Her Irish Twins by Madison Faye

Chapter Three


The beat-upold Explorer roars towards the safe house, the heat rattling away trying to keep us a least somewhat not freezing, given that it’s fucking March 16th, in New England.

And, you know, we’re fucking naked.

Naked, bloodied, holding illegal guns, and speeding through the streets of South Boston is an all-around shite idea, but I don’t really see an alternative. I glance at my brother, and I know he’s having the same thoughts. This isn’t the best plan—fuck, it’s not a “plan” at all—but we need to put distance between us and whatever the fuck just happened back there.

The men who charged in weren’t with the Syndicate, that I know. If anything like that was going to go down, believe me, Gavin and I would have been told. Besides that, I caught a brief glimpse at some of the ink on the guys we shot back there, and that laid it all out clear: Russian Bratva. I don’t know what the fuck the Russian mob wants with her, but all I do know is, they were after her, and neither Gavin or I were going to let that happen in a million fucking years.

I glance into the review mirror, my eyes sweeping over Charlotte. She’s curled in a ball in the backseat, clearly trying to keep it together after what she just saw. She’s got the big shirt of mine that was sitting on the seat on around her now—and I’m so much bigger than her that it fits like a damn dress. Well, or skirt—a very short, very revealing skirt, at that.

I growl, my eyes slipping lower in the darkness of the car. She’s got her knees up, her arms around them, and I know a whole pile of shit’s just been dropped at her feet, but fuck me, I can’t help it. Because right there, in the shadows between her thighs, my eyes lock onto her pretty, pink, pouty little pussy.

And I fucking groan. I groan and my cock begins to thicken and swell with a mind of its own. Gavin glances over at me and frowns before he raises a brow as if to say, “what in the holy fucking hell is wrong with you.” But I just shrug and nod my chin back at Charlotte. He glances in the mirror, and then he’s also biting back a growl at what he sees.

“Eyes on the road, brother,” I mutter.

Gavin takes one more look before he whistles slowly and turns his gaze back to driving.

“Where are we going?”

Her voice is quiet, and soft. I turn to look back at her, doing my best to cover my cock with my hands, even if I might need another four hands to actually pull that off given my size. It’s not that I’m embarrassed at being hard, I just don’t want to freak her out any more than she already is.

“Safe house,” I growl quietly. “Where you’ll be safe.”

Gavin snorts next to me, and I elbow him hard. But Charlotte seems to smile.

“That sounds…” she bites her lip impishly. “Safe?”

Gavin snickers, and I elbow him again.

“Are you hurt?” I growl softly.

She shakes her head.

“I can come back there if you’re… you know…” I frown. “If you’re…”

“Freaking out?”

I smile softly, nodding, and she nods.

“I—yeah, sure.” She bites her lip. “Please.”

I nod, undoing my seatbelt. I start to crawl back, and Charlotte gasps at my nudity, and at my still-hard cock.

“Oh, God, I’m… sorry, I—”

“It’s you,” I growl.

Charlotte frowns. “Pardon?”

I smile as I sink into the seat next to her and reach down to grab whatever I can off the floor of the old beater, which ends up being an old baseball hat. Wonderful. I place it over my stubbornly big erection, which is honestly just comical. But I shrug and turn back to her.

“This, I mean,” I mutter, nodding at my lap. “It’s you. I just mean it’s not like I get hard shooting people.”

She blushes wildly and bites back a grin. Gavin chuckles from the driver’s seat.

“Who were those men? And who…”

She frowns, and I know she wants to say, “and who are you,” but she just stops.

“Russian Bratva, I think,” I growl. “But if nothing, else, they were men who wanted to hurt you, and we weren’t going to let that happen.”

Gavin yanks the wheel, and the car dips down a driveway into an underground parking garage. He pulls to the end and turns the engine off, parking us right next to a stairwell.

“We’re here,” he growls.

I nod and open the door, turning to help Charlotte out. Her eyes slip down my body, and I can see her blush as they land on my hand still holding the hat over my dick. Gavin comes around to her side of the car, not a care in the world apparently about his own half-hard cock.

