The Mafia And His Angel, Part 2 by Lylah James









Chapter 23



2 months later


I groaned while looking at the mirror. Alessio had left hickeys—love bites, all over my body again. He left his mark on my neck in plain visible sight for everyone to see. So they knew who I belonged to. Those were his words.

Over the weeks, I finally got a glimpse of the real possessive man behind the sweet gentle Alessio. He was a jealous man, and I purposely drove him mad with jealousy. Sometimes, just a quick innocent kiss on his men’s cheeks, just to rile him up.

I admit that I only did it for the sex afterward.

Like last night. At the thought, I squeezed my legs together as the tingling sensation intensified. He took me over and over again. On the bed, against the wall, on the floor, on the nightstand and the sofa. We had consummated our love on every surface in the room.

He was a beast, I thought with a shake of my head, although I couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on my swollen red lips.

Quickly getting dressed, I combed my hair so that the marks were hidden. Well, I tried to hide them as best I could.

When I was ready, I went downstairs to join Maddie. “Good morning, Lena. Maddie.”

“Good morning, babe.”

“Good morning, dear.”

I tied the apron around my waist and started to help them with breakfast. I had finally learned how to cook, and I found that I enjoyed it.

After setting the table for breakfast, Lena went to rest while Maddie and I cleaned up. “You know, I’m thinking we need soundproof walls,” she said casually.

I choked on my apple, my eyes tearing up. Feeling completely mortified, I looked down at my apple. “I was loud? Again?”

“Yup.” She laughed.

“Well, you were loud the night before!” I shot back.

Her laughter died. “You heard that?”

“Yes.” This time, it was my turn to laugh.

“No way!” she gasped, but then paused. Maddie looked at me curiously, leaning a hip against the counter. “Why does this feel like the guys are making a contest out of this? Like who can make their woman scream the loudest.”

My eyes widened, and I shook my head vigorously. “No!”

She only nodded. “Trust me, they would do something like that. They go all caveman when it comes to us.”


We stared at each for a second before busting out in laughter. “They are impossible.”

“And insatiable,” she added. That was true. Alessio had a stamina like no other. Sometimes, I couldn’t keep up with him. The last few nights, I would fall asleep almost instantly the moment he would slip out of me.

My body was almost always sore and aching. But Alessio was a gentleman through and through. He made sure I was always taken care off. Warm and relaxing baths after our frenzied sex sessions. Sometimes he would give me a massage. Just little things to show he cared.

There was never a day that went by I didn’t feel cherished and completely loved by him.

“I’m going to nap. Artur barely let me sleep last night,” she mumbled behind a yawn. I snapped out of my thoughts and waved at her.




I was so completely lost in reading that I didn’t hear the door open.

“Angel,” Alessio called. My head snapped up, and I closed the book with a smile.

“Alessio,” I replied, placing my hands out for him, silently calling him to me. He walked further inside and closed the door behind me. Coming to me, he grabbed my hands and placed a kiss on my forehead before straightening up.

“I have to go,” he announced abruptly.

My heart slammed to a stop before racing again. “You have to leave?”

Alessio made a regretful sound, his eyes sorrowful when he nodded. “I have to take care of some business. Outside the state. So I will be gone for a few days.”

“When?” I asked, my fingers moving nervously over the comforter. I hated the idea of being without him.

“We are leaving tonight,” he said softly, looking into my eyes.

My shoulders drooped low, and a resigned sigh escaped my lips.

“I want you to come with me.”

My mouth fell open in shock, and I looked up in surprise. Alessio’s blue eyes were glimmering from the rays of sunlight showering in the room, and a small smile played across his lips, showing the small indentation in his cheek.

“What?” I sputtered.

“Have you ever been to the beach?” he asked, cocking his head to the side in question.

I shook my head silently.

“We’re going to Florida. There are some beautiful beaches there,” he murmured.

I couldn’t leave. Alberto was still out there. The thought sent chills down my spine, and I shook my head.


Alessio didn’t give me a chance to utter any excuses. “You’ll be safe.”

I didn’t answer. I desperately wanted to go with him, to see the beach. To be with Alessio.

Alessio made the decision for me. He leaned forward and kissed me soundly on the lips, leaving me breathless. “I want you with me. I need my Angel.”

I had only one answer. “Okay,” I whispered against his lips.

Alessio sent me one of his beautiful smiles before straightening up to his full height. He pulled me off the bed until I was standing in front of him. “Good. You don’t have to pack a bag.”

Confused, I started to protest, but he placed a finger over my lips. “It’s okay, Angel. Everything will be taken care off.”

