Her Irish Twins by Madison Faye

Chapter Ten


“Hey,”Ben growls quietly into my ear. He squeezes my hand as I look up into his eyes, biting my lip.

“Whatever we find in there, baby girl,” he says gently. “We are going to find Keily, okay?”

“No matter what it fucking takes,” Gavin adds, squeezing my other hand. I smile weakly, nodding.

My entire head is a whirlwind of emotion right now. On the one side, there’s the pure bliss of these two men—the two men I most certainly wasn’t looking for but know deep in my heart I don’t want to ever lose. But swirling with that is the fear and the doubt and the panic of my missing sister. We’re standing with Eamon, Clay, and Phoebe, along with the handful of Irish Syndicate guys outside the locked door to a dingy apartment in East Boston—the last place that pinged for one second with the missing Ash’s cell phone.

I have no idea what’s awaiting us, and my pulse is racing. Will they find their friend inside? Will he be alive? I swallow, closing my eyes and trying to push down the panic.

Does him going missing have anything to do with Keily going missing too?

Eamon coughs quietly, turning to the rest of us, his gun out along with all the others—Phoebe included.

“We do this by the book,” he growls at the other men. “No fucking cowboy shit. This is the last place his phone was on. We don’t know if that means it’s still here, or if Ash was ever here at all. But we—”

And that’s when we hear it—the sound of a woman screaming. They all go quiet, but my blood turns to fucking ice. The scream comes again, and I almost shatter. Because I know that voice.

…The screams are from Keily.

“Kiely!” I scream, lunging for the door. But Ben and Gavin catch me, pulling me back as they pull their guns and snarl.

“Let’s go!” Gavin roars at Clay and Eamon, who nod grimly and turn to the man in front at the door holding the SWAT-style metal battering ram.

Do it,” Clay hisses.

The man swings back, and with a grunt, sends the huge metal hammer slamming into the doorknob. The door shatters inside just as another anguished cry hits our ears, like Keily is being fucking stabbed.

We tumble inside the small apartment, and there across the small living room is a closed door. The cry comes again, this guttural, wailing sound, and this time it’s followed by the rough, deep sound of a man grunting.

Keily!” I scream, and suddenly, everything goes silent.

There’s a scuffling sound behind the closed door, and Ben and Gavin snarl as they raise their guns along with everyone else. The doorknob half twists when Ben steps forward.

“Oy!” He roars, his eyes blazing. “Out! Right fucking now with those fucking hands up!”

There’s another pause, and then suddenly, a voice grunts out.


The doorknob twists, the door swings slowly open, and I gasp as a naked, muscled, inked man holding his hands over his dick steps into the doorframe and grins.

“Don’t shoot my cock off, okay?”

Around me, every guy in the room suddenly groans and lowers their guns, and I blink in confusion.

“Hang on, what?” I hiss before Gavin chuckles and turns to me.

“This is Ash,” he growls.

I whirl back to the roguishly handsome guy with the cocky grin, dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a body carved out of tattooed marble.

“What the fuck, brother?!” Eamon grunts. “You’ve been missing for fucking weeks, and we find you here doing…” he glares at Ash. “Are you fucking murdering someone or getting lai—”


A face suddenly appears behind Ash, peering over his shoulder, and both my eyes and hers go wide.


My sister shoves past the naked Ash, a bedsheet wrapped around herself as we both rush across the room into each other. I sob as I fling my arms around her, and she does the same, hugging me tight and fiercely.

“What the fucking hell, Keils?!” I suddenly spit almost angrily, pulling back to frown into her eyes. “You just disappeared!

“I—fuck, Charlotte, I’m so sorry!” She says softly, biting her lip. “I—I mean, we—”

“And you!” I snarl, whirling on Ash and jabbing a finger at him as I march over, teeth bared. “You think it’s fucking okay to just kidnap people’s sisters and drag them off to—”


Keily’s hand on my arm stops me, though I’m still fuming and simmering as I glance back at her. Past her, the rest of the people in the room are frowning same as me, trying to figure this out too.

“What the fuck is going on, Ash?” Ben growls lowly.

Keily shakes her head. “Charlotte, he didn’t kidnap me, we…” she bites her lip.

“We had to disappear,” Ash growls lowly.

