His Runaway Mountain Bride by Madison Faye



He was here. He was on Blackthorn.

I wasn’t even really sure why it bothered me so much, but it did. Knowing that Rowan had freaking been here, so close to my new life, and that we’d somehow passed each other without even knowing it burned inside of me. Part of me was pissed that the life I’d run from had crashed into the new one I’d so carefully built. The other part of me was just angry that I’d spent so long hating myself for running away from the man I loved, and that months and months ago, a simple change of plans could have had us face to face.

Our little reunion was confusing. On the one hand, seeing him again, and kissing him again, and feeling him again—feeling that want and unstoppable desire again—was like coming home after being out in the cold for far too long. But on the other hand,I felt he’d done it on his terms. I hated feeling like this damsel in distress that needed saving. And with it being Rowan doing the saving, it felt like his little cosmic “fuck you” back after me leaving. Like “see, what would you do without me?”

I knew it was fucking stupid, and even stupider to be mad at him for all of this. But there I was, turning away from the window to glare at him as he stoked the fire in the huge old fireplace before I turned to look back out at the frozen mountain around us.

Stone and Jackie hadn’t been exaggerating. The cabin they’d hid us in was in the middle of freaking nowhere. We’d had to actually hike in about a mile or two through a barely marked trail up from a barely passable dirt road. And the cabin itself was practically falling apart. I mean, it had a roof and four walls, plus a fireplace to keep us warm—or at least, keep us warm if the thing ever got going. But beyond that, it wasn’t anything fancy, and that was putting it lightly. I mean the thing had a fucking outhouse for God’s sake.

No electricity, no running water, an outhouse you had to traipse through the snow to get to, and a big copper tub for bathing, should I feel the desire to melt a fuckload of snow over the fireplace in order to fill it.

But they were right: no one was going to find us here. And Ryker, Stone, Axe, and a few of the other guys who lived on Blackthorn—Braun, Vlad, Austin, and Dallas—were forming up some patrols of a sort to keep an eye on the roads in and out of the area, just in case the Marcello’s came knocking.

“You seen Shep recently?”

I blinked away my thoughts and turned from the window. Rowan had actually gotten the fire roaring pretty good, and I could actually feel the heat begin to fill the small cabin.

“Here and there. You?”

Rowan shook his head. “Not since…” I trailed off and frowned, and I knew what he meant. Not since I’d run off. And in truth, I hadn’t seen my brother either in a pretty long time. But then, Shepherd always—

“Shepherd always does his own thing,” Rowan muttered liked he was reading my freaking thoughts. He frowned. “He into anything he shouldn’t be these days?”

I smirked. They’d definitely drifted apart, but it was almost comical how my brother and Rowan were friends as long as they had been. I mean, besides being total opposites, there’d been more than a few reasons for Shepherd to want to knock Rowan’s teeth in instead of calling him friend. First and foremost, would be when he came back from the police academy and pretty much immediately swept me off my feet at eighteen.

Yeah, Shep hadn’t exactly immediately been into the idea of Rowan dating his little sister. In fact, it almost did result in a fight when he’d found out. But it didn’t take him long to see that this wasn’t just a fling, or Rowan taking advantage of me or anything. I guess once he saw how happy we were—

Were. We really had been, at one time. But like I said, the lies built up. The parts of my past I’d never told him about, like stealing food to eat, or getting looped into theft-for-pay jobs later, ate away at me, until I just couldn’t be happy, even if I knew he was the love of my life. I freaked, I ran, and the rest, as they say, is history.

“Shepherd always does his own thing,” I repeated Rowan’s words right back to him in response, and he grinned.

“So, same old bullshit.”

“Probably. He doesn’t drink anymore though.”

Rowan looked surprised. “No? What, from me tossing his ass in jail that night?”

I rolled my eyes. “I think the only impression that made was that his brother-in-law could be a real dick.”

“I was a cop, Lucy. And he was trying to fight people with his fucking dick hanging out of his pants.” I made a vomit face, and Rowan chuckled. But slowly, his eyes narrowed at me, like he was reading my mind again.

“You gonna let me know why you’re pissed at me?”

I frowned. “I’m not—”

“Yes, you are,” he growled quietly. “I know you too well, darlin. Plus, I caught you glaring at my back when I was making the fire just now.”

I felt my face blush, but I just shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

“You mad that I found you, or mad that I figured out where you were but didn’t come until I was sure.”

My eyes narrow into a glare. “You’re the FBI hotshot. Figure it out.”

Rowan shook his head. “No games, sweetheart. We never played games.”

“Well,” I snapped coldly. “Things are different now.”


“They just are.”

“No, they’re not,” he growled. “You’re still you and I’m still me—”

“And that’s the problem!” I spat back. “That’s why this,” I wagged a finger between us. “That’s why this didn’t work before!”

