Cream Pie by Madison Faye

Chapter 6


“The fuck, man?”

I about shit myself, chocking on my beer at the sound of Marshall’s voice and his strong hand clamping down on my shoulder. My face pales as I turn to look into my friend’s hardened eyes, and I swear to God, my life flashes before my eyes for a second.

Fuck it, this had to happen sooner or later. The best thing I can do is be honest, man up, and take whatever heat comes my—

“Is that seriously a beer you’re drinking?”

Marshall grins, shaking his head.

Jesus fucking shit.

The breath leaves my lungs, and my shoulders sag a little as I try and brush away the momentary glimpse of imminent death.

“I mean what happened to Mr. Keto-diet, no carbs, ‘gotta trim the fat, Marshall’, hmm?” my friend jokes, patting my shoulder again.

I roll my eyes. Yeah, okay, I’ve been on a bit of a “get in shape” kick recently. Well, more like get in better shape, I guess. To be fair, and at the risk of sounding like a douche, I’m in impeccable shape on my off days. The Marines beat that discipline into me, before I got into business school, and before finance, and before La Société Rouge and getting to know Marshall. Recently though, I’ve been pushing myself to get lean and mean, and part of that was giving my buddy a hard time, usually about being an “old guy”.

“What, I thought you were going to have a single malt ready for me?” I shrug, grinning back. “Had to make do until you could scrounge the funds together to buy a round.”

Marshall chuckles, and fuck, all it does is make me feel like more of a shithead for what happened with Amy last night. And this morning. And fifteen minutes ago. I take a quick slug of beer to cover the guilt on my face.

The easy balm for my guilt would be to just tell myself that of course I didn’t know who she was. And, yeah, I didn’t—fucking of course I didn’t. But then, that just brings up the obvious follow-up question: would it have changed anything if I had? If I had known who that girl was, with her arms around me, her body pressed to mine, her moans gasping in my ears and her tongue wet on mine, would I have walked away?

The fucked-up truth is, I’m not actually sure.

“So, how’s it feel to be off the market?”

Marshall rolls his eyes. “I haven’t been ‘on the market’ in a lifetime, man. But how’s it feel to be with her?” He grins and nods past me, his whole damn face lighting up. I turn and smile, seeing Kendall on the dancefloor dancing with some friends.

Marshall sighs slowly. “Well it feels like I just won the whole world.”

I smile and clap him on the shoulder. “Proud of you, buddy. She’s amazing, and you’re a lucky man.”

“I know.” He grins. “So what’s going on with your dance card these days.”

I just shrug and take a drink.

“C’mon, I know that look, especially since you ‘went out’ last night.”

“It was just for a drink at one of those beach-side spots, that’s all,” I shrug again. “Caught some Sports Center highlights, had a few.”

“Lotta pretty girls at those beach-side spots,” Marshall says, eying me. “And I bet any one of them would do a great job of getting your mind off Jackie.”

A frown darkens my brow, and Marshall makes a face.

“Shit, sorry man. Look, I know that was a rough one. Just trying to help.”

“I know,” I smile. “And thanks man.”

Jackie. Fuck. What can you even say about the last woman I made the mistake of letting inside my world? Jackie was too good to be true, I guess. Too nice, too sweet, too into my exact interests, too already had her own money, too willing to do anything to make me happy. Except, it was all bullshit. The only thing Jackie was actually “too” good at was lying out of her ass.

She didn’t come from money, like she’d told me. And who the fuck cares, except in the end, that’s what she was after: money. She saw a young, up-and-coming guy like me, and she made me an easy target. The woman must have stalked me for months before I ever met her, too. She knew every one of my quirks. All of my favorite teams were hers. Date one, and she goes and orders a rare highland single malt that maybe two bars in the whole fucking city have, one that also happens to be my favorite.

She knew everything about me, and it would come out in these mind-blowing ways that let me to believe she was just that perfect person for me. But in the end, it was all about the money. I came home one day from work to find Jackie freaking out in my living room, covered in blood, and screaming at me to stay away from her and to please not hit her again, all while on the phone with the 911 operator.


I knew in one second I’d been fucked. So I called my lawyer, hung up, and just sat on the floor in my front entryway until the cops showed up. Luckily, I happen to work for one of the most powerful, richest guys in the city, and a friend like that pulls some serious damn strings. It didn’t take long for Jackie’s whole story to fall apart, and her plan to press charges on me for “abusing her” and walk away with a fat wad of cash fell through.


She’s tried to pull some shit with me a few times since, but mostly, I’ve got her well away from my life. Needless to say though, it’s left me a little fucked up.

“So, you gonna tell me the truth about last night or what?”

Fuck no.

But I just smile at Marshall. “Sports Center and some drinks, that’s all.”

