Filthy Bastard by Madison Faye

Chapter Three


I swear a muffled swear as the car jerks around a corner, tousling me into the side of the trunk. I grunt, hissing as my bruised shoulder takes the brunt of it before gasping as the car seems to take off like a rocket. In movies and books, the person who gets kidnapped is always trying to remember the turns, or count seconds or something—I think it’s supposed to help remember where you were taken to if you ever get rescued.

But, please.

I’m naked and tied up in the back of a fucking car—believe me when I say I have no fucking idea what right and left turns we’ve taken.

When we start to move faster though, I’m pretty sure it means we’re on the highway, which just sends another bolt of fear through me. The highway could mean we’re going anywhere.

The car keeps moving, and I just ball up, huddling in my stupid towel and trying not panic. I try and remember back on law school application test questions to try and calm my racing heart, but it hardly helps. All I know is, I have no clue where I’m going, who the man who took me is, or what the hell he wants.

…Or at least, I want to tell myself I have no idea what he wants. Because if I do start to really think about what he might want with me, I’m not sure I’ll survive the panic attack it’ll bring on.

The car slows and then turns. We drive for another little while before turning again, and I can hear a sound that can only be gravel under the tires. The car slows even more, creeping over the gravel or stone, until finally, it stops. The engine turns off, and suddenly it’s absolutely silent.

My heart races.

I hear the sound of a car door, and then nothing. And then still nothing.

Did he just leave me?

Without even thinking, I start to scream, twisting to slam my feet against the trunk. I just keep screaming and kicking, hoping someone might hear me or see the shaking back of the car and start asking questions. I’m still kicking when I hear footsteps on the gravel, and then a key sliding into the lock. I lash out one last time just as the trunk swings open, and this time, my feet kick nothing but air.

Instantly, I look up into his piercing eyes, and my face burns hot with embarrassment. I blink, my eyes still used to the pitch black of the trunk. But I quickly remember that it’s night outside too. My eyes slide back to his, and I shiver again as his sheer attractiveness hits me like a slap to the face.

Okay seriously, what is wrong with me.

I scream a muffled scream as he yanks me out and tosses me over his shoulder. This time, with a gasp from my lips, I feel my towel slip and fall away as he marches us through the darkness. I squirm and kick and buck again him, but he’s much stronger, and there’s no way I’m twisting myself free.

I blink and I realize we’re in the woods, sort of, and moving towards a small little house. And behind it, I realize I can see the ocean lazily lapping at a rocky shore.

And nothing else around us. No lights, no other cars, no other houses… nothing.

The man kicks the door open, and I scream again into the gag as he walks us inside and flips on a light. I guess I was excepting some sort of rapey dungeon or something, but the place is, well, homey looking. It looks straight out of the fifties, complete with mid-century pea-green colored fridge and stove, gingham curtains, and hardwood floors.

It honestly looks like someplace your grandmother would live.

But I barely have time to take it in before he marches us down a narrow hallway and kicks open another door. He turns, and when my eyes land on the bed, I go right back into freak-out mode. I lash out and kick and scream and thrash before with a grunt, he tosses me down across the bed and backs up just in time to miss my feet kicking him.

He glares at me, those piercing, gorgeous eyes blazing right into my freaking soul and making me gasp. And then, slowly, a sly, smug smile creeps over his face, and those eyes of his begin to drift lower over me.

…Over all of me.

I blush bright red, shivering under his obviously hungry and totally unabashed gaze as he drinks me in. I try and squirm or turn over, but his eyes are all over my bare nakedness, that smug smile still curling his lips.

And then, suddenly, he moves towards me.

I scream bloody fucking murder as he reaches for me, but it’s the gag he’s grabbed. He twists it, pulling it off of my head before he snags my panties with his fingers and tugs them free of my mouth. I gasp heavily, sucking in a breath of air before my eyes blaze right into him.

Fuck you!

And he just laughs, this amused, quiet chuckle.

“Can you behave?”

My eyes narrow to slits at him as I curl my legs up, twisting to try and hide my nudity from his eyes.

“Can I… Fuck you, asshole! Fuc—!

Sighing, he deftly stuffs the panties right back into my mouth, and my muffled screams and swears fill the room.

He sighs again, crossing his arms over his chest and giving me that stern-but-amused look.

“No one can hear you out here, trust me,” he growls. And for the first time, I realize he’s got an Irish accent. I blink, swallowing as I glare at him.

“But I can,” he grunts. “And I’d rather not go fucking deaf. Now I’m asking you, sweetheart, if you can fucking behave.”

My eyes narrow at him, and he rolls his.

“You scream again, and I’ll keep those in there for as long as it takes. Understand?”

I don’t say a thing, as if I even could, and I don’t even move my head. I just keep glaring at him until he finally sighs.

“Fuck, fine. Don’t make me regret this.”

He reaches out again and plucks the damn black lace panties from my mouth.

“Now, was there something you felt compelled to say?”

My eyes shoot daggers at him.

“Yeah, fuck you.”

He grins, and slowly, his eyes sweep back down over me, making me shiver.

“Get your filthy eyes off of me!”

He chuckles and shrugs. “Can’t help it.”

“Well… help it!” I snap.

His gaze slides back up, and our eyes lock.

“Can you please cover me?” I whisper, chewing on my lip and swallowing. “Please?”

He takes a deep breath and rakes his nails over the scruff on his jaw before he finally nods.


He tugs the comforter free from where it’s tucked into the sides of the small bed and pulls it over me.

“Thank you,” I say quietly.

“Anything else, princess?” he says dryly.

I frown.

“I mean, can you…”

He sighs. “Suppose you want to be untied.”


“Too bad.”

I glare at him, and he chuckles again, which just infuriates me. And what doesn’t help is that he’s so freaking hot it’s making my head do stupid things, even with him having just fucking abducted me.

“What do you want?”

He grins hungrily, and even though the blanket is covering me now, when his eyes slide over me again, I feel a shiver creep through me, and I pale.

“Wait, please—”

Relax,” he growls. “You’re not my type, princess.”

“Oh is that right?” I sneer. “And what’s your type, asshole?”


My mouth snaps shut, and we just look at each other.

“Why did you…” I swallow. “Why am I here?” I ask quietly.

He just shakes his head.


I frown. “What?”


“Later what?”

He starts to turn for the door, and I catch the way his brow furrows.

“Wait, wait…” I scowl. “Do you not have a plan?”

He turns back to me, letting those deep, gorgeous blue eyes pierce into my gaze. He glares at me, and I know I’m at least half right.

“Hold on,” I mutter. “What sort of kidnapper doesn’t have a plan?”

“I’m not a kidnapper,” he growls.

“I beg to differ,” I shoot back.

He rolls his eyes again, turning for the door and walking over to it.

“Wait so I’m just like, here?”

“Yeah, like you are?” He tosses back in this mocking valley-girl way.

“I don’t sound like that,” I mutter.

He just shrugs.

“Oh, are we making fun of voices now, lucky charms?”

He chuckles, shaking his head.

“Do you want money?” I say a little softer. “Look, my dad—”

“I know who your daddy is,” he hisses, his face suddenly devoid of all humor, his brow darkening. We eye each other, and I swallow thickly.

“Is that it? That’s why you took me? My dad?”

He eyes me, saying nothing for a full half a minute.

“No yelling, princess,” he finally mutters. “Or the gag goes back in.”

He turns and abruptly walks out, closing and then audibly locking the door behind him, and leaving me even more confused and turned upside down than I was before.

Great. I’ve been kidnapped by the hot Irish guy to his 1950s cabin by the ocean, in the middle of nowhere.

Now what?