Doctor Hero by Madison Faye

Chapter Six


I lay awake that night,my skin tingling with heat and desire. What’d happened in Aiden’s office replayed through my head on repeat, like this sultry sex dream. Except it’d been real — very, very real.

I knew what’d happened had gone way farther than it probably should have, but I didn’t care. And I didn’t think he did either. We’d left any semblance of a professional doctor-patient relationship at the door when I’d stayed in that room. Taking my clothes off for him, and trembling with heat and desire as I’d felt his eyes on me had pushed it even further. And kissing him?

Well, that’d sealed the deal.

I moaned quietly in bed, sliding my panties down my legs and kicking them away. My hands slid over my body, teasing over my breasts and toying with my nipples before moving lower. My skin prickled and tingled as they slid between my thighs, my legs spreading wide as my fingers found my eager, dripping wet slit.

I gasped, sliding a finger over my clit as another eased inside my slick pussy. I’d been so fucking close back in his office — I knew it. I’d been closer than I’d ever been before, and as I lay in my bed, I did everything I could to get back to that place. I squeezed my eyes shut tight, and tried to imagine every single detail of that rush of pleasure in his office. I imagined his hands on me, pushing my panties down and teasing my little pussy. I remembered his deep, masculine voice and his breath in my ear as he’d toyed with me, stroking my clit and making me see stars.

I tried so hard to recreate the moment. But the more I tried to force it, the more the moment slipped away, until with a groan of defeat, I sank into my bed. My brow furrowed in frustration as I hurled a pillow across my room, muttering to myself as I yanked the blankets up around me.

It was bullshit that I couldn’t get there. It was just so unfair. But then, he’d gotten close. He’d gotten so close that I knew he’d have brought me there if we hadn’t had been interrupted. And then next day, I was going to see him again

The thought made me grin, my face blushing as the giggly feeling washed over me. My pulse skipped, beating quickly at the thought of seeing him again. And it wasn’t just that I was fairly certain that the next day, I’d be experiencing my first orgasm, it was that it would be with him. It’d be at his hands that it happened.

I called in a sick day at work the next day. My appointment with Aiden wasn’t until later in the morning, but I knew I’d be a wreck if I even attempted to go into work. Instead, I spent the morning pacing my apartment, and trying on a million freaking outfits. Part of me felt ridiculous dressing up to go to the doctor’s office — especially when I made a point of choosing especially sexy pink, gauzy, lacy lingerie.

But then, the other part of me felt excited. More excited than I’d ever been for anything like this before.

And finally, it was time.

I took a cab to his office, my whole body tensing up and buzzing with excitement. I’d finally gone to sleep the night before, but I’d spent every single minute of my dreams kissing him, and touching him, and feeling his hands on me.

And I couldn’t wait for it to be real.

“The doctor will bewith you shortly.”

Aiden’s assistant gave me the same vague, thin smile from the day before as she stepped out of the room. I took a shaky breath, biting my lip and glancing around the room as my pulse raced.

I was in his personal office that day, rather than a sterile exam room. The office was huge — this gorgeous mix of modern and old design, with huge windows overlooking midtown Manhattan. The soft couch under me was starkly different than the crinkly paper and cold metal of the exam room the day before.

Suddenly, the door opened, and even before I looked up, I could feel his eyes on me.


I swallowed, dragging my eyes up as I raised my head to look at him. God he was gorgeous. Insanely, ridiculously gorgeous — that dark hair, the chiseled cheekbones, the confident, strong jaw with those perfect lips. And those dark, smoky eyes that had me melting already.

He stood in the doorway for a moment, his gaze just burning right into me — his jaw tight and his hand gripping the door with white knuckles, like he was barely able to contain himself from rushing me, tearing my clothes off, and doing every single thing he wanted to me, right there on his office floor.

I trembled at the thought, a pulse of raw heat throbbing deep between my legs, making me wet instantly.

Aiden stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him before he strode towards me. I stood, and I was starting to open my mouth to say something — like some part of me was still holding onto the idea that I was just his patient and he was just my doctor. But before I could say a single thing, he crashed right into me.

I moaned as his lips crushed to mine and his arms wrapped tight around my body. He grabbed me tight and just kept moving, sweeping me off my feet and pushing me back until I gasped as my back hit one of the bookshelves lining the walls of his office. Aiden growled as he kissed me fiercely, his whole body pinning mine to the wall behind me.

My head swam, and I lost myself in his kiss, whimpering into his lips and wrapping a leg around his waist as his hands slid down to grab me by the hips. I gasped as he pulled away from my swollen lips, moving down to my neck and making me cry out as his lips found the tender skin there.

“Fuck, Natalie,” he growled into my ear, making me shiver as his deep baritone rumbled through my core. His mouth seared to mine again as he kissed me hungrily, making me melt into him.

Slowly, he pulled away, his eyes burning into mine with his hands still holding my hips firmly.

“I have a surprise for you today,” he purred.


I bit my lip, feeling my face burn as I looked up into his gorgeous eyes.

“Something that will help. I know we got close yesterday, with your…treatments.”

Very,” I panted, my hands sliding up his chest and gripping at his crisp, white shirt.

Aiden growled, that fire sparking behind his eyes.

“Today, I’m going to try something new.”

I raised my brow, shivering as I saw the hungry way his eyes slid over me.