After giving me another kiss, he left the room, leaving me alone with my wandering thoughts. I was going out of the estate for the first time since I had escaped Alberto.

Fear slithered its way into my body, and I struggled to breathe.

Alessio’s words resonated in my head, loud and clear, calming me just a little.

You’ll be safe.

I need my Angel.

It was dangerous, yet I was willing to take such a big risk. Only because I trusted Alessio…only because I couldn’t bear to be without him. And I knew he felt the same way.

Throughout the day, I willed myself to be strong. I told myself repeatedly that everything was going to be fine. I was safe.

Maddie came to my room, and I told her. She was excited, deliriously happy for me. She talked animatedly about the beach and how much I was going to love it, but still the panic never left me.

And then, finally night had fallen, and it was time for us to leave. Alessio came into the room, and I jumped off the bed, swallowing nervously.

He made his way to me, his eyebrows furrowed at my tense expression. “Hey.” He cupped my face, tilting my face up so my eyes were on his. “What’s wrong, Angel?”

“I—” Words failed me, and I broke off with a shuddering breath.

Alessio quickly wrapped me into his arms, holding me tight against his body. I took a deep breath, and my muscles slowly started to relax. I held on to him for dear life and pressed my ear to his chest, listening to his beating heart.

“Ayla, if you don’t want to go, then you don’t have to. I don’t want to force you,” he whispered gently in my ear, his hand rubbing my back soothingly.

My fingers tightened around his suit jacket, and I shook my head. “No.”

“What is it? Talk to me, Angel.”

“I want to go,” I muttered.

“Are you sure?” he questioned, his voice slightly hoarse.

I nodded. “Yes. Take me with you, Alessio.” This time, it was my choice, not Alessio’s demand.

Alessio pulled away and looked down at me with prideful eyes. “That’s my girl. You always leave me in awe with your strength.”

I closed my eyes, feeling slightly relieved. His lips feathered over my lids. He kissed each one and then laid a kiss on the tip of my nose. His lips touched my cheeks in the softest kisses, and then they were on mine, kissing me slowly and deeply.

Pulling away, he wrapped his fingers at the back of my neck, caressing softly, and then gave me a reassuring squeeze. “Ready?”

I simply nodded. We walked down the stairs, my hand clasped in his tightly. He was my strength.

But when we reached the main door, my steps faltered. I saw Nikolay, Viktor, Phoenix, Artur, and two other men standing there, waiting for Alessio and me.

As we neared the doors, I started to sweat heavily, panic clawing at my throat. I was frightened that this would end in tearful hyperventilation. I cast a fearful look at the door, and my hands tightened around Alessio’s.

He gave me a squeeze and slowed his steps to match mine, giving me the time I needed.

My stomach rolled and twisted. My head was pounding, the blood rushing in my ears until it felt deafening.

I wanted this…yet I was still scared.

Alessio gave my hand another squeeze. There it was. His silent support as he sent me his strength. I could do this. I had to do this. I had to overcome this fear.

As soon as we stepped out of the door and into the night, my breath stuttered and my legs almost gave out, but Alessio quickly wrapped his arm around my waist, supporting me.

“I got you, Angel.”

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I have to do this. For Alessio. For me. I can’t live with fear anymore. I have to be strong. I have to be fearless.

We walked to the car, and Viktor opened the door. I slid in the backseat first, and Alessio joined me seconds after. The door closed, and darkness enveloped us. Alessio pulled me onto his lap and placed a kiss on my forehead.

“I got you,” he repeated again.

Placing my head over his shoulders, I breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

“Never thank me for taking care of you,” he muttered in my ear. Alessio slid a hand around the back of my neck, beneath my hair, and squeezed gently.

I heard the door slam close, and then Viktor’s voice filled the car. “Ready?”

Alessio didn’t answer. Realization slowly dawned to me that they were waiting for my answer.

I can do this. Taking a deep breath, I gave them the words they needed. “Ready.”

The car started moving, and I opened my eyes, looking out of the window. I saw us leaving the estate, and the gate closed behind us.

I was out. Panic started to make its way into my body again, but Alessio’s firm hand around my neck calmed me. I buried my face into his neck and closed my eyes.

This was going to be a long drive.

“Sleep, Angel,” Alessio whispered.

And I did. I slept soundly for hours, and the next time I woke up, it was morning already, the sunlight brightening the inside of the car.

“How much longer until we reach there?” I asked in Alessio’s chest. I was no longer on his lap; instead I was seated beside him. Still, I was wrapped around him like a vise. I was using his chest as a pillow, and my arms were around his waist.

