The Mafia And His Angel by Lylah James









Chapter 44





I could feel the warm sunlight but I refused to open my eyes. Instead, I snuggled closer against the warmth beside me. I was too comfortable and languid to even move.

So warm, I thought to myself, wrapping my arms tighter around the warmth. I sighed in utter contentment and buried my face in the chest next to me.

But as I cuddled closer, a strange thought registered in my mind.

My eyes snapped opened and I quickly blinked the sleepiness away, only to find myself staring at a wide, hard chest.

Panic filled me and I quickly looked up as my heart continued to hammer. Then I let out a tiny gasp.


He looked so calm in his sleep, the total opposite of what he represented when he was awake. His face was soft and his lips were slightly open. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight in front of me.

I tried to move but I felt something tighten around my hips. My eyes traveled down to see his arm wrapped around me. I also saw that I had a leg thrown over his, tangling us together.

Feeling completely mortified, I slowly moved my leg away and tried to scoot out of his embrace, but his hold was relentless. So, I gave up with a sigh and looked up at his sleeping face again.

I brought my hand up to his face, letting it hover there, right over his cheek.

The thought of my hand making contact with his skin, touching him freely without fear, was tempting. It was an alluring image floating in my mind, and as I continued to stare at Alessio’s face, I found that I couldn’t stop myself any longer.

I gently placed my hand on his cheek, watching for any indication that he might be waking up. When he didn’t move, I rubbed my thumb over his cheek, feeling the slight rough stubble under my fingertips.

I traced his forehead, down his nose, and then over his full lips. I felt my cheeks heat as I thumbed his lower lip and then I traced the curve of his jaw and over his cheeks.

A smile tugged on my lips as I continued to run my fingers up until they met the few strands of hair that laid limply over his forehead.

My touch was light and soft, while my heart was wild in my chest. What I was doing felt forbidden. But at the same time, it excited me. To have this small power over Alessio. To be able to touch him so freely.

But most of all, I was happy that I was able to touch a man without feeling disgusted and my body vibrating with fear.

I laid my hand over his cheek with a sigh of contentment and my eyes closed, letting myself feel his warmth as it surrounded me.

But the next time I opened my eyes, his eyes were open and he was looking at me.

“Good morning,” he whispered gruffly, his voice laced with sleep.

I opened my mouth to say something but quickly snapped it shut. Glancing at my palm that was still resting on his cheek, my teeth grazed my lips nervously.

Oh no, I got caught.

My fingers flexed on his cheek and I was about to move my hand away when suddenly his hand was over mine, trapping my palm against his cheek. I gasped and stared into his mesmerizing eyes.

When Alessio’s lips tilted up in a small smirk, I ducked my head shyly as my cheeks heated in embarrassment. As I hid my face in his chest, I felt it rumble with a small chuckle.

He was such an aggravating man. I couldn’t believe he was laughing at me.

I tried to move my hand away again but he held on tightly, entwining our fingers together.

“You didn’t say good morning back. That’s rude, kitten,” Alessio murmured in my ear.

So, I was back to beingkitten.

“Good morning,” I mumbled. He laughed and released my hand. I tried to move away from his comforting embrace, but his arm tightened around my waist, refusing to let me move even an inch.

Instead, he pulled me closer until my breasts were pressed against his chest. I could feel everything. Even his hard-on pressing into my stomach.

I was completely mortified. Pressing my eyes closed tightly, I took a deep breath through my nose.

“Ayla, look up at me,” Alessio demanded.

I shook my head and pressed it harder into his chest.

“You know I’m not letting you go until you give me what I want,” he teased.

When I didn’t answer, he pressed his fingers gently into my hips. “Hmm…or maybe you just want me to keep holding you.”

At his words, my eyes snapped open and I looked up quickly, staring widely into his eyes. Another chuckle bubbled deep from his chest at my reaction. His eyes twinkled mischievously and he gave me a wink.

“There you are.” He whispered so softly that it made my heart ache. “Don’t look away from me again.”

I nodded. I didn’t think I would ever be able to look away even if I tried. Alessio had completely captured my full attention.

