Filthy Bastard by Madison Faye

Chapter Nine


I blink, looking up at the dark ceiling. I blink again, and there’s that moment of “where the fuck am I,” before suddenly, I remember.

…The huge, muscled arms wrapped tight around me, and the warm skin and coiled muscled at my back play a huge part.

I blink once more and half turn to glance at the window of the small motel room. It’s barely light outside, and you can see just the faintest glow around the edges of the curtains. I settle back into him, and I almost want to laugh.

Girl, what have you gotten yourself into?

Because here I am, naked, grinning, and lying in the arms of the man who took me—the man who kidnapped me less than twelve hours ago. It’s insane when I put it in perspective, and I suddenly start to wonder just how quickly Stockholm Syndrome actually kicks in. I glance over my shoulder to see Killian still sleeping, and my eyes focus first on those percent lips, and that firm jaw. Then up to his closed eyes.

He’s fierce looking even when he’s sleeping, but he’s not scary. I mean, maybe he should scare me. He’s the man who took me from my home, and then I watched him kill like eight people in the span of minutes without batting an eye.

I want to dwell on just what sort of person it makes him that after that carnage, he’s able to kiss me and take me to bed and do all the things we did. But then, what does it say about me that I was able to do that after what I saw?

Maybe it’s him. Maybe he brings out the crazy in me, who knows. I do know that I’ve never once had sex like that. Like, not even fucking close. I’ve never even come close to being with a man like Killian—both in who he is and just his pure size.

And I do mean all of his size.

There were a few boys before Trevor—all somewhat forced, and none very satisfying. And yeah, without question, none of them hold a candle to Killian in terms of bedroom.

But, there’s more than that.

Here I am in his arms, and I’ve never once felt as secure or safe with a guy before. I snuggle into him, and suddenly, I feel him hard against my ass. Like, really, really hard—his huge cock throbbing hotly against my bare skin, making me gasp quietly.

I’ve never felt as desired by a guy as I do with him, that’s for sure.

The one nagging thought is “now what?” I mean at a certain point, we need to address that, not to mention that men with guns just tried to kill us. He stirs behind me though, shaking those thoughts away. I glance back at him over my shoulder as he opens his eyes, and instantly, he grins.

“Morning,” he purrs deeply.

“Hi,” I whisper, biting my lip.

He stretches slightly, and all it does is press that cock against me again. He growls, his eyes holding mine as he leans in.

“Wait—I—” I make a face. “I have morning breath.”

“You don’t and wouldn’t care if you did anyways.”

His lips crush to mine, and I whimper as he kisses me hungrily. His hands slide down my body, and I gasp into his mouth as he easily lifts one leg. His hips roll, his thick cock slips between my thighs, and I feel his swollen head nudging my lips. Instantly, I’m fucking soaking wet, and he can tell. He pushes, and when his head slips between them, he rolls his hips, and suddenly, he’s pushing inside.

Oh God…” I whisper.

He just kisses me slowly as he pushes inch after thick inch of that gorgeous cock into me, filling me up and up and up until I cry out. He grunts, giving me the last two inches or so, and I moan eagerly at the sheer size of him.

“Size doesn’t matter,” they say. “It’s how you use it,” they say. Well, this size is blowing my fucking mind, and he knows how to use it. Best of both worlds works just fine for me right now, I’ll say that.

He slides out, only to plunge right back in, and I moan into him as we start to move slowly, our tongues swirling and our bodies grinding together as Killian slowly fucks me from behind. His big hand cups my jaw, the other one sliding to grip my hip. He pulls me back into him, and I moan as I feel his size stretch me wide and fill me deeply.

His veined, throbbing cock drives in and out, slowly building, slowly pushing me towards that edge. His hand moves to my neck, and he holds it—not squeezing or really choking me or anything, but it’s just enough of a thrill to make me start to fall apart. He moves faster, thrusting harder and fucking me deeper with that cock. His grooved hips slap my ass, and my eyes roll back as I gasp wildly.

His hand grips me tightly, and his mouth rasps his breath into my ear as he fucks me so perfectly, until suddenly, I’m gone. I cry out as the orgasm hits me, shivering and shuddering on his cock as I moan my release and twist my head to kiss him deeply. Killian groans into my lips, burying his big dick deep in my quivering pussy before his cock swells, and he starts to come.

I moan, feeling the thick, hot ropes of his cum blasting deep inside of me. He growls, pulling out, and I whimper in pleasure as I feel his cock pulsing against my skin as he spills rope after rope of his sticky cum again my lips, my thighs and my ass, making a fucking mess of me.

We come to a painting stop, and instantly, I start to giggle before I turn and kiss him hard.

“Something funny?” he grins.

“No,” I giggle. “I don’t know why I’m laughing, that was just so fucking good.”

Yeah” he grunts, chuckling. “Making women laugh in bed—every man’s fantasy.”

I giggle again as I kiss him hungrily.

“I’m laughing because I’ve never once come like that.”

“I know.”

I pull back, arching brow.

“Oh, really?” I smirk at his cockiness, but he doesn’t once back down.

“Oh, really,” he purrs.

“And what makes you think that?”

“Not think, know,” he growls. “And it’s obvious.”


“For one because I do my research.”


He rolls his eyes.

“Learning you.”

“Yeah, stalking me.”

He chuckles, shaking his head.

“Label it what you want.”

“Oh, I have.”

He growls, grinning as he kisses me.

“Wasn’t there a…” he wrinkles his brow. “You were with someone.”

I frown


“That change ‘cause of me?”

I shake my head. “No, before.”

“His fucking loss,” he growls, kissing me slowly and deeply, taking my breath away.

“So now what?”