He sighs. “Whatever. Fine, don’t tell me the lucky guy’s name.”

I laugh. “Dick.”

Marshall grins, but slowly, that grin fades as his eyes move past me again. I turn, and shit, the same scowl clouds my face as well.

It’s Amy—specifically, Amy dancing way, way close with this little trust-fund looking douchebag with a preppy haircut and a smug smirk on his face. My teeth grind as I watch him slide his hands over Amy, grinning away as he pulls her close and rocks his hips to the dance beat of the deejay. Beside me, Marshall growls.

“I mean, she’s an adult, I know,” he sighs. “But, c’mon. What dad wants to see his little girl dancing like that with a little shit like him?”

I nod slowly, seeing fucking red. I know it’s fucking stupid, and I know I have no “claim” or whatever on her. But you know what? Fuck that. Yeah, I do, and seeing another guy touching her makes me want to knock the smug look right off his pedigree face.

“It’s Danforth’s kid, too,” Marshall growls.

“Ken? From acquisitions?”

Marshall nods, and now I really want to smack this kid back into his trust fund vault. His dad is a douche and half and a walking sexual harassment suit liability. His kid looks worse.

“I’m being ‘that dad’, aren’t I?”

“Fuck no,” I growl. “Go tell that little shit to keep his hands to himself.”

He chuckles. “Thanks for the support. But I’m not going to be that guy. She’s eighteen, Javier.”

Thank God.

“Let her have her fun. You know,” he scowls. “Within reason. Look, I’m going to go dance with my bride.”

I nod dumbly, glaring at Ken Danforth’s son.

“Do me a favor though. Maybe just keep an eye on that little shit? If he pulls anything or if it looks like he’s bothering her—”

“Knock his teeth in and hide the body. Got it.”

Marshall laughs. “Thanks, brother.”

He walks away, and I turn and smile when I see Kendall giggle and jump into his arms to the cheers of some of the crowd. I turn back though, and my eyes narrow at Amy and douche-face swaying to the music. The kid slides his hand around to the small of her back, and something inside of me snaps.

Yeah, fuck this.

I slam my beer on the table and storm towards them, shoving my way through the crowded dance floor until I’m looming over both of them, a dark look on my face. Amy gasps quietly when she realizes it’s me, and she turns to look up at me with this scorching, fierce and wild look. It’s like a mixture of annoyance and pure heat.

Ken’s kid turns to glance at me with that smug look.

“Um, can I help you?”

“Yeah, you can. Fuck off.”

He blinks. “Uh, what?”

“Yeah,” Amy mutters, glaring at me. “What?”

I clear my throat. “What I meant was, can I have this dance,” I say, to her.

The kid looks confused, but Amy just keeps that same heated look that feels like a mix of pissed and desire.

“No, you cannot,” she mutters. She turns back to dickface, but I’m not done.

“You know,” I growl, tapping the kid on the shoulder. “They’ve got free cocaine in the bathroom.”

“No shit! Really?” he grins widely. “Fucking awesome!” he drops his hands from her like the dumb sack of shit he is, and I roll my eyes.

“No, not really,” I mutter contemptuously. “Now fuck off.”

I push him aside and step right into Amy. I take one of her hands in mine, and the other drops to pull her hip towards me possessively. She gasps quietly, her face flushing as her big blue eyes look up into mine. The kid sputters, but one quelling look from me, and he’s scampering off with his tail between his legs.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she hisses.


I spin her with the hand holding hers, making her gasp before I pull her right back into me. This time, both hands go to her waist, and I groan as she sinks into me.

Stop it,” she hisses quietly, her breath catching as our bodies grind together.

“You stop it.”

“People are watching us,” Amy mutters under her breath, her eyes darting around the room.

“So don’t make a scene.” I grin, my eyes locking with hers. “Just smile and dance.”

She gives me a hard look right back, swallowing thickly.

“Just smile and dance, huh?”

“Well,” I growl, leaning close so that my lips brush her ear, making her gasp.

“And maybe try and forget that it’s my cum still soaked into your panties.”

She whimpers. God help me, she whimpers and I almost cave right there. I almost claim that sassy little mouth of hers right there on the dance floor of her father’s wedding. But somehow, I hold back. Barely.

“You’re disgusting.”

“No, I’m right.”

She blushes, biting her lip. “Does this crude routine work with women?”

“Did Dudley Dipshit’s ‘I’m an entitled little shit with money’ routine work with you?”

I nod towards Ken’s son, now sulking by the bar nursing a beer, and Amy snorts a giggle before she catches herself. She quickly covers it with a stern glare.

Josh, was actually a gentlemen. Unlike some people.”

I roll my eyes. “Let me guess, he was trying to impress you with the fraternity he’s pledging at, what, Yale? How did your panties stay on?”