“No, this didn’t work before because you fucking ran away,” Rowan hissed.

“Trust me, dear,” I mumbled. “There were things about your dear little wifey that you definitely didn’t know, and definitely weren’t going to be able to handle—”

“Oh, like you being a fucking thief selling her services to criminals?” Rowan’s jaw tightened just as my eyes went wide. “Yeah, I knew, Lucy,” he growled. “I knew and I swallowed it back and woke up every fucking day coming up with a reason why I shouldn’t arrest your ass.”

“Well, there you go!” I yelled. “Case and point, and exactly why I ran.”

“Except it’s my job to hunt, Lucy.”

Rowan’s hand reached behind him under his jacket, and my eyes widened as he pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

I sneered at him. “What, you going to arrest me now?”

“I should.”

I glared at him as I backed away towards the door. “And if I run?”

“In the snow? On top of a fucking mountain in the middle of nowhere? I’ll catch you in three damn seconds, throw you over my goddamn shoulder and handcuff your bratty ass to the fucking bed over there.”

Heat spiked through me at his words, and I squirmed under that fierce, hungry, tempting gaze.

I eyed the handcuffs in his hand. “You stay away from me,” I whispered.

“That’s the problem, angel,” he growled quietly. “I can’t stay away from you. Never could, and I never fucking will.”

His growled words rumbled and burned through me, making me gasp quietly as his piercing blue eyes blazed into mine.

“Besides, baby girl,” he purred, stalking towards me and dangling the handcuffs. “I know you always liked it when I cuffed you.”

I swallowed as the heat pooled between my thighs, soaking my panties as I clenched my legs tight together.

“Only if you let me out afterwards,” I whispered. “Is that going to happen this time?”

“You’ll have to find out.”

Rowan,” I said quietly, shaking my head. “We can’t play games like this anymore.” I looked at him pleadingly. “Not after everything.”

“Everything like you running?”

“Damnit, Rowan, you’re a fucking cop, okay! You’re a cop, and I’m a…”

“Petty thief?”

I pursed my lips at his little grin.

“Okay, I’m a great thief, fuck you very much.”

He kept moving towards me, making me gasp as I stepped back until my back hit the door.

“And?” he growled.

“Oil and water, baby,” I whispered. “Fire and ice.”

I swallowed thickly as he moved closer, heat teasing through me, the room growing hotter, and my pulse racing faster as he moved right against me.

“No, more like fire and fire, angel.”

“You can’t fight fire with fire,” I whispered.

Something sparked wildly in his face, and I gasped as his hands suddenly slid across my waist as he looked down into my eyes.

Watch me.”

His lips crushed to mine hard and powerfully, taking my damn breath away and making my toes curl. I moaned into his lips, kissing him back and utterly losing myself in him. And just like that, we were off.

Rowan groaned into my lips as he picked me up, his big hands gripping my ass tight. He whirled and stormed across the room with me, like I was a prize he’d just claimed—a feast he’d just hunted down like a wild animal. My pulse spiked, and the slick wet heat between my legs made me whimper for more as I felt his thick bulge pulse against me.

We fell onto the bed, and I hugged him to me, wrapping my arms and legs around him and kissing him with every damn part of me. Every wasted day, month, and year poured out of my lips into his. Rowan’s hands gripped my sides, pushing my shirt up until he was yanking it off over my head and tossing it aside. My bra followed suit as I frantically clawed at his shirt. He flung that away too, and when his skin rubbed against mine, and my nipples dragged over his rock-hard chest, I moaned for more.

I needed more. I’d kissed him, I’d felt his mouth on me, and taken that thick cock of his between my lips. I’d felt him tease me until I screamed for more and felt his cum warm on my skin.

…But after two damn years without and wanting him almost every single day of those two years, I wanted more. I needed more. I needed all of him.


“Oh, trust me, baby girl,” he hissed as he kissed me fiercely. “I’m about to fuck you exactly how you’ve been craving to get fucked.”

I whimpered, knowing what that meant and feeling my body ache for it even more. I gasped when he pulled away and roughly spun me around face-down on the mattress, but the fire inside of me only blazed hotter. This is how I always loved it with him—hard, a little rough, and with him fully in charge.

I felt cold metal against my wrists, and I whimpered and then moaned deeply at the sound of the handcuff clicking shut around my wrist. He hadn’t been lying—I had always loved it when he’d cuff me to our bed back in that old life of ours. It was that control I gave up with him, and the way he took full reins of it to make me scream for more. There in the cabin, face down on the bed, I shivered as I felt him loop the cuffs around a bar of the old wrought-iron bed frame and then click the other ring shut on my other wrist.