“This way, love,” he purrs, eying Charlotte before he turns to the stairwell door. She follows him, and I follow her, and I won’t even try to say I’m not staring at her tight little ass peeking out from under the tails of my shirt on the way up the stairs.

At the top, while Gavin’s unlocking the door to the safe house apartment, she finally asks it.

“Okay, stop,” she finally says with a shaky voice. She steps back away from us, eying us both with a hard look.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Could ask you the same question,” Gavin mutters.

“Oh, me?” she snaps. “See, you already know me, apparently. You knew my name, at least, and when those guys broke in…” her eyes narrow. “Actually, yeah, let’s talk about that.”

Gavin frowns. “About how we saved you?”

“About how you were there in like one fucking second,” she spits back.

Fuck it. We could dance around this, or we could just get it out in the open and see where it leads. Also, after witnessing the way she freaked back there with those guys rushing in, this whole theory of this girl being law enforcement seems pretty fucking weak. She also doesn’t have a gun. I mean what sort of fucking FBI agent doesn’t have a gun?

“Fine,” I growl, eying Gavin before I keep going. “We were in the room next to yours. That’s how we got there so fast.”

She chews on that, but I keep going.

“And we were there, and we know your name, because we were keeping an eye on you.”

She pales.

Excuse me?” she growls. “What do you mean, keeping an eye on me?”

“Watching you,” Gavin mutters.

Her face reddens. “Uh, okay, why exactly?”

“I think you know,” he answers quietly, eyeing her with suspicion mixed with lust.

Enlighten me,” she snaps furiously.

“Okay, stop,” I growl, stepping forward. “Enough. We’re not having this shit out in the fucking hallway,” I mutter at Gavin before turning to push the door open. I turn back to Charlotte.

“Inside, now.”

“Fuck off.”

Look,” I growl. “Gavin and I, we’re with the Irish Syndicate, here on special assignment from Dublin to watch you.”

“Why the fuck are you watching—”

“Listen, love,” I grumble. “The facts are, some not nice fuckers were there to kill you, and we stopped them, at no small danger to us and ours. So how about we get inside the fucking apartment, yeah?”

She chews on her lip, but slowly, she nods.

“Fine,” she mutters, brushing past me and stepping into the safe house.

Gavin half-grins, shaking his head.

“Fuck me,” he mutters with a small laugh.

Yeah,” I growl back. “This is going to be interesting.”

I follow my brother inside and lock the door before turning back to Charlotte, who’s now standing in the middle of the fairly large loft-style apartment, arms over her chest.

“Look, sorry,” she says quietly.


“For being kind of a bitch just now,” she smiles wryly. “And thank you for before, really. I really do owe you my life, I think.”

“No problem,” Gavin says quietly as he walks across the apartment. He steps into a bedroom and comes back out, tossing me something—it’s sweatpants. I chuckle as I pull them on, liking the way Charlotte sort of gasps as I drop the hat from my cock. Gavin walks over, still bare-assed naked, and pulls on a pair himself, and he’s definitely grinning as he catches her eyeing his package too.

Pants on now, we stand before her. Charlotte’s eyes drop to my arm, and she frowns.

“Oh, Jesus, you’re bleeding.”

“It’s fine,” I shrug. “I’ll clean it in a few.”

She just shakes her head. “No, do you have a first aid kit?”

I arch a brow, and she smiles shyly. “I’m a nurse. Come on, we need to get that patched up.”

She doesn’t even wait for an answer, she just takes my hand and drags me towards the bathroom. I follow, glancing back to shrug at Gavin before she pulls me inside, half shutting the door.

“Sit,” she directs, pointing to the toilette. I close the lid and sit down as she rummages under the sink and actually does manage to pull out an old looking first aid kit. She pulls out some peroxide and a small surgical sewing kit, and she frowns.

“This, uh… this might hurt.”

“I’m a big boy.”