Amy giggles in spite of her best efforts.

“Harvard, but actually, yes.”

I grin.

“And my panties stayed on just fine, thank you very much,” she purrs. Her eyes spark with heat, and I growl as she leans up. Her hands wrap around my neck as we dance, and her lips pull close to my ear.

Probably because they’re so full of your cum.”

Fuck. Me. Sideways.

I growl savagely, my hands tightening on her, making her whimper.

“Fuck, Amy…”

Gotcha,” she purrs coquettishly, pulling away to smirk at me with smoldering bedroom eyes. She’s playing this game too now, it appears.

“Did you?” I frown, like I’m thinking. “Now, when you get fucked against the bathroom sink until you come like a fucking geyser, who exactly is the one who got who?”

She blushes fiercely, and my cock swells even harder against her. She bites her lip, and her hips arch into me, her body pressing against my thick erection until she gasps.

“You know that’s not happening again, right?”

“Of course,” I grunt. “Not with the bigger factors involved.”

“Factors like my dad.”

“Yeah, like that.”

“And him being your boss.”

I nod.

“And him probably killing you if he found out you popped his daughter’s cherry.”

I growl, my jaw grinding as I dart my eyes to either side of us. Amy grins wickedly.

“Oh c’mon, no one can hear us.” She winks as my jaw tenses. “What, scared all of a sudden?”

“More like interested in living another day or two,” I growl.

“See, and here I thought you were the wild and reckless type.”

“Says the girl who let a stranger take her virginity last night,” I growl. She blushes fiercely, and her hands tighten on my waist.

“We should probably stop dancing like this,” she whispers.


“Shame,” she whispers softly, eyeing me dangerously. “Different circumstances and we might have some more fun this trip.”

I growl. “You’re teasing me, aren’t you?”

She grins. “Sure am.”

“You don’t really know me, you know,” I grunt. “Might be I’m not the kind of man you tease like this.”

She blushes deeper, raking her teeth over her lip. Fuck, we’re playing a dangerous game here, but I can’t stop.

“Ooo,” she sasses right back. “And what happens when I push you too hard, hmm?”

“I do know what cabana you’re staying in,” I growl quietly. My eyes burn into hers, and she stiffens a little. A flush burns through her cheeks, and her body shivers under my touch.

“And I know that you’re staying there all alone.”

She gasps quietly, our eyes locking and sparking with fire.

“Is that a threat?”

“Nah, princess,” I growl, leaning so close that she gasps again.

“That’s a promise.”

My hand slides down to cup her ass through her dress, and she moans softly. A voice in my head screams at me to stop this shit, but I can’t. I won’t. This girl in my arms is unlike anyone I’ve ever met before, and yeah, you could say it’s the forbidden aspect of it, but I didn’t know who she was last night or this morning, and I was still wild for her unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

And right now, forbidden or not, I just fucking want her. I fucking crave her like a drug, and when she moans and presses her body against me, I know it’s not going to take long before I just fucking snap.

Our eyes lock, my cock pulses hard as steel against her through my pants and her dress, and her lips part. Her pink tongue darts across them, and I growl lowly, slowly closing the distance between us.

And then, she jumps back, like she’s been struck by lightning, right out of my arms.

“Hey!” She squeals.

Something blonde and white tumbles past me and into her arms, and I slowly let the breath out as I step back. It’s Kendall, of course. Kendall who almost just caught me crushing my lips to her best friend’s mouth. She turns and beams at me.

“Oh hey, Javier!”

“Hey gorgeous,” I grin back, hoping to God it covers the guilt on my face. “You look stunning tonight, you know.”

She smiles widely, blushing. “Why thank you, Javier.” She giggles a champagne laugh and glances at her friend. “You know, your dancing partner is a real charmer, Ames.”

“He sure is,” Amy drawls tightly.

“Hasn’t Marshall fixed you up with anyone yet?”

“Not for lack of trying,” I smile.

Amy frowns.

“Oh, I’m sure you’re so eager to settle down anyways, right?” Kendall sighs, rolling her eyes. “Typical finance guy, I bet. Money and good looks? In New York?” She snorts. “Right, like you’re actually looking for something for more than a night.”

She’s just giving me a hard time, but Amy’s frown turns into a glare.

“Typical finance guy,” she mutters. “Exactly. C’mon,” she hooks her arm into Kendall’s. “Let’s let Romeo here play the field in peace, huh?”

Kendall laughs and gives me a hug. “Thanks for being here for Marshall, Javier. Really. Now go forth,” she laughs. “Go find that lucky girl of the night!”

She laughs again and runs off, tugging Amy behind her. My jaw tightens as the only damn girl I do want is pulled out of my orbit.

…And fuck me, now I just want her even more.