Doctor Hero by Madison Faye

Chapter Seven


What the fucking fuck is wrong with you?

My heart races as I run through the halls of the hospital, and I’m not even sure what I’m looking for, but I know what I’m running from.


Well, not him, but the confusion and the uncertainty and the feelings I’ve never once felt before that come with him. I blink away a tear, and my hand comes up to shove it away as I finally find my small office and dash into it. I suck in breaths of air, my pulse racing not just from running, but from the mind-blowing, earth-shattering, life-defining sex I just had with the first man to truly make me scream.

The first man to make me come like that.

The first man to make my heart and my body and every single part of me ache for more.

I sink into my office chair, blinking in disbelief and trying to slow my racing pulse. I mean what was that? Besides my own temporary insanity, besides me having my first official “hookup” ever, as in sleeping with a guy who I’ve literally just met. Besides the fact that he’s, well, who he is?

I mean what was I even thinking? Or was I at all? Was it just that after thinking all the time, and maybe too much, for my entire life, that I finally didn’t? Or is that he does that to me—is it that Jack makes my over-active, insane brain just chill out enough to let my heart take over?

Or, maybe it’s just that I’ve been working too hard and this is me losing my fucking mind.

I swallow, still trembling from the adrenaline and the orgasms I’ve just had. I wake up my computer and type in the password, and before I know it, I’ve got a browser open and I’m navigating to the website for the Just Cause organization. I chew on my lip as I re-read their mission statement, my eyes darting over the pictures of field hospitals and refugee centers.

I mean, was he serious? Is the mob hitman, because that’s certainly what he is, really looking to run across the world to go help orphans and refugees? Or was that just bullshit to get into my pants, or worse, bullshit to get into my pants in order to get me to help him get away?

I frown, feeling sick at the thought. But no. I know what just happened was insane, and I know I don’t even know him, but I do know that the idea of him just using me doesn’t check out. Not with what happened between us. Not with the way he looked right into me like no one else ever has.

I look at more of the Just Cause website before I sink back in my chair in my tiny little office and look around. This really is it for me here. Yes, I love my job, and I love the work I do, but this hospital really is an old boys club. There’s no promotion for me here, and I know in my heart I’ll spend my career here working ER trauma for drunk driving crashes, stupid college kids getting hurt, or the odd gang-violence.

And don’t get me wrong, again, helping people is why I became a doctor. But, there’s more in the world I could help with, and I know it. My eyes look over at the computer screen again and the images I’ve been looking at, and I sigh before I glance at the clock.

Fuck, I’ve been gone way too long.

I jolt up from my seat and dash from my office back to the ER. I run around a corner before suddenly, I almost go crashing right into a guy. With a gasp, I jump back, steadying myself and bringing a hand up to my heart.

“Whoa, sorry, miss—”

The older man with the grizzled grey stubble frowns. “Sorry, Doctor Linetti?”

I arch a brow. “Yes?”

He clears his throat and pulls something out of his jacket pocket.

“Dr. Linetti, I’m Detective Hall. I was actually hoping to speak with you.”


I swallow, trying to look as surprised as possible even though I think I know damn well what he’s looking to talk to me about. Or who.

“Detective, I actually can’t talk right now, I’m on rounds.” It’s true, but I also do not want to sit here lying to a cop. Because deep down, I know I would. I know he’d ask me questions about Jack, and I know damn well the truth isn’t what he’d get from me. I don’t know if that makes me crazy or stupid or worse, but I swallow it back as I look up at him.

He frowns. “Right, well, when would be a good time? I just need a few minutes of your time to ask you some questions about a patient of yours.”

I smile. “Detective, I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to discuss anything about any of my patients—”

“But you can if I roll in here with a warrant, right?”

I frown and swallow thickly. “I’m sorry, what is this about, Detective Hall?”

He smiles. “The man you treated earlier, Jack Corbin?”

I frown, and he sighs heavily.

“The guy handcuffed to the damn bed, doctor. Ring any bells?”

“Oh, right, yeah,” I say distractedly.

Just then, mercifully, my pager goes off.

“I’m sorry, detective, I really can’t talk now. Perhaps later?”

“I’ll be around, Dr Linetti,” he grunts with a gruff smile. “I’ll speak to you later.”

“Yep,” I say dismissively, already turning and walking away from the detective.

“Oh, and Dr. Linette?”

I sigh and turn again. “Yes?”

Detective Hall frowns.

“Your patient, Mr. Corbin. He’s extremely dangerous. I’m not trying to frighten you, but the FBI is getting involved on this one too due to his mob connections. He’s considered a huge flight risk, not to mention the high-level assassination risk we’re putting on him.”

I frown. “You think he’s trying to assassinate someone?”

Detective Hall shakes his head. “No, Doctor. I mean someone, or probably several someones, want him dead. The man turned his back on the mob, as far as we hear from our inside sources, which puts him at a huge risk, even here in this hospital.”

My blood chills, my stomach knotting as I glance back down the hall towards the recovery wing where Jack is. That is, unless he’s already gone. The thought has me souring inside, my eyes dropping along with my heart at the thought of him being gone. But I quickly shake it away, the fear of him leaving slowly being replaced by the fear of this harm Detective Hall says the mob wants to inflict on him.

“Thank you, detective,” I smile thinly. “I’ll speak to you later.”