Keily nods. “These guys, they were bothering me at work, a lot, and one night when I was closing up, they…”

She pales, and Ash steps forward, putting and arm around her.

“Russians,” he mutters at everyone. “Look, I had to step in, and when I put down four of theirs, I knew the shit was going to hit the fan. We managed to get away, but they were hot on our heels. I took Keily underground with me for protection.”

He frowns, turning to me.

“Charlotte, right?”

I nod.

“I’m sorry, Charlotte. She wanted to call you, but it was too dangerous. Those Russian fucks knew who she was, which means they’d know to watch you and even monitor you.”

I smile wryly as I glance at a grinning Gavin and Ben.

“Seems to be a theme these days,” I mutter dryly as they both wink at me.

“Charlotte,” Keily murmurs, hugging me close. “I wanted to reach out so badly, we just couldn’t chance it.”

“The hell was your plan, Ash?” Clay mutters. “Stay here and screw until you ran out of food?”

Ash’s eyes narrow for a second at Clay, who I gather is technically his boss.

Easy, Clay,” he growls. “All due respect but watch your mouth.”

Clay bristles for a second, and the tension palpably ratchets up in the room, before suddenly he grins.

“My mistake, brother,” he grunts, nodding at Ash. “That was out of line of me. But the question is the same.”

Ash nods. “The plan was to stay out of sight until the heat cooled a little. Honestly, it was going to be another day, tops. Then I had some boys I know down at the docks ready to fake Keily and I on a manifest for a ship headed to the U.K.” He grins. “Let those vodka-swilling shitheads chase a couple of ghosts all around Europe while I brought Keily in to base here with you and get this sorted.”

Gavin snorts. “Not a bad plan.”

“I’ve had worse,” Ash shrugs, grinning as he slips an arm around my sister.

“So, yeah,” Keily shrugs at me, blushing. “We had to hide out, so we… uh…”

I arch a brow. “Hid out, huh?”

Her blush deepens fiercely, and I grin at her. “I think I can figure out the details from that.”

I step back, and gasp quietly as I feel Ben and Gavin slide up behind me, both of them sliding an arm around me. This time, it’s my turn to blush as I see the recognition bloom on my sister’s face.

Okay, um, yeah,” she hisses at me. “Details? Like, right fucking now?”

I groan, my face burning as I bury my face in my hands. Keily laughs as she moves into me, hugging me tightly.

“I’m so glad you found me.”

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” I whisper back.

“So, now what?” Gavin frowns. “I mean the Bratva is still out there, and it’s not like they’re a small crew. This could seriously mean—”

He turns to see Clay holding a finger up and nodding towards Eamon, who’s outside the apartment door on the phone, nodding.

“Right, right,” he growls. “Absolutely. No, we’ll clean it up here and reconvene. And yeah, I’ll tell them. Thanks, Connor.”

He pockets the phone and turns back.

“That was the council,” he growls lowly. “They’re aware of the situation, and they’ve even been in touch with the Russians. It’s a fracture group, not the whole Bratva. A couple of lieutenants went rogue with some men, and they’re apparently stirring up some real shit for the Russian higher-ups. There’s a sit down tomorrow with our high council and theirs to settle this shite and bury any ill-will.”

He nods at Gavin and Ben.

“In the meantime,” he smirks at them. “You lads did good. Really good. In fact, I put in a word about you two in particular, and the Kings want you back in Dublin to talk about next steps, maybe a promotion.”

Ben and Gavin glance at each other, brows raised.

“Wow, shit, Eamon,” Gavin says quietly. “Thank you.”

He nods.

“When,” Ben growls. He swallows, and his hand tightens on me. “When do they want us in Dublin.”

Eamon’s face darkens, and when his eyes dart to me and turn a little sympathetic, suddenly, I know.

“Tonight,” he says quietly.

Ben swears under his breath. Gavin’s hand tightens possessively on my hip.

Clay clears his throat, sliding an arm around Phoebe’s waist. Eamon does the same to her other side, and the two of them glance at her and smile before they turn back to us.

“That said,” Clay mutters. “I think a third seat could be made available.”

My brow shoots up, and Ben and Gavin stiffen.

“Hang on, Clay,” Gavin growls. “What?”