With our eyes still locked together, I felt his arm start to loosen around my waist until he wasn’t holding me any longer. I took a deep breath and slightly moved around, testing my freedom.

But as I moved away, I realized that I didn’t like it.

I liked it better when he was holding me. When his arms were wrapped safely and gently around me. Such conflicting feelings.

Giving Alessio a final glance, I sat up, pulling the covers to my chin and looked away.

“You are looking away from me again,” he mumbled.

He was so frustrating.

Releasing my breath in huff, I turned toward Alessio and looked at him straight in the eyes. “There,” I said.


“Why are you in my room?” I asked, bringing my knees up to my chest.

I saw Alessio’s eyes widen in surprise as if he just figured out that he was here. He quickly sat up and cleared his throat. “You fell asleep in the piano room and I brought you back to your room.”

I was silent, waiting for him to continue. I saw him swallow nervously and he got off the bed.

“I was putting you to bed but you wouldn’t let go of my jacket. And I didn’t want to wake you up,” Alessio grumbled. He looked away and then cleared his throat again. “I’ll see you at breakfast.”


Alessio sent me a look from the corner of his eyes and then he walked away without saying anything else. I fell back on the bed as soon as the door closed behind him.

Alessio had kept me safe in his embrace, pushing away all the bad memories. I had been cocooned in his warmth and as I laid back on the bed, I felt strangely empty. I faced the side where Alessio had been sleeping.

I placed my palm over the mattress and slid it up and down, right where he’d been just moments ago.

My heart was doing the same pitter-patter dance as whenever Alessio was near, while my body felt light. Placing my other hand over my chest, I closed my eyes.

What is this feeling?




After all the men were seated at the table, Maddie and I stayed behind, ready to offer help if needed. My fingers were playing with the hem of my black dress as my feet shifted beneath me.

I didn’t think it would be this nerve-wracking. Being this close to Alessio but avoiding eye contact with him. We were a few feet away, yet it felt like he was right beside me. I could feel him staring. His gaze burned into my skin, marking me.


Alessio’s voice broke through my thoughts. He gave me a teasing smile and then nodded to the basket in the middle of the table.

“Can you bring this for me?”

I looked at Maddie and saw her hiding a smile behind her hand. With an annoyed sigh, I got the basket and brought it to Alessio.

After he took the toast, I was about to walk away but his next words stopped me.

“Thank you, kitten.”

My mouth fell open. I couldn’t believe he called me that in front of everyone. His words were spoken low, but still. I hoped they hadn’t heard. When it seemed they weren’t paying attention, I sighed in relief.

I said nothing, and placed the bowl back in the middle of the table.

The rest of breakfast was uneventful. Alessio’s eyes were on me most of the time, but I avoided him.

When all the men stood up and left, my shoulders dropped in relief and I finally relaxed. “Why is he so…” I started to ask Maddie, but couldn’t find a word to describe Alessio.

“Infuriating? Annoying? Frustrating? Hot? Sexy as sin?” Maddie said.

I glared at her. “The first three.”

“He likes to tease you, but I think it’s payback.”


Maddie nodded. “For ignoring him before.”

“He is so infuriating,” I grumbled, as I helped Maddie clean the table.

“I know.”




Maddie was talking animatedly when we heard a knock on the door. Both of us turned toward it with a confused expression. “Come in,” I said.

The door opened and Alessio stood in the doorway. My eyes widened and I quickly sat up while Maddie tried to look busy with the book in her hand.

“Do you want to go to the creek?” he asked, his gaze slightly shifting to Maddie.

My heart soared and I nodded with a smile. “Yes.”

“I’ll wait for you downstairs,” he said, stepping out and shutting the door behind him.

Placing a hand over my mouth, I tried to hide the giggle that threatened to slip out. “You are too cute for your own good, Ayla.” Maddie laughed.

I quickly jumped off the bed and was almost at the door when Maddie’s voice stopped me. “Wait.”


“Why don’t you change? Instead of wearing your uniform?” she suggested, sitting up on my bed.

“I don’t really have any other outfit,” I said. “Except the pair of jeans and white shirt that Lena got me.”

