The Mafia And His Angel by Lylah James









Chapter 30





At his words, my heart flipped and my stomach twisted. He called me beautiful. I quickly ducked my head.

He coughed and then cleared his throat. “Thank you for cleaning my wounds.”

I nodded and then looked up. “I want to thank you too. For taking care of me the night before.” Nervously playing with the hem of my dress, I continued, “I should have thanked you earlier, but didn’t get the chance.”

“Is that why you bandaged my hand?” Alessio asked.

I shook my head quickly and whispered, “No.”

“Was it pity then? I don’t need your pity, Ayla,” he growled.

“It was not pity. I just wanted to help.” And it was true. I didn’t pity him. I felt for him instead. I felt his pain and my heart begged me to offer him comfort. So I did what I could.

“Why is it so bad that I bandaged your hand?” I asked.

Alessio glared down at me and he released a frustrated breath.

“I wanted to help, Alessio. It wasn’t pity. And even if you didn’t take care of me that night, I would have still cleaned your wounds.” He stared at me through hazy eyes and clenched his jaw.

I pinned my hair behind my ears and smoothed it. “I can’t say that I totally understand what you are going through—”

“Don’t,” he hissed.

“But I know what it feels like to have so much pain that you feel like you’re going to die.” I needed him to understand, to see that I was broken too. “So, maybe a little, I do understand your pain. Because I felt it too. Not for the same reasons, but I know what it feels like.” I stared at his bandaged hands. “When I did that, it was me showing you that I understood. I was trying to give comfort in return.” I choked on the last few words.

“I don’t need your comfort, Ayla,” he said through gritted teeth.

My head snapped up at his words and I shook my head. “Everyone needs comforting sometimes.”

“Why the fuck do you make everything so hard?” Alessio growled, standing up. At his sudden action, I fell back on my butt, but quickly scrambled up to my feet. He moved away from me and turned to the wall, giving me his rigid back instead.

“I’m sorry.” Tears blinded my vision and my nose started to tingle. Why washebeing so hard? Why couldn’t he just accept it?

“You need to stay in your limits, Ayla,” he warned. At his words, my body froze and fear took place. He was right. I did overstep my boundaries. I was lost in the moment, so lost in his sweet words and gentle gaze that I forgot who he was and who I was.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered again, my voice shaking.

“Leave!” Alessio ordered.

It felt like a slap in my face and I quickly shuffled backward.When I didn’t move fast enough, he yelled, “Did you not hear what I said? Fucking leave!”

I choked back a sob and quickly swiveled around, then ran out, but stumbled into a hard chest on my way out.

I looked up and saw Nikolay’s angry face. His eyes roamed over my face and then glanced behind me.

“What were you doing in there?” he snapped.


“Stay away from that room.” He glared at me. “And stay the fuck away from the boss. He doesn’t have time to deal with you. Understood?”

I nodded without saying anything as the tears fell down my cheeks. Nikolay was indifferent as he walked past me and into the piano room. The door closed behind him.

My heart ached at the thought of Alessio suffering alone. He desperately needed solace, yet refused to accept it even when it was being given to him freely.

Why couldn’t he see my pain? Why couldn’t he see that I was the same as him?

He was too blinded by his own past.