“Come,” he growled, tugging me away from the wall.

“Where are we—”

“Do you trust me?”

I swallowed, stopped short as he turned and fixed his gaze on me. And slowly, without even having to think about it, I nodded.


Good,” he purred. “This way.”

His hand held mine firmly as he pulled me with him across the office to a door on the other side. He opened it, and my eyes darted around the gorgeous, large, and elegant bathroom off of his office. Demure white tiles lined the walls, and the room was bathed in soft white light from a huge frosted, wrought-iron framed window taking up almost a whole wall.

Aiden tugged me inside and closed the door.

“Let’s get you more comfortable.”

I shivered as he turned towards me, his hand trailing over my hip.

“Take your clothes off, princess.”

I swallowed, the heat teasing through my body and making me tremble as it pooled between my legs. Slowly, I reached down to tug at the long-sleeved blouse I was wearing, my fingers tugging at the hem as I dragged it up and the over my head. I shivered under his fierce gaze, standing there in just my skirt, heels, and the lacy pink bra.

“The skirt,” he growled, his jaw tense as his eyes drank me in.

I nodded, chewing on my lip as I undid the little clasp at the side and let the skirt drop to my feet.

Beautiful,” he growled, making me gasp as he moved into me. His hands slid over my bare skin, teasing me and making me moan softly as he ran his hands over me.

“What’s—” I gasped as his his lips found my neck and one hand slid down to cup my ass firmly. “What’s the treatment?”

He groaned deeply, kissing the soft skin of my neck before he pulled away. He turned, shrugging his jacket off and then rolling up the sleeves of his white button-up shirt, revealing gorgeous, rippling forearmed inked with tattoos. He moved past me to the big, elegant porcelain tub with the brushed steel hardware, and turned on the water. Steam rose as the tub started to fill, and he turned back to me, his eyes fierce.

“Something that will help heighten the sensations.”

I shivered, squeezing my legs together and wondering what he meant. His eyes fixed on me, blazing heat as he strode over until his hand slid around my hip, pulling me close. I whimpered, feeling his thick, huge erection pressing into me through my thin panties.

“Tell me, princess,” he growled lowly into my ear. “Have you ever shaved your pussy before?”

I blushed bright red, gasping quietly as his hand slid around my hip again, moving to the front. He pushed it low, easing it between us and sliding it down between my legs until his firm, strong hand was cupping my slippery, wet pussy through my panties.

“I—” I shivered against him, breathing heavily. “I trim.”

“Bare though,” he purred.

I blushed even brighter as I shook my head.

“Then this will be another first for you.” His finger stroked me through the sticky, wet fabric of my panties, making me shiver against him, my moans filling the room. He slipped his fingers under the edge, running them over my bare slit and making me cry out before he wrapped them around the gusset of my panties and tugged down.

There we go, beautiful,” he growled. “Let’s see that pretty little pussy.”

I moaned as he pushed them down my legs, kneeling in front of me to slip them over each foot. I shivered as his eyes locked between my legs, and when he leaned close, his lips brushing my thigh, I whimpered.

Mmmm,” he purred. “I can already see how wet you are for this — how slick and pink that little cunt is.”

He stood, his hand sliding up my body, sliding behind me to unclasp my bra and let it fall to the ground. He turned, moving towards the tub and twisting a silver knob to get the hot water running. He poured something from a bottle into the water, making it bubble and fizzle a light pink before he turned back to me.

He looked me in the eye as he started to undo the buttons of his crisp white shirt, one by one, and slowly revealing his gorgeous body. God, he was built — thick grooved muscles, rippling abs, and tattoo ink. I swallowed, my eyes hungrily drinking him.

I blushed, realizing I was standing there naked just staring at him. Out of embarrassment, or maybe instinct, I started to cover myself with my hands, but his voice stopped.

No,” he growled, shaking his head and striding back towards me. “Don’t even think about hiding your body from me,” he purred. “Don’t ever hide that pussy from me.”

He kissed me, hugging me to his body and letting me feel the way his muscles enveloped me. I moaned, feeling my hard pink nipples drag over his muscled chest as his lips seared to mine. Slowly, he pulled back, nodding towards the steaming water. And even if my mind was still racing and trying to catch up with what in the world I was doing, I knew there wasn’t anything I’d say no to him for.

I stepped into the steamy, bubbly water, sighing as I slowly sank down into it. Aiden turned, moving to the vanity by the mirror and collecting some things. He walked back over carrying a silver tray, which hooked onto the edge of the deep porcelain tub. My eyes went wide as I glanced over the little bowl of white cream, the brush with a gold handle, and the sharp looking silver razor blade.

“Do you trust me, princess?” Aiden said quietly. He pulled a short stool over, sitting on it next to the tub. “If you don’t, we’ll end this now. I can find you another specialist to see who’ll work with you with more normal practices. But if you do—

I trust you,” I gasped quietly, holding his gaze.

Good,” he growled, his lips millimeters from mine. “Then spread your legs, beautiful. Spread those perfect thighs for me.”

“Like this?”

I gasped as his hand slid into the water and pushed down between my legs. His fingers slid over my pussy, his powerful hand cupping me possessively between my legs.

Just like that,” he growled, his finger stroking up between my lips and making me gasp.

“Now let me show you how good I can make this pretty pussy feel.”