Barely by Madison Faye



Jesus Christ, Colton.”

Jerry Halter, the Southworth Chief of Police, whistles lowly as he glances around the backyard. The place is swarming with four other cops and about five of the Winchester campus cops. People are taking photos, and putting little flags where the bullet holes are, and of course, marking the bodies.

Yeah, bodies.

Lorenzo brought six guys with him when they broke into my house for Brynn.

…They should have brought more.

Two of them are in rough shape. One might not walk again. The other three are dead. And I have zero regrets. None. You might say it’s that I’ve been numbed by wars, or programmed not to feel by the Special Forces, but really, it’s a lot simpler than that: they came for the girl I love, and I put them down.

Simple as that.

Of course, the Principal of Winchester killing three mafia thugs and putting three more in the hospital in his own backyard is… well, something to discuss.

“Mind if we go over some of the details?”

I nod. “Sure, Jerry.” I gesture inside, and he nods, following me through the broken back door, through the house, and into my study. I’ve already given a statement about how I was ambushed by guys breaking into my house for unknown reasons to a deputy, but I know Jerry’s going to have deeper questions. And rightfully so. It’s not like this shit is common for a place like Southworth.

“So, you don