Doctor Hero by Madison Faye

Chapter Eleven


I walkedthe halls of the hospital in a glowing daze — my whole body tingling and my heart beating a million miles an hour. I didn’t care how crazy it was, because I knew what I felt, and there was no denying it.


Aiden had come out of nowhere, and I’d run because I was scared of what I was feeling. Then, he’d shown me things I’d never felt before. He’d fixed me, and not just my inability to orgasm, but he’d fixed my ability to feel the way I felt for him. I’d never felt like that before, and I’d never come close to feeling anything close to it so fast.

But like I said, when you know, you know, and damn did I know with him. I knew how he made me feel whole, and how he felt like this missing piece to me I’d been looking for my whole life.

I grinned as I made my way to the elevators that would take me down to the lobby. Aiden had things he had to finish up here at the hospital, but I had the key to his apartment in my pocket, and the promise of all the things he’d do to me when he joined me still blushing through my thoughts.

“Ms. Connors?”

I stopped, turning quickly to see the severe looking woman in the pants suit looking at me sharply, standing in the doorway to an office.


Her eyes narrowed at me as she folded her arms across her chest, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was in trouble for something.

“Yes?” I said again, my voice tightening as her withering gaze lanced through me.

“Ms. Connors,” she spat out. “You’re a patient of Dr. Owenson, yes?”

I nodded and her face twisted into a sneering smile.

“You spent an awfully long time with him this afternoon.”

I blushed, doing my best to swallow it back as I nodded. “Yes, he’s helping me with—”

“Let’s cut the bullshit, shall we?”

I froze, my jaw dropping.

Excuse me?

The woman strode towards me, and my eyes flicked to the plaque on her office door: “Naomi Mansour: Chief Administrator.”

“Don’t play stupid with me, Natalie,” she hissed. “I know all about Doctor Owensen’s little love-nest he’s got off his office. And I know he’s taken a little shine to you, hasn’t he?”

“He’s—” I stammered. “He’s really helping me with some personal prob—”

“What he’s doing is fucking you, right?”

My eyes went wide, and this time, the heat that crept into my face was anger.

Look,” I spat back. “I don’t care who you are, but you will not speak to me like—”

“Like the little hussy banging her doctor?” she hissed. She laughed a brittle laugh. “Ms. Connors, what he’s doing is a breach of ethics, and he will lose his job for it.”

“He’s not—

“You think you’re the first?”

Something cold shivered through me. I wanted to tell her to fuck off, or ask her who the hell she thought she was, or just turn and run, but I was frozen to the spot.

“Oh, you think I’m making it up?” She chuckled, shaking her head. “No, Ms. Connors. You see, he’s not going to get fired for you, he’s going to get fired for the girl before you. You know, the one he knocked up?”

Something cracked inside of me. It suddenly felt like the very floor I was standing on had tilted, and I couldn’t find my breath. My heart ached, and I could feel that cold shiver from before spreading through my whole body.

“Oh, did you not know?” Naomi made a tsking sound. “Poor little thing. Well, at least you know now. And who knows, maybe this will help you make better choices with your next doctor, hmm?”

She started to laugh, but I could barely hear her as I turned and ran, trying to stop the tears from falling, and trying to stop my heart from breaking.

I was helpless to stop either one.