“Not a problem. Give me minute.” Maddie got off the bed, and ran past me and out the door.

As I waited, I grew nervous and more impatient.

After a few minutes, she ran back into the room holding a dress. She gasped for breath and shoved it into my hands. “Hurry. Go change.”

Staring at the dress, I took a step back. “What—”

“Don’t ask questions. You are wasting time. Hurry,” Maddie snapped.

I went into the bathroom and changed, then stared at my reflection. “Wow,” I said.

The white lace dress was simple yet elegant. It came down to my mid-thigh and there was a brown belt around my waist. It had been a long time since I wore a light color but this dress was absolutely beautiful. I ran a hand down my ponytail.

“You look more beautiful with your hair down.”

Alessio’s voice rang through my head and I bit down on my lips nervously as a feeling of giddiness overcame me.

Without a second thought, I pulled the hairband off, letting my hair fall down my back in waves. Alessio was slowly taking over my mind and there was no way to stop it.

Instead of fighting against it, I was letting it happen. I didn’t have the strength to fight my feelings any longer.

I walked out of the bathroom and Maddie clapped her hands.

“You definitely look prettier in the dress than me,” she said with a wink. “Alessio won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”

“Hush,” I muttered, looking down shyly.

“Okay. Go now. Alessio is an impatient man. He doesn’t like to wait.”

I laughed as she rolled her eyes in exasperation. “I know.”

I quickly ran out of my room and down the stairs. He was outside.

As I walked out, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. The sweet smelling flowers and fresh air filled my nose, instantly relaxing me. I turned to the side and saw Alessio leaning against the wall.

His eyes widened at the sight of me. His gaze traveled down my body, resting a little longer on my legs before moving back to my face.

Under his penetrating gaze, I felt flushed and a slight shiver went through my body. He stepped away from the wall and took a step toward me before stopping.

Alessio cleared his throat and nodded toward the forest. “Let’s go,” he said. I nodded and he started to walk away, leading us down the path to the beautiful creek.

A wave of disappointment crashed through me when he didn’t say anything else. I followed silently behind him, leaves and twigs crunching under our feet.

We walked deeper into the woods and out of sight, next to each other.

My breathing stuttered when he took my hand. My gaze snapped back up, staring at his face.

A small smile tugged at my lips. Alessio’s touch was soft and gentle. His fingers moved over the back of my hand, almost feather-light. And then they slowly entwined with mine, holding my hand firmly in his as we made our way toward the creek.

My heart fluttered in my chest. Instinctively, my fingers tightened around his and he gently squeezed my hand back, letting me know he felt the same way.

I locked the image in my mind and heart, for I would always treasure it. My small pale hand was wrapped protectively in Alessio’s rough and much bigger hand. The image represented more than just two hands holding each other.

It was a bond we shared in our darkest and weakest point.

“We’re almost here,” Alessio said.

I hummed in contentment.

We finally broke free from the trees.

I let go of his hand, then stopped in front of the stream and knelt down on the grass. Leaning forward, my hands hovered over the running water for a few seconds before I dipped my fingers into the stream.

The water was cold but soothing. I drew circles and some weird patterns into the water, completely lost in the moment.

“Isn’t the water cold?” he asked, stepping up behind me.

“It’s not that bad.” Cupping some water in my hands, I stood up. “Here,” I said, moving toward him.

His looked down at the water cupped in my hands. “Not bad,” he whispered back, feeling the temperature. I let the water slide through my fingers.

When I looked up, Alessio was fixated on me.

I was about to take a step back, trying to put some distance between us, but Alessio wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me tightly against his hard body.

My shocked breath resonated around us and small smile appeared on his lips, showing the indent of his dimple on his cheek. I melted into his embrace, my knees going weak as he continued to stare at me with the same intense blue eyes.

Alessio brought a hand up and took a lock of my long black hair, wrapping it loosely around his index finger. “I like your hair like this. When it’s down.”

His voice was soft. At his words, I struggled to suppress the smile forming on my lips.

His words were sweet and simple, but they tugged at the strings of my heart. They brought life to my broken heart. Such a simple truth…it was enough to piece back a shattered fragment.

