She felt his tongue conquering hers, exploring every part of her mouth as his hands roamed her robe-clad body, slipping beneath the folds of the sheer fabric to touch her with plainly carnal intent.

This was the side of Dominax she had always enjoyed, the side she had ached for on the long city nights. There had never been any problems between them in the bedroom, and Katie needed some respite.

“I told you on the very first day we met that you were mine. I wish you would come to understand what that means. It is not an empty statement. These are not human words which sound pretty but mean nothing. It is a reflection of the deepest reality. It is why you could not leave this planet. You are mine. We are soul-bound. One creature in two bodies.”

There was a poetry and a romance to his words she wished she had heard earlier. Or maybe it was as he said. Maybe he’d said these things, but she hadn’t really understood them. On Earth, almost nothing was literal. But in Dominax’s realm, everything was. Maybe they truly had bonded in a way she did not understand, but could feel throughout every part of her.

“You are mine, and we are going to make new life, pet,” he purred, kissing her neck, grazing his sharp teeth against the soft flesh. “This sweet little hole will stretch for me and my seed will make life burn inside you.”

He was toying with her clit, driving her to the brink of another one of those unavoidable orgasms which threatened to tear through her and destroy her completely.

She wanted him so badly. She wanted his seed even more. What she didn’t want was to admit any of that, to him, or to herself. Fortunately for her conflicted state, it didn’t matter.

Dominax rose up over her, the muscular plane of his body a thing of incredible beauty framed by her raised and spread thighs. She felt the thick, hot head of his cock against her slit, quickly becoming coated with the moisture of her desire.

“This time,” the king told her, “This time there is no escape. You will take my seed, and you will bear my young.”

She felt a tug at her collar, the king’s powerful hand making the collar snug tighter about her neck as he surged forward and she undid herself for him, her body welcoming him warmly, deeply, and completely.

Her cry echoed around the room as she felt her flesh envelop his, becoming the vessel first for his cock, and then for his seed. Dominax was more gentle at first than she had expected him to be. This was more than a breeding. This was a reclaiming.

He was marking her as his own. Every stroke and thrust was designed to let her know that she was still his. There was no running from him. No real escape. The collar around her neck had never left her throughout her escape and ordeal. He pulled at it as he thrust inside her, filling her all the way up, letting her feel the powerful pulsing of his flesh.

“You’re mine,” he said. “All mine. You have been from the very first moment we met, and you will be until the end of time. We are connected in flesh, in feeling, and soon we will be united by the combination of our DNA, two codes combining to make one new entity, the living embodiment of our love.”

He held himself deep inside her, leash tight, cock hard as he made his intention more than clear. She knew something she had never known before, felt something she had never felt: love.

Dominax loved her. She heard it in his voice. She saw it in his eyes. And she felt it inside her. He wasn’t using her when he fucked her. He was claiming her, taking her, making a connection with her unlike any she had felt before. She could not stop staring into those deep, dark eyes as he slid deep inside her, long, surging, loving strokes which made her moan and squirm on his cock.

“I love you,” she whispered to him as he claimed her with a kiss.

It was sweet, but sweetness was not what had drawn them together in the first place, and sweetness would not satisfy either of them.

Instinct was taking over, the rougher, more desperate, intense ravaging which they both needed more than they could ever admit. Her hips rose to meet his and then were gripped and pulled onto his cock. He was fucking her with all the strength he had — or at least, all the strength she could take.

His wings extended as he came inside her, shooting his seed deep into her

pussy, filling her up like a chalice. The sight was incredible, and the feeling was even more intense. It was far more than a simple orgasm. It was a wave of sensation rushing through her, all the way from the inside of her pussy all the way to the very tips of her fingers and the roots of her hair, the tender skin behind her knees, the lobes of her ears, and the curling of her toes.

She screamed her orgasm, barely able to contain the pleasure Dominax was giving her. He left her gasping for breath and desperate for a settling of the nerves which had been stimulated past the point of their capacity.

Dominax laid her back on the bed, his thick cock sliding from her, allowing a fresh rush of hot seed to escape her sex. She could feel him dripping from her ravaged lower lips, so puffy and sore from sexual altercation.

“Life grows inside you, my love. I can feel it.”

She felt it too, a fluttering among the ache, sweet possibility welling up inside her. She felt all the possibility and all the reality of love welling inside her fertile womb.

“Is this my happily ever after?”