His hand slid into my hair, grabbing a handful of it and pushing it away from my neck. I gasped at the feel of his lips on my skin there, teasing and kissing his way down between my shoulder blades as I writhed beneath him. His big hands skimmed down my sides, sliding around to cup my breasts and tease my nipples before sliding lower. His lips trailed down my spine as his fingers undid my jeans and started to tug them down, peeling them off my ass and hips. He tugged one leg and then the other free before moving back up, and when I felt his lips tease across the waist of my panties, I moaned deeply.

“You’re making a fucking mess of these panties, baby girl,” Rowan groaned. “I can see how fucking wet you are, soaking through them.”

His finger dragged thickly over the thin fabric covering my pussy, and I whimpered as I pushed back against him. Rowan chuckled darkly.

Eager little bad girl, aren’t you?”

“You fucking tease.”

“Oh, I’m just getting fucking started with you,” Rowan grunted back as his lips kissed down over one slope of my ass.

I moaned and squirmed as he kissed is way down, pulling my hips back to raise my ass in the air. His breath was hot against my pussy through my panties, and then suddenly, I felt his tongue drag over me, tasting me right through the lacy thong. I cried out, moaning for more as he teased my lips with his tongue through the panties. His fingers slid into the waist and he suddenly tugged them down to mid-thigh, keeping them there binding my legs before he moved back in. And that time, there was nothing between his mouth and my eager pussy when he pressed his lips to me.

Fuck did his mouth feel good. I whimpered in pleasure as Rowan’s wicked tongue slid deep between my lips and swirled around my opening. His big hands gripped my ass tight, his fingers digging into my skin as he fucked me slowly with his tongue. He slid lower, letting that tongue swirl around my aching clit before he sucked the little bud between his lips. I gasped, shivering heatedly as he teased my clit mercilessly. His hands pulled me lewdly open for his tongue, and I melted against the bed as he teased my clit mercilessly.

His tongue dragged up my slit, parting my lips and making me shiver as he teased higher and higher. A groaned in dark, filthy pleasure as his tongue slid over my asshole, swirling around the tight ring as I completely lost it under him. He pushed a thumb into my pussy, stroking the thick digit in and out and rubbing my clit against his palm as he licked my ass. Pleasure melted through me, catching fire and taking my breath away as I felt myself falling towards that sweet release. His tongue pushed against my ring—this perfect combination of dirty and unbelievably hot that had me clawing at my sanity. His thumb stroked my g-spot, and I shamelessly ground my clit against his palm. And suddenly, I fell, and I fell hard.

I cried out in bliss as the orgasm crashed over me, leaving me gasping for air as I whined and moaned in pleasure. Rowan groaned, licking me right through the climax until I was shuddering and collapsing onto the bed, and only then did he slowly pull away from me. I gasped for air, whimpering nonsense words and shuddering in pleasure when I felt his weight shift on the bed. I heard the sound of him tugging his jeans off, and when I glanced over my shoulder, I moaned at the site of his bare, muscled, perfect body as he moved behind me.

The knowledge that even though we’d been apart, that this absolutely hunky sex-god of a man was my husband had me aching for more, instantly. And Rowan was more than ready to give me everything. My eyes slid down his washboard abs to that huge cock of his jutting thick and rock-hard from between his legs. His eyes locked with mine as he moved behind my shamelessly thrust-up ass, his hand wrapping around his thickness and stroking his cock. I moaned as I watched thick white precum drip from his swollen head as he stroked. But then suddenly, he was pressing against me, and my entire body shuddered in desperate anticipation.

Rowan slid in with one toe-curling, achingly hot thrust, burying every single inch of that fat cock deep in my pussy. I cried out, clawing at the bedsheets as his hands gripped my hips tight. He groaned, grinding his swollen head deep inside before he slid out. He stroked his cock against my pussy, teasing my lips and rubbing the crown against my clit until I was begging for it. Literally.

Please,” I gasped. “Rowan—”

“Please what, baby girl?” he grunted, sliding his fat cock head over my clit.

I’d missed this for two years. I’d craved this for two years. Two years of nothing but my fingers and a halfway decent vibrator, and finally, I had him crouched behind me, teasing me with that gorgeous cock and ready to make me scream for more.

Please fuck me!” I gasped.

He growled like an animal, and I know if he were inside me, I could feel his big dick swell inside of me. One of his hands slides up to my hair, grabbing a fist-full of it. He tugged at my hair, sending pleasure rippling through me. And just then, he centered his cock and slid it deep. Pleasure exploded through me, and I swear a mini-orgasm crashed over me right there. Rowan groaned, sliding his cock out and then thrusting it right back in. He pulled out again, only to once again drive that thick dick right back to the hilt inside of me.