With each day, Alessio slowly put back the broken pieces of my heart. With only soft gentle caresses and sweet words, he was breathing life back into me.

“You should let it down more often,” he continued, his fingers softly brushing over my jaw.

“Okay.” In that moment, I was ready to do anything he’d asked.

Alessio slowly bent his head down until his forehead was resting against mine, his lips just an inch away from mine. All I had to do was slightly move forward and our lips would touch.

But I didn’t.

“Alessio,” I whispered.


“What is this?” I asked, finally pulling the courage from within me.

Alessio’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he pulled his forehead away but kept his arms wound tightly around me. “What?”

“This, between us. What is this? How is this going to work?”

While he was gone, those same questions haunted me day and night. Alessio plagued my thoughts and heart. He was all I could think about but I was also scared. The uncertainty was slowly making me lose control.

I needed to know what he truly wanted.

Alessio stared into my eyes, his face impassive for a second. My stomach dropped, caving into an empty pit at the expression on his face.

My heart stuttered. I felt the tears at the back of my eyes but then his eyes softened and his lips stretched into a smile, showing me his dimple again.

“I don’t know,” he whispered. My eyes widened, but he kept talking. “I don’t know what this is. I can’t put a name to it because there’s no name to describe this. All I know is that I want you and I can’t let you go. Even when I tried, I couldn’t.”

I sucked in a sharp breath at his confession, feeling my heart melt at his words. I never expected these words from Alessio when I asked him the question. But he had given me more than I needed.

He had given me hope.

“I want to see where this goes. I want to try.” Alessio placed his forehead back on mine, his fingers tangling in my hair.

My eyes fluttered closed and I took a deep break before opening them again, staring deeply into his eyes. “I want to try too,” I whispered.

I was playing with fire. I would burn in the end, but sometimes when the fire is raging within, you can’t let go. And I couldn’t. I was desperately holding on, even when I knew the fire was going to burn us both in the end.

Alessio’s eyes lit up, as if I had given him the only one thing he wanted.

I expected him to kiss me but he didn’t move. Instead his arms stayed around my waists like band of steel, his forehead rested on mine while his lips were only an inch away from mine.

I looked into his eyes for any indication that he would kiss me. And I saw the need there, but when he didn’t, I grew confused.

His eyes flickered to my lips again and his hands stiffened around my waist. When realization dawned, I grasped his jacket for support and grew nervous. My fingers tightened around the fabric and I felt myself swallow hard.

Moving forward until our bodies were molded together, I tilted my head up and then stood on my toes. Our gazes stayed connected as I gently pressed my lips to his, and my eyes fluttered shut.

I heard a growl rumble from his chest and he pressed his lips harder against mine, demanding access. I gasped and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. He explored my mouth slowly. I was hesitant at first, but when he bit down on my lips and then sucked at my tongue, I grew bold.

Letting go of his jacket, I moved my hands upward until my fingers were wrapped in his hair. When I sucked at his tongue, his fingers tightened around my scalp, a groan vibrating from his chest. I moaned in return.

Alessio licked my lips and I shuddered against him, my fingers pulling at his hair. He slightly pulled away and swore. “Fuck.” We were both breathing hard. Seeing a man like him undone was shocking to me.

Before I could say anything, his lips crashed into mine again. This time he took my lips possessively, as if he was starving for me. And I returned his kisses with the same fervor.

Alessio pressed me against a tree, holding me tightly against him. He never broke the kiss. Instead, he claimed my lips, marking me ashis.

Releasing my waist, his hand started to move lower until it was at the edge of my dress. He pulled back and then licked my swollen lips. I was in haze, his kisses driving me crazy.

“Did I tell you how beautiful and sexy you look in this dress?”

His words sounded like they were under water but I understood them. So, I shook my head. Alessio leaned closer until his lips were right next to my ear.

He bit down on my earlobe. “You look so fucking beautiful in this dress,” he whispered gruffly, his voice sounding husky and laced with desire.

His movement was slow, but I shivered when I felt him move my dress upward. Alessio took my lips again.