I turn and walk calmly away, but the second I’m through the double doors to the recovery wing, I’m running. My pulse hammers as I race down the hall and around the corner, down another shorter, empty hallway to the far room where Jack is. I’m sure he’s fine, and I know this is just weird paranoia brought on my Detective Hall’s ominous words. But I just need to check—

I barge through the half open door to Jack’s room, and my whole world freezes. My eyes see him first, lying in his hospital, his face red and his muscles straining as he gasps for air. But then, my eyes refocus, and I take in the two men standing above him, both holding him down and the bigger of the two with a hand around Jack’s neck.

You hear stories of mothers lifting cars off of their kids after an accident—people accomplishing insane feats of strength and self-defense they’d never ever be able to pull off in a normal situation. Well, that’s what happens to me. I turn without even thinking, and I grab the fire extinguisher off the holder on the wall. I whirl, lunge, and before I know it, I’ve hauled the heavy metal extinguisher over my shoulder and brought it crashing down on the back of the head of the big guy with his back to me.

He grunts and crumples, his hand falling away from Jack’s throat. Jack gasps a ragged breath as I raise the extinguisher again and throw it as hard as I can across the bed at the second guy. He roars as it smashes into his nose, breaking it. But then Jack grunts, snatching up the extinguisher with one hand and slamming it hard into the side of the guy’s head.

He too, crumbles, across the hospital bed and Jack’s legs, and then the room is silent except for my panting breath, my racing heart, and Jack’s coughs.

I blink, shaking myself out of the daze and suddenly realizing what I’ve just done.

Oh my God,” I whisper hoarsely.

“So much for do no harm, huh?”

I blink, my face ghostly white as I look up at Jack. But he smiles, his eyes hard as beckons me, and I sink into him as he circles his big arms around me. I shiver in his embrace, pulling close to him as I force myself to breathe through the adrenaline shakes.

“Hey, hey,” he says gently, stroking my back. “You did what you had to do, and I’d be dead if you hadn’t done it, Aria,” he growls quietly.

“Are they…”

I swallow, shivering and pulling away to squat down and take the first guy’s pulse.

“He’s alive,” I whisper hoarsely.

Jack reaches for the second one laying across his legs and nods as he takes a pulse. “Not him either. They’re gonna wish they were when they wake up though. Hang on.”

He grabs a piece of wire I haven’t noticed from the table next to his hospital, and with one deft motion, he’s unclipped the ring of the handcuffs that’s attached to the hospital bed railing. He’s still shirtless, his muscles rippling as he slips from the bed, shoves the handcuffs in the pocket of his scrubs and grabs the wrists of the two guys. I watch, dumfounded, as he drags them to the door, glances outside, and then pulls them out.

“Wait, what are you doing!” I hiss.

I rush out after him to see Jack pulling the two guys into an empty elevator. He loops the handcuffs through a handrail inside and clips both of their wrists before he reaches into their back pockets and pulls out their wallets. I frown as I see him take out their ID’s and drop them on the two guys’ laps.

“What… what are you doing?”

“Sending a message,” he growls. “But also doing some good.”

He jams the button for the garage, which also houses the main offices of the hospital security and the on-site police unit, and then steps out as the doors close.

“A message?”

Jack smiles grimly. “The message is for Victor Lombardo. It says, I could have killed these two, but I didn’t. Instead, I’m sending them down to hospital security, who’ll see those IDs, run their names, and spot the laundry list of shit they’re both wanted for.”

He grins and shrugs.

“Told you I’m gonna be a whole new me.”

I’m still shaking and panting a little from what’s just happened, and he can spot it. He growls as he scoops me into his arms, and I gasp, sinking into him. He’s so warm, and he feels like home. Not to mention, just the feel and smell of him bring back everything that happened between us earlier, which lights a fire inside of me and has the heat pooling between my thighs.

“I wish you hadn’t have done that,” he whispers darkly.

“What, and let them kill you?” I spit back.

“Well, now you’re involved.”

I pull away and look up into his eyes.

“I think I already was,” I whisper quietly.

He growls and leans down, and suddenly I’m moaning as he kisses me slow and deep, taking my breath away.

“So I’m in this now, like it or not,” I say defiantly, and he grins.

“Yes, you are, baby girl.”

“So,” I swallow. “When would you—when would we leave?”

His lips curl into a small smile, his eyes burning into mine.

“To Vietnam?”

I nod.


I blink. “Now? Right now?”

Jack nods, and I shiver.

“You’d have to leave everything here behind though—”

“I don’t have anything here,” I say quietly.


“I’m sure,” I say fiercely, looking into his eyes. “I’m sure.”

He growls and pulls me close as he leans in to kiss me again.

“So am I,” he purrs as I melt into him again. I kiss him deeply, gasping at the intensity in his lips before I pull back, blushing.

“But I need ten minutes.”

He nods, glancing around the empty hall. “Getting out of here is going to get tricky. There’s no way these two came alone, there’ll be more of Victor’s guys downstairs probably. And when I was faking being asleep earlier, a detective stuck his head in here looking for me.”

“Detective Hall,” I mutter. “He found me too.”

Jack swears. “Him? Shit. He’s a goddamn bloodhound.” He swears again. “Getting out of here is not going to be easy. Not with all of those pricks looking for me.”

I look down, when suddenly, a smile spreads over my face, and I look back up into his frowning face.


I grin. “I have an idea.”