Filthy Bastard by Madison Faye

Chapter Fifteen



I grin as Nicole glances up at me quickly.

“Wait, should I be?”

I shrug. “I mean, you’re in the lair of a big bad biker gang, about to meet a whole bunch of them.”

She nods, tapping her chin like she’s thinking hard, even though I can see her hiding that smirk.

“So, you’re saying you’re the least scary of the bunch?”

I arch a brow at the impish grin on her face.


She giggles, hugging my arm tight as she leans her head against it. Across the garage, a door opens, and in walks Grey and Hawk—our Sergeant at Arms. Grey nods at me, reaching up a running a hand through his longish dark hair.

“Yeah?” I grin.

He nods, grinning back as he walks over. “Yeah,” he growls in that deep baritone of his. “We’re all good.”

Fuck yes.

What he’s talking about is that he and Hawk, who’s actually probably going to be up for VP soon, pending a club vote, just had a sit-down with both Jerry O’Connor, the President of the O’Connor Boys, and Franco Spimaldi, a top lieutenant of the Boston mob, about what just went down with Owen and Leonard.

“We’re all good” means two things—one, that Jerry doesn’t want to cut my dick off and choke me with it anymore, and two, that this shit with the mob is over.

That night at my shore house, after everything went down, Leonard spilled everything. Shit he leaked like a fucking sinking ship—and I mean that in the information he puked up, and the fact that he was literally pissing his pants telling me everything. As it turns out, he and Owen were in cahoots with a few fringe guys in the mob, looking to make an alliance that would make Owen a low-level king and these fringe mob guys new bosses.

Leonard spilling everything and Nicole bashing a bottle of Jameson over Owen’s traitorous head nipped that in the bud pretty fucking quick.

After I got Leonard to give me everything he knew, on tape, I hauled his ass right back to downtown Boston to Police headquarters, where the fuckin’ guy spilled his guts all over again. And in light of Leonard’s little truth spree, shit’s about to change. All of our brothers in jail or currently awaiting trial are coming home ASAP, and their records are being wiped in light of the head DA basically fabricating evidence against them.

It’s not like this was going to take down the mob—I mean, yeah, the cops pinched a few low-level guys, and the family itself for sure “took care of” the mid-level guys who were running this behind-the-scenes- merger. But what Leonard spilling everything did do though, was send a message. That’s when Franco reached out for a sit down, to talk this shit out.

After all, no one wants a war, just better boundaries and a clearer idea who’s got a piece of which pie. And that’s some shit we can work with, for sure—not to mention respect—and apparently, so can the mob.

Leonard’s going to jail, for a very, very long time. I was worried at first about what it would do to Nicole, but she’s honestly fine. The more I get to know her, the more I realize that family of hers is nuts, not to mention completely dysfunctional. It’s actually amazing she grew up capable of loving and having normal emotions and relationships.

I grin.

Well, maybe not that last one. After all, there’s fuckin’ nothing normal about ours—at least the first chapter of it.

There were calls for us to “handle” Owen internally—as in, the whole lot of us beat the fuck out of him before we let the guys he put in jail take their shots. But Grey put his foot down, and so Owen’s going up to Walpole himself now, for a long, long fucking time.

Nicole’s hand squeezes mine, and I turn to smile at her before turning back to Grey and Hawk.

“You’ve gotta be Nicole,” Grey says quietly, smiling at her. He sticks a hand out, and she shakes it firmly.


“That’s me,” he chuckles.

“Hawk,” Hawk grunts. The guy is basically my size and built just as hard. But Nicole doesn’t flinch once as she beams at him and shakes his hand.

“Nice to meet you.”

“So I guess you’ve got a pretty good leash on our boy here,” Grey chuckles.

“Watch it,” I mutter.

Nicole giggles. “You know, I guess I do. He really is a big puppy dog, isn’t he?”

Grey and Hawk snicker at the scowl on my face, and Grey grins as he reaches over and claps me on the back.

“Oh I like her,” he winks. “She’s good for you.”

“That’s what I keep telling him,” Nicole sighs.

“Well, keep reminding him,” Hawk chuckles darkly. “He’s a bit thick-headed.”

“Fuck you too, buddy,” I grumble as my friend laughs.

“Alright, I’m out,” Grey sighs. “Gotta get over to the shore house and check out the damage.”