Too much. It was happening too fast. My head was spinning. My skin burned. My body felt light and heated…too warm. I felt my knees shaking and I clung to his shoulders, my fingers biting into them. Alessio hissed into my lips.

When he didn’t move, I wrapped my fingers in his hair again, and pulled. Alessio groaned unhappily but tore his lips away from mine. Our harsh breathing filled the silent forest and I fought for air.

“Too fast?” Alessio asked.

“A little,” I replied, my chest heaving.

“Okay.” He placed his forehead against mine again and I opened my eyes, making eye contact with his. He gave me a small smile before bending down to place a sweet gentle kiss on my swollen lips.

Alessio let go of me and stepped away. I missed his warmth almost immediately. The look in his eyes told me he felt the same way.

He brought a hand up and rubbed his thumb over my lips. “I like your lips like this…swollen and red from my kisses.”


He smirked and then bent down to kiss me again before pulling away. “I’ll just have to kiss very often then, to keep them looking like that.”

This man was impossible.

I couldn’t help but giggle at the look on his face and his words. Ducking my head shyly, I smiled. But Alessio wasn’t having any of that. He placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head up.

“What did I tell you?” he asked, his eyes fierce and intense.

My mouth formed an ‘o’ and I cocked my head to the side. “You told me to never look away from you.”

Alessio moved the few strands of hair that fell over my face behind my ear, before cupping my jaw, rubbing his thumb softly yet possessively over the curve. “Good. Remember that, kitten.”

“Hmm.” I smiled up at him.

“C’mon. Let’s go back,” he said.

This time, he didn’t walk ahead of me. Instead, he took my hand in his, entwining our fingers tightly together before walking away from the creek. Our steps were slow and unhurried, almost as if we lost in our thoughts.

But truthfully, we were lost in each other. Both of us never wanting this perfect beautiful moment to end.

Happiness couldn’t be a word to describe what I was feeling. Inside, my feeling was joyful. I felt giddy. Warm and completely euphoric. My cheeks were hurting from my wide smiles but most of all, my heart…it was whole.

It fluttered every time Alessio’s fingers tightened around mine. It danced with happiness every time I thought about our kiss. And it sang with the intensity of Alessio’s eyes on mine.

As we walked back toward the mansion, I just prayed that this happiness, and whatever was between us, wouldn’t burn out before it could bloom.




“Goodnight,” I whispered to Alessio, my head lying on his shoulder as I sat on his lap.

“Goodnight,” he murmured back.

But still we refused to let each other go.

“I should go.”

“You should.”

“I’m tired,” I said.

“I know. Me too,” he replied, his words soft.

“I really should go.” My voice was barely a whisper as I pulled my head up and stared into Alessio’s eyes. He nodded and the sighed, releasing his hold on me.

Was that a pout? It was so small, but it was definitely there. But then it was gone. I thought it was just my imagination, but I had seen it.

“You were pouting,” I said.

Alessio glared at me and then grumbled something under his breath. “You are delirious from lack of sleep, kitten. Go to sleep. You need it.”

“I’m not.”

He sent me glare again. “Ayla.”

With a sigh, I got off his lap and stood in front of him. “Goodnight.”

He gazed up at me and then smiled. “Goodnight, kitten.”

As I walked out and closed the door, I mumbled under my breath, “He was definitely pouting.”

After quickly washing my teeth and face, I closed the tap and dried my face. When I had changed into my light pink nightgown, I opened the door of my bathroom and walked out.

But I stopped when I saw Alessio sitting on my bed.

“Alessio?” I took a step closer but then stopped again.

He was holding his jacket, the one I kept under my pillow.

I started to panic, my stomach twisting painfully in knots as my heart raced wildly in my chest.

I took several deep breaths, trying to control myself.

“I can explain,” I whispered, desperately hoping he would understand.

Alessio stood up, still holding his jacket. Our eyes met.

His gaze was intense while mine was filled with fear.

Alessio took a step closer and then threw the jacket on my sofa.

Keeping his eyes on me, he whispered his next words.

And they took my breath away. This time my heart accelerated, but for a different reason.

“You won’t be needing this anymore.”