His hips crashed against my ass, his heavy balls slapping my clit as he started to fuck me hard—just like I wanted him to. I screamed into the pillows, writhing and whimpering under him as Rowan started to fuck me like he was claiming me. Like he owned my pussy. His fat cock thrust into me over and over, making me moan wildly as another orgasm slammed into me. He grunted, and I knew he could feel my walls rippling and clenching at him. His hands slid over my body and gripped my hair tight. His palm came down to slap my ass as he just kept thrusting that gorgeous, perfect, thick cock into me over and over again.

Reality started to blur, and my eyes squeezed shut as something huge and powerful began to build inside of me. I thrust back against him shamelessly, letting go completely. Two years of bullshit reasons for running melted away inside of me, until I couldn’t for the life of me remember why I left. The reasons didn’t matter anymore. The time didn’t either All that mattered was the here and now—the him and I, right back where we should be.

“So fucking tight,” he grunted, leaning over me. His muscles clenched against me, and his lips teased my ear. “Your pretty little pussy is getting so fucking tight around my big cock, baby girl. I know you want to come hard for me. I know you’ve been without this cock for two fucking years, and I know you’re aching to come all over it. I want you to come, baby girl. Be a good girl and come like a dirty little fucktoy on this big fucking cock.”

The taking control, the filthy words, and that perfect way he always fucked me with his freaking perfect cock was all too much. I started to fall, and as he thrust deep and slid a hand under me to roll my clit, suddenly, I was done for. I cried out in pleasure, my entire body seizing up and trembling and exploding as the biggest climax I’d felt in years suddenly hit me like a nuclear bomb. The world went white around me, until all I knew was pure bliss and pleasure.

Rowan roared, fucking me hard and deep right through my orgasm until I could feel his thick cock swell up even bigger. He groaned and slid as deep as he could, and suddenly, he was coming right there with me. I cried out as I felt the hot, thick jets of his cum spurt inside of me, filling me up instantly. And he just kept coming. Rope after rope of his hot seed pumped into me, until it was spurting out from where we joined and dripping down my thighs.

Gasping for air, I clung to sanity as I collapsed onto the bed. Rowan groaned deeply, leaning over me to kiss my neck slowly. He kept his cock buried inside me, thrusting shallowly and making me whimper before he slowly slid out. I could feel his sticky cum dripping from my pussy, and I gasped as he pushed his cock over me, sliding his cum around my slit until I was a fucking mess with him.

I grinned lazily, glancing back to see him drinking me in with his heated gaze.

“Marking your territory?” I giggled. But suddenly I moaned as he slid his cock back into my cum-filled pussy.

Goddamn right,” he hissed. He thrust deep, muscles clenching and his jaw tight as he started to fuck me all over again. He thrust into me deeply and powerfully, sending me into orbit all over again as he gripped my hips and hammered me into the mattress. I let go, giving in completely to the mind-numbing, body-aching, irresistible power of a man like Rowan just fucking me—claiming me and rutting into me like a wild animal.

He grunted, plunging deep before he pulled back and let his palm slap hard against my ass. I whimpered, thrusting back as Rowan fucked me hard and spanked my ass. It was a frenzy this time—a race to the finish line, and it was quickly going to be a tie. Pleasure washed over me, and suddenly, I felt yet another orgasm begin to crest. He thrust deep, and just like that I was coming again for him.

I cried out, clenching at his thick cock with my pussy until I felt him stiffen and growl behind me. The orgasm tore through me just as I felt his cock begin to throb and pulse inside of me. More of his cum spilled into me before he slid out, pumping his cock against my clit. I moaned for more as the climax rattled through me, feeling Rowan’s hot cum spurt over my pussy, my ass, and my thighs. Until finally, the both of us collapsed onto the bed, utterly spent.

We lay there, me spooned against his chest with his cock still hard and resting against my ass. His big, muscled arms circled me, pulling me tight to him as he gently kissed my neck.

“I missed you,” I whispered quietly. The room was silent for a long minute, and I knew there was a mountain of words we still had to speak to each other about everything that’d happened. But suddenly, Rowan cleared his throat.

“Well, that’s what happens when you run away for two years.”

I giggled, and I felt him chuckle behind me as he leaned in to kiss my neck tenderly.

“I missed you too, baby,” he growled lowly.

We lay there for another few minutes, listening to the sound of the fire crackling and the snow and wind howling outside before I cleared my throat.

“Hey Rowan?”

“Yeah, angel.”

“Can you undo the handcuffs now?”

He chuckled, making me grin.


I frowned. “Wait, wh—oh fuck.”

The man was a freaking machine. His still rock-hard cock suddenly pushed against my messy, slick pussy, and I gasped quietly.


“I’ll uncuff you when I’m done with you, baby girl,” he grunted, making me shiver in heat and excitement.”

“And when will that be, officer?” I cooed, the heat already pooling between my legs again as I felt his fat, swollen head slide over my lips.

“Not for a very, very long time.”

He pushed in, and the pleasure melted over me as I sank into his arms.