She blushes, biting her lip as she wets a wad of toilet paper with the peroxide and brings it up. I grit my teeth as she cleans the graze-wound from the one shot one of the guys back in the hotel was able to squeeze off. The needle is next, and she deftly sews me up in a nice clean line.

“So, those men…” she says quietly as she pulls the last loop through.

“I really don’t know who they were,” I growl.

“And you’re both, what, the mob or something?”

“Irish Syndicate.”

She swallows, biting her lip as she neatly ties off the surgical string. I frown.

“You’re really a nurse, aren’t you?”

She raises a brow. “Did you think I was lying?”

I smile. “No, but you’re not…” my eyes narrow. “You’re not with the FBI, are you?”

She snorts. “Um, what?”

I shake my head. “Figures.”

“I’m sorry, what’s going on?”

“We were watching you because you’ve been watching the interests of our bosses—poking around in affairs and businesses, talking to people in the neighborhood.”

She frowns, quickly shaking her head. “No, I’m just…” she trials off and looks away.


“It’s nothing.”

My eyes search for hers, holding them when she finally looks at me.

“Give me something, Charlotte,” I say quietly.

“It’s still weird to me that you knew my name,” she whispers, looking into my eyes.

“Well, now you know ours.”

“And that’s your brother, you said?”

I nod.

“Are you guys twins?”

I chuckle. “Almost. Irish twins. I’m ten months older than Gavin.”

I sigh, standing and towering over her. Charlotte’s breath catches a little, and her face reddens as she looks up into my eyes.

“So?” I say gently. “Help us help you out here. It’s pretty obvious you aren’t with the FBI, so what the hell were you doing poking around—”

“I’m looking for my sister,” she blurts out suddenly.

I frown. “Why were you looking around Southie at Irish pubs and some of those other businesses?”

“Because, there were rumors that these really not good guys—” she looks down. “Irish guys, I think, who were harassing her at work. And these guys are apparently known for getting girls into drugs and then into prostitution. I was worried…” she squeezes her eyes shut, and my jaw clenches as I move into her.

Not us, Charlotte,” I say quietly, scowling. “Our organization doesn’t have shit to do with stuff like that. No girls, no pimping, none of that shit.”

She looks up and half-smiles. “Well, that’s good to hear. So, I’m not with the FBI…”

I chuckle. “Also, good to hear.”

“And you’re not pimping out my sister or trying to hurt me.”

“Not in the slightest. But you poking around coincided with one of our own disappearing—a good lad named Ash.”

She nods, frowning and looking down as she cleans up the needle and washes her hands in the sink.

“Sorry about your friend,” she says quietly.

“We’ll find him,” I growl.

She nods again. “So, you had me under surveillance?”

“We didn’t know if you were with law enforcement or not,” I growl quietly. “It had to be done.”

She swallows, avoiding my eyes.

“So, like, what kind of surveillance?”

I clear my throat, thinking back to less than an hour ago, when we were watching this fucking goddess touch herself in the shower.

“Just… surveillance.”

“Like following me?”

“A bit, yeah.”

“Were you…” she frowns, biting her lip and still looking down. “Were you bugging me?”

“Like your phone? No.”

She nods. “And what about anything else.”

“Such as.”

She shrugs, avoiding my eyes. “Like, my room, I mean.” She finally looks up, her face red as she meets my eyes. “Were you watching me in my room?”

I don’t hesitate.


Her face burns hotly.

“So, you saw… I mean, when I was changing…”


She looks down, her face hot. “Were you just watching the bedroom?”


Her eyes widen as she yanks her gaze back to mine. “Wait, were you… I mean… you weren’t…”

“We were,” I growl darkly. “The shower, I mean.”

Her breath catches, her face turning pure crimson. But I just hold her wide-eyed look and move into her, my pulse roaring and my muscles tensing. I move right into her, and she gasps quietly as my hands slide to her waist, holding her like she belongs to me.

“You…” she stammers quietly, her breath coming fast and deep. “When I was…”

Yes,” I growl.