He sighs. “I should check in with my club. Might be we hang out here for a while.”

“What should I tell my parents?”

His eyes drag over my face, reading me.

“You mean besides that you’ve been kidnapped and ravished by a filthy biker gang guy?”

“Yeah, I mean, obviously besides that. But that’s definitely what I’m leading with.”

I grin, and he chuckles.

“How soon do you need to get back to them before it creates a scene?”

“I don’t at all?” I shrug. “I mean that honestly. I’ll just say work called me back to New York.”

I look at him, my eyes searching his.

“Why were you after my dad?”


“No, tell me, please.”

“No one needs to hear that about their own father.”

“I do.”

He’s holding back, and I can tell. But I’m not kidding. I really do need to know this.

“Tell me, Killian.”

He sighs, looking away. “He’s in with the mob.”

“I know.”

“Well, they’re using him to go after rivals, like my club, and others. The mob is using your father to go after guys like me and mine and pin their own crimes on us. I’ve got brothers in Walpole Penitentiary right now for shit they had no part in. Hell, for shit that went down when they were in another state.”

My brow furrows, and I shiver as something cold slices through me.

“That’s fucking awful,” I whisper, looking up at him. “Killian, I’m so sorry.”

He half smiles. “It is what it is.”

I nod quietly, looking down.

“So, were you going to like…” I swallow thickly before I look back up at him. “Kill him?”

He frowns. “No, princess.”


“Honestly, no. I don’t kill unless I’m going to be dead if I don’t.”

I shiver, hugging closer to him.

“Scare him?”

“You could say that.”

His eyes search mine, but I just shrug.

“Look, I know he’s not a good guy.”

“But he’s still your father,” he says quietly.


Killian smirks. “Yeah, well, fathers can be shit sometimes, can’t they?”

He stretches and looks across the room when his eyes light up.

“Oh fuck yeah.”

I follow his gaze to the instant coffee machine, and I purr happily.

Ooooh yes please.”

He slides from the bed, and I grin hungrily watching his perfect, naked form pad across the room, his cock hanging heavy between his legs.

And good Lord does he have a nice ass.

It’s the whole thing—the muscles, the tattoos, the scars… He turns as the coffee starts to percolate, and grins.

“Caught you.”

“Well, yeah.”

He chuckles. “Something catch your eye?”

“Um, yes?” I stare at his cock, and he grins.

“I think I created a monster.”

“I think you did too,” I whisper thickly.

“I’m gonna shower,” he growls. “Come with me.”

I grin. I like the he didn’t ask.

“Yeah, okay.”

A minute later, I step in with him, the water streaming over us. But it’s a tiny, tiny shower, especially with how big he is, and it doesn’t take long to realize that any “fun” isn’t going to happen, even if his cock thickens against me as he soaps up my breasts and kisses me.

We step out, and he wraps me in towel and starts to dry me off. But he stops and frowns suddenly.

“I was thinking when I saw them before that these were from the trunk,” he growls, frowning as his eyes land on my buries. “But these are older than last night.”

I look down, my brow furrowing as I pull the towel around myself. But Killian stops me and gently pulls it away. He leans in and kisses my shoulder slowly and softly. He moves down to my side, kissing my bruised ribs gently before pulling away and frowning.

“What happened,” he growls.

“Nothing,” I say quietly.


“I fell.”

His eyes hold mine unflinchingly, so full of something warm and comforting, and yet also so fierce and protective. And slowly, I cave.

“There was a guy,” I say softly.

Instantly, fire ignites in his eyes.

He did this?”

I nod slowly, and Killian snarls.

“He’s fucking dead.


“No, no…” he snarls. Not fucking okay.”

I chew on my lip, and he pulls me into him.

“Hey,” he whispers softly, holding me tightly. “Sorry, I just…” he frowns. “My dad,” he growls. “He used to hit our mother. A lot.”

My heart breaks a little as I slide closer to him, holding him tight. “I’m so sorry,” I say gently before I look up. “Our?”

“My brother, Conall. Our dad was a hard fucker.”

“I’m so sorry,” I murmur, kissing his chest. “Dads are…” I shrug. “Families can really suck, can’t they?”

He smiles softly. “I’ve grown up to realize families are who you choose to keep around you.”

“Like your gang?”

He smirks. “Yeah. My brothers.”

“And your actual brother. Is he in the club too?”

Killian shakes his head. “No, he’s out west right now, sort of doing his own thing.”

He leans down, kissing me softly and gently, which is almost surreal given his size and just how fierce he is. I melt into him, sliding my arms around his neck as he pulls me close. We stay just like that for I don’t even know how long before he slowly pulls away.

“I need to call and check in, see what’s up.”

“Yeah, okay. I should probably call my parents.”

Killian stiffens a little, and I grin.

“It’s not like I was planning on telling them about…” I blush. “You know, anything.”

“Why not?” He chews on his lip. “Nicole, I did take you, bound and gagged, out of that condo.”

“There was a car trunk involved, too, if I’m not mistaken,” I add jokingly.

He frowns, but I grin as I slide into him, kissing him softly.

“I’m not sure, I guess.”

“You don’t feel an urge to tell your parents that a big mean thug stole you away?”

“Yeah, not really.”

He arches a brow, and I shrug.

“You’ve never met my parents,” I grumble.

Killian smiles, leaning down to kiss me. “Call away, princess. Your phone is in the saddlebag. I’ll be right outside calling the club.”

He moves close and kisses me slow and softly, before it deepens to something hard and fierce. He pulls back, grinning at me and sending butterflies through my stomach.

“Then after… breakfast?”

I nod, smiling from ear to ear. “Sounds perfect.”