The older man grins. “I said there’s room for all three of you to go.” He glances at Phoebe and his friend again and smiles quietly before he turns back.

“Needless to say,” he growls quietly. “I get it.”

My head is spinning, and I’m glancing at Keily, and then Ben, and then Gavin, and then back to Ben, and then back to Gavin. But then, Ben is turning into me and taking my hands in is.

“Come with us,” he growls quietly.

I blink, my heart skipping as I look up into his eyes.


“Charlotte, we could say ’no you’ve got a job here,’ or say you should ‘live your own life here,’ or whatever. We could say we’ll figure it out with the distance shit…”

“But fuck that,” Gavin growls. “So come with us, baby. Neither of us can say what comes next, or what it all means, but I do know one damn thing more than I’ve ever known anything in my fucking life,” he hisses passionately as he wraps his arms around me.

“I love you, Charlotte.”

I blink, my heart swelling up as the heat melts through me.

“And I love you too,” Ben growls. “And I don’t know what that means, or how we process that or move forward with it. And I know that might throw you, with us being, well, brothers. But fuck, baby. I know what I feel. And Gavin does too. So, no idea what happens next, all I know is, we fucking love you.”

I blink, panting, my pulse racing and my whole body shivering in heat. I blink again, turning to look up into Ben’s eyes, and then Gavin’s, back and forth until I feel dizzy.

Come with us,” Gavin says again in a gravely whisper.

The room is silent, my heart racing.

“Dude, if you don’t go, I will legit slap you,” Keily mutters under her breath at me. I grin, her words breaking the spell, and suddenly, my lips pull back in a wide, wide grin.

Yes,” I whisper.

Ben and Gavin’s eyes light up, both of them grinning hugely across chiseled, handsome jaws.

“Yes!” I gasp, giggling as they both suddenly rush into me, scooping me into both of their arms tightly.

“You just better bring her back at some point,” Keily sighs. “I didn’t say for forever, just a visit!”

Clay chuckles, grinning at the three of us before he and Eamon turn to the rest of them.

“Alright, pack it up. We’re out of here.”

The men file out, but Eamon, Clay, and Phoebe linger another second.

“The Kings’ll have a jet waiting for you at Logan International’s VIP wing tonight at seven, lads,” Clay growls. “And lady, of course.”

“Room for two more?” Ash suddenly pipes up.

Eamon smirks, raking his fingers over his jaw before he sighs.

“Fuck it, fine. I’ll make the call. But Ash?”

“Yeah boss?”

“Wear some fucking pants.”

Ben, Gavin, Keily, and I crack up as Clay, Phoebe, and Eamon file out of the apartment.

“Um, I’m going to go put some clothes on.” Keily blushes, biting her lip before she looks at me. “Don’t you dare leave before I come back out.”

“Well don’t disappear for almost three fucking weeks, and I won’t,” I mutter back, making her grin.

“Deal,” she laughs, turning to dart into the bedroom.

“I’ll, uh, help,” Ash growls, clearing his throat and giving Gavin and Ben a wink before he darts after my sister and shuts the door.

I roll my eyes as I hear whispered giggling from the other side of the door, but I ignore it and turn to my two men.

“So, this is happening?”

“Fuck I hope so,” Ben growls. “Look, Charlotte, you’ve got a job, and a life here. We get that. And if you want to stay here, we’ll do whatever it takes to be here, with you.”

“How about you show me Dublin, and then I can make up my mind,” I say softly, taking both of their hands in mine.

“I think we can start there,” Gavin chuckles. “So are you ready to come to Ireland, are is it more that you’re ready to come for some Irish?”

I grin, my face burning hot as the two gorgeous, rough, amazing men crowd into me, holding me tight and leaning in to nuzzle my neck, making me whimper softly.

Both?” I grin, blushing.

The two of them laugh, holding me tight. Ben leans down, and I moan as our lips crush together. I kiss him slow and deep before I pull away and lean into Gavin, tasting his lips as well.

“I love you, Charlotte,” Ben growls.

“And I love you,” Gavin purrs.

I blush wildly, my heart racing and my entire body just buzzing for them, and for whatever comes next.

“And I love you too,” I whisper softly. “Both of you.”

We crash together, and I know that whatever comes next, I’ve got one thing figured out.

Well, two things. And there’s no way I’m letting them go.