“Eight hours or so,” he replied, his chest rumbling with his voice. “We have to make a few stops along the way.” I must have slept for some time.

He chuckled low. “You must have been tired, and the stress you put yourself through last night has weighed heavily on your mind and body.”



“I need the bathroom,” I said as quietly as I could.

“Nikolay, take the next exit. We need to rest for breakfast,” he ordered.

“Boss,” Nikolay acknowledged Alessio’s demand.

When the car came to a stop, Viktor and Nikolay stepped out first. They guarded our door, and then Alessio stepped out, pulling me behind him. We walked into a coffee shop, and after Alessio handed me a small bag, I quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up.

After I deemed myself presentable again, I walked out and almost bumped into Nikolay’s back. He turned around. “Boss is waiting for you there.” He nodded toward the entrance. We joined Alessio and Viktor and walked back to the car.

“Viktor got you donuts and muffins,” Alessio said, handing me a brown bag.

“Thank you, Viktor.”

“You are welcome, baby girl.”

I giggled at the name while Alessio growled beside me. “Don’t call her that.”

It had been a few weeks since Viktor gave me the new nickname. After several attempts at flirting with him, he also joined in the fun to make the brooding man sitting beside me jealous. Viktor found the best way to push Alessio’s button.

His new nickname for me: baby girl. Alessio hated it and looked like he was murdering Viktor multiple ways in his head every time the name was uttered.

“What type of name is baby girl, anyway?” he snapped.

Viktor laughed and winked at me. “Look who’s talking. The one who calls his woman Kitten.”

“Fuck you! She loves it,” Alessio said, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Ayla, you like when I call you baby girl, right?” Viktor asked, just to taunt Alessio.

“I love it,” I said, hiding my giggle behind my hand.

Alessio’s hand came to rest on my thigh, his fingers pressing into my skin in warning. He leaned into me and whispered in my ear, his voice taking a huskier tone. “You are going to pay for that, kitten.”

Oh, I know.

Smiling innocently at him, I gave him a quick peck on the lips. Alessio’s eyes turned molten with desire, and I bit down on my lips. I shook my head, giving him a warning look.

I must have fallen asleep on Alessio’s shoulder, because the next thing I knew, someone was shaking me to wake up.

My eyes opened to meet Alessio’s smiling blue ones. “We are here.”

My head snapped up, and I looked outside the window. We were here. I made it without a nervous breakdown or panic attack.

Alessio opened the door and stepped out first. He took my hand and pulled me out of the car. The first thing I heard was the sound of the waves. And then I felt the wind on my skin. Everything was quiet except the ocean waves. The smell of the ocean filled my nose, and I smiled.

Peace. It felt like peace.

I looked up at Alessio to see that he was already staring down at me, his gaze filled with adoration.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“I bought this beach house yesterday. This place is ours. And the beach is ours, too. It’s a private beach. Nobody is allowed here except us,” he explained.

“We are the only ones here?” I asked in astonishment.

He nodded and started to pull me away from the car. But instead of walking us toward the house, we walked the opposite way.

The sound of the ocean grew closer, and the smell of it hit me harder. Excitement and anticipation filled my chest.

As soon as I saw the first glimpse of the ocean, my breath came out in a whoosh. The beauty of it stole of my breath. It looked unreal.

Alessio let go of my hand. “Go,” he urged. “Feel the sand under your bare feet.”

I quickly took off my flats and took my first step on the sand. The softness tickled my feet a little, and I wiggled my toes, my feet sinking deeper into the sand. I looked back at Alessio, and he smiled encouragingly.

I took another step…and then another. Each step, my heart grew fuller with love for the man who gave me this.

I bent down and scooped a handful of sand before letting it slip free between my fingers. A tidal wave of emotions crashed through me, and my eyes stung. Was it possible to be this happy?

I lifted my head to the sky and closed my eyes, letting the sun kiss my face. After the longest time, I stood up and walked toward the water. I felt Alessio at my back. He wasn’t far, but he also wasn’t stopping me.

Alessio was letting me explore…on my own. He was giving me freedom to do what I wanted as he kept watchful eyes on me.

The sand was wet as I drew closer to the tide. The first step I took and the water passed over my feet, I let out a small gasp. I stood there, letting the water wash over my feet.

When I felt an arm wrap around my waist, I smiled. Alessio pulled me into his body, and I placed a hand over the arm that rested possessively and protectively over my stomach.

As the tides crashed gently around us and a smile spread across my lips, I could only think of one thing.

The words ran through my mind, but I didn’t say them.

The words were a mere whisper in my thoughts. Words that were meant for only Alessio.

I love you.