I lean down, our eyes lock, and before I know it, I’m going in for the kiss, come what may, and damn the fucking consequences. My lips crush to hers, and I half except her to slap me, but damn if she doesn’t melt into me. She moans softly, sinking into me and letting her hands move to my waist as I kiss her slow and deep and hard.

She whimpers into my mouth, gasping as I groan into hers and hold her tight. Her lips part for my tongue, and my pulse races like mad as I fucking lose it with her.

And then suddenly, the bathroom door pushes open.

Charlotte gasps and yanks away from me, touching her lips as her face burns bright red. Her eyes and mine swivel to the door to see Gavin standing there looking amused, a smirk on his face.

“Well, what’s this now?”

“Nothing… I—we—” Charlotte stammers, looking mortified as she turns bright red. Gavin just grins.

“Playing doctor, I see?”

She blushes even deeper, but he just shakes his head.

“Well don’t stop on my account.”

“I—I should go,” she murmurs.

“No,” Gavin growls, shaking his head. “No, you shouldn’t.”

His voice is firm but soft, hardened by want and desire.

“You should stay, Charlotte,” he purrs softly, stepping into the small bathroom. She gasps quietly, swallowing as she looks up into his eyes, and damn if it isn’t the same look she gave me a minute ago. And right then, it hits me—she’s fighting it, and she feels turned around inside even thinking it. But deep down, on a primal level, she wants both of us. She doesn’t really know what to make of that thought, that much is obvious, but it’s there.

“Kiss him,” Gavin purrs, nodding at me.


“You want to,” he growls. “So do it. Kiss my brother, a chroi.”

My heart.

Her breath is coming fast, her chest rising and falling quickly as her eyes dart wildly to mine, like she’s trying to figure out if this is even real or a dream. I decide to help her, and I reach out to slide my hands around her waist again. She gasps as I pull her back into me, flat against my body looking up into my eyes, her face flushed and wild.

Kiss him,” Gavin groans from right behind her.

She swallows, her eyes lock with mine, and suddenly, we’re falling into each other again. She moans softly as our lips crash together, tongues entwining as I growl into her. My hands tighten on her waist, and my cock throbs rock-hard through my sweats against her stomach.

And then slowly, I pull away. My eyes slide past her to my brother, who’s standing there with a look of pure hunger on his face. His jaw clenched, and his eyes sweep down over her.

Now him,” I whisper.

Charlotte gasps, loudly.

“W—what?” she croaks out.

“Now him,” I purr. “I want to see you kiss him now.”

She swallows thickly, panting. She turns her head a little, her eyes darting from mine to Gavin’s and then back to me.


“You want to,” I growl. “I know you want to, baby. So go ahead. Kiss him too.”

She swallows.

“This is crazy,” Charlotte whispers.

“Crazier than being shot at and running off with two strangers, naked?” Gavin growls.

She bites her lip, looking up at me before slowly, she turns to look at him fully.

“Maybe just as crazy,” she whispers.

“Do you want to kiss me?” he grunts.

She swallows, shivering.


Yes,” she chokes out.

Gavin growls, stepping into her, and she gasps when his hands slide over her waist where mine just were.

“And I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the fucking second I saw you,” he growls thickly, his blue eyes blazing into hers. “So what are we waiting for?”

He moves in, Charlotte moans, and suddenly, his mouth is crushing to hers, swallowing those moans. She gasps again, clinging to him tightly and melting against him as she kisses him deeply. And fuck me, my cock fucking throbs at the sight. Yeah, there’ve been girls before that we were both with, but it’s never felt like this. It’s never felt so fucking real, and so wild, and like the whole world could explode.

I move before I even know what I’m doing, and Charlotte whimpers into Gavin’s mouth as she feels me slide against her from behind. My lips brush the back of her neck as I push her long blonde hair aside, and she whimpers, pulling away from Gavin to just throw herself into me. Her lips sear to mine, and I hungrily taste them before pulling away again, letting her move back to Gavin.

We move against her, pressing into her, sandwiching her tight between us. Three pulses roar. Three hearts race. And I know nothing in this fucking world could pull us away from her now.