Doctor Hero by Madison Faye

Chapter Eleven


The grinon my face was new, but I liked it. Shit, I’d gotten pretty damn used to not smiling, but then Ada had stepped into my world, and everything had changed. I knew I was going to be smiling a whole lot more now — hell, all the time now, and it was all due to her.

…All due to finding the love of my life.

I could feel my heart hammering in my chest as the elevator rose back to my penthouse, and to my sleeping angel. This was it. No more hesitations in life, no more missteps, no more not living the life I wanted to live. I’d found the only girl that ever really mattered to me, and now, I was never going to let her—


The smile dropped from my face as something small and fierce lunged at me the second the elevator doors opened. Small fists pummeled at my chest, and one even got close to my face before I grabbed a thin wrist and shoved the little demon back.

“You asshole!

I blinked, gripping Ada tight as I stared down into her furious, tear-streaked face.

“Jesus, angel, what’s—”

“Oh, don’t you angel me!” she snapped, yanking herself away from me and stepping away. I could feel a piece of me shattering — a knife twisting inside.

“Ada,” I growled, moving towards her. “What exactly is going on?”

“You tell me!” she barked, her arms crossing over her chest. She was wearing her clothes from yesterday — not naked and still warming my bed as I’d imagined on my way up. That, and she was looking at me with fury and rage on her face like I’d never even imagined she was capable of.

“Ada, talk to me,” I growled, taking another step towards her. She shook her head, backing into my penthouse as I stepped in after her.

“Just take me home, Jackson. Take me home and never speak to me again.”


“I saw you, okay!” she snapped, her whole face strained and hurt.

I frowned. “What? Ada, saw what?

“You! With…with that girl!

I frowned, searching for what the hell she could be talking about, when suddenly, it hit me.

…It hit me, and I started to laugh.

“Oh fuck you!” she hissed heatedly. She went to storm past me for the door, but I was faster. I snatched her up, grinning as she kicked at me and slapped at my arm with her small hands as I brought her close.

“Let go of me, Jackson! I know what you are, and what this is, and I just want to go—”

“My sister, Ada,” I said quietly, yanking her against me with my hands gripping her wrists tight. My eyes searched hers.

“The girl — the one I’m presuming you saw outside when I was saying goodbye to her by the front door to the building?” I chuckled, the fear and the tense feeling of not knowing what was hurting the woman I loved so much dissipating as the truth set in.

“Her name is Ellen, and she’s my sister.”

The punching, slapping hands stopped, and slowly, Ada went still.


I chuckled, shaking my head and dropping my grip on her wrists. “Ellen’s my sister. She lives here in the city, and—”

“Oh God…”

Ada’s cheeks went red, her whole face dropping as she covered it with her hands. “Oh my God, I’m a complete idiot.”

“No, you’re not,” I growled, pulling her into me. I reached down to cup her chin, tilting it up as I pulled her hands away from her perfect, angelic face.

“Guess there’s a lot we still don’t know about each other,” she said quietly, looking down.

“Like that you’re the jealous type?”

She bit her lip, hiding a shy grin as she looked back up at me and nodded. “That’s new. Maybe it’s just…” She swallowed. “Maybe it’s just you that brings the jealousy out. The idea of any other woman...” She scowled, shaking her head as I pulled her tight and kissed her softly.

“The feeling is familiar. The idea of any other man laying a finger on you—”

“There’ll never be another man,” she whispered, shaking her head.

Good,” I growled. “Angel, there’s no one else for me, and there won’t be anyone else, ever. You’re it for me — all I ever wanted and all I’ll ever want or desire. And I love you, totally, and completely.”

She gasped, her cheeks flushing and her soft, full lips falling open.

“Jackson, I love you too,” she moaned quietly, pressing herself against me.

“And what I said last night...” I held her gaze, the fire in mine flashing hot. “I meant it. I meant every damn word of it. I want you to bear my children, Ada. I want to create a family with you.”

She moaned, kissing me softly as her arms slid around my waist.

“I want that so much,” she whispered into my lips.

I kissed her again, taking my damn time and truly tasting those lips as I wrapped my arms around her and held her like I’d never let her go.

When she pulled back, her face was red, and she rolled her eyes as she groaned and looked at the floor.

“I can’t believe that was your sister. God, I’m such a psycho, aren’t I?”

I grinned, cupping her chin and stroking her jaw with my thumb.

“Come here.”

I scooped her up, loving the way she gasped and held me tight as I walked us into the large bedroom and placed her on the edge of the bed. I took a step back, took a deep breath, and tried to slow my racing heart.

This was it.

“Ada, I was meeting my sister, because she was bringing me this.”

I pulled the small velvet black box out of my jacket pocket.

“What is this?” she whispered, barely breathing with her eyes wide.

“It was my grandmother’s, and then my mother’s,” I said quietly. “Open it.”

The room was silent except for the thundering of my heart as she did, and slowly, I watched the glow and the surprise and the emotion warm across her face.

Oh my God…”

“It used to be a necklace,” I said quietly. “There was a ring, passed from my grandmother to my mother, but that’s of course gone to my sister. This was part of a necklace that’s also been passed down through the generations, and I had it turned into a ring.”

Ada looked up at me, her eyes wide and her mouth open, though no words came for a full few seconds.

“When?” she asked breathless. “When did you turn it into a ring?”

I smiled.

“The day after I met you.”

Her hand flew to her mouth, and slowly, I dropped to my knees in front of her.

“Ada Chase,” I growled, my heart beating a mile a minute, but knowing I’d never been more sure of anything in my entire life. I’d known the second I saw her, and now, she would truly be mine, forever.

I looked up at this perfect girl, who’d stolen my heart, and shown me what it was to feel again, and to love.

“Marry me,” I whispered, holding the box up as I looked deep into her eyes.

She was still for one, brief second, blinking like she wasn’t even sure this was real as she stared at me in shock.

“Marry me, Ada,” I said quietly, taking her small hand in mine. “Marry me, and be mine forev—”

Yes,” she gasped, panting. “Yes!”

She launched herself into my arms, throwing hers tight around my neck as she held me so tightly.

“Jackson, yes!

“Your parents, what people will say...” I shook my head, holding her as tight as I could. “Forget the rest. I’ll deal with all of it. Just be mine, and we’ll make our own life together.”

“And a family,” she whispered heatedly, her lips millimeters from mine. “Let’s make a family together.”

“Fuck, angel,” I groaned, feeling her body press against me and feeling the heat between her thighs. My cock throbbed against her as I plucked the ring from the box and slowly slid it onto her finger.


“You think we did it last night?” she said shyly, her cheeks blushing as she hungrily ran her tongue over her lips.

“Hard to tell,” I grinned back, slowly peeling her shirt off as I stood. I tossed her down onto the bed, yanking my own clothes off as she peeled off her pants, before I slowly stalked over her. My cock ached for her as I settled between her legs, spreading them wide and guiding the thick swollen head to her slippery pussy.

“We’d better keep trying to make sure.”

Fuck me, Jackson,” she whispered heatedly into my ear as she wrapped her legs around my waist and started to pull me inside.

“Put a baby in me.”

With pleasure.

I pushed forward, slowly burying myself in her molten heat until all of me was inside — bare, and ready to give her everything I had.

“Now milk that cum from my balls, angel,” I purred into her ear. “Be a good girl and take my cum.