Julian and Shane, two of our newer prospects, and a few of Franco’s guys were already out there the day after the shit went down to clean up the shootout and get rid of the bodies, but no one’s really patched up the house yet.

“You want a hand?”

He grins. “I think you’ve got yours filled for the rest of the day, brother,” he winks, nodding his chin at Nicole. “Or at least, if you’re not a fucking idiot, you will.”

He turns back to her, grinning.

“So we’re gonna be seeing you around, I hope? I mean I already like this asshole better with you next to him.”

“He’s definitely bathing more often,” Hawk jokes with a snicker. Nicole laughs as I punch him in the shoulder.

The two of them head out, leaving us alone, and Nicole beams at me as she turns to sink into my arms.

“So, you were like, the stinky kid, before me?”

I roll my eyes, and she laughs, sinking into me before we both go quiet for a long minute. I know what’s coming—we haven’t talked about it, and in fact, we’ve pretty actively avoided talking about it. But it’s the elephant in the room, and it’s getting restless, fast. I’m talking about the “what comes next” talk—the fact that my place is here, and hers is in New York. The fact that I’m me, with all the shit and damage and danger that comes with it, and she’s her.


“You should do your own thing,” I growl quietly.

Nicole pulls back, smirking at me with a cocked brow. “Oh fuck you.”

I smirk. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me!” she snaps, poking me in the chest. “And no, you can’t get rid of me that easily.”

I frown, shaking my head. “That’s not at all what I’m doing, princess,” I growl. “Nicole, I’m not—”

“I’m in,” she whispers heatedly. “‘I’m in for all of it.”

She leans up into me, standing on her toes, and I groan as her lips sear to mine. I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight as I kiss her slow, deep, and hard.

“Nicole, you’ve got your whole career ahead of you. I mean you’re going to be a lawyer, for Christ’s sake—a fucking good one, too.”

“Um, you mean a fucking great one,” she winks. “And something tells me you and your friends could probably find plenty of use for a fucking great lawyer at some point. Or several points.”

“So where’s this going?”

“It’s going with me going to law school in Boston, and not letting you go.”

I grin. “Not letting me go, huh?”

Nope,” she beams. “You’re fucking stuck with me.”

“Lucky me,” I growl, scooping her close and kissing her slowly.

“Nicole,” I finally say quietly and somberly as I pull away. “This isn’t a glamorous life.”

“I’m not looking for glamorous, I just want you.”

“See, that’s pretty funny,” I nod, frowning.


“That you just want me.”

She arches a brow, before I grin.

“Because the funny thing is, I just want you.”

She beams as she sinks into me, looking up at me with those big blue eyes as my pulse quickens and my cock thickens.

“So that’s where this is going, huh? You’re going to be some rough biker guy’s old lady?”

She rolls her eyes. “I’m going to be your lady, but maybe let’s chill the fuck out on ‘old.’”

I laugh, pulling her into me as I nuzzle her neck.

“You know,” I growl. “There’s something I’ve never asked you that I really should.

She frowns nervously, biting on her lip. “What?”

My smile stretches wider.

“Do you have a little Irish in you?”

Nicole grins. “No, but I’d like some.”

“It ain’t gonna be little,” I purr, grunting as I move into her and wrap her up in my arms.

Good,” she gasps, already feeling my thick cock pulsing against her.

She looks up into my eyes, I look down into hers, and suddenly, it’s like everything in the world has balanced out.

“I love you,” I growl quietly. I realize the second I say it that she really is the only woman I’ve ever loved, and I’m head over fucking heels for her.

Nicole grins a huge smile at me, her face pink and her eyes shining as she practically jumps into my arms to kiss me hungrily.

I love you, too,” she whimpers into my lips. “So now what, mister?”


I growl hungrily, my hands tightening on her.

“Now I’m going to throw you over my shoulder, walk out of here, put you on my bike in front of me, drive to my place, throw you down on my bed, and ravish the fuck out of you.”

She bites her lip, blushing eagerly.

Good,” she whispers breathlessly, before her eyes turn impish again. “Now, do you need a pair of my panties or anything? You know, if you need to…”

I just shake my head and smirk right back.

“Nah, princess. This time, every single drop is all for you.”

She laughs, and then moans as she sinks into me. Our lips meet, our tongues tangle, and the world fades away for I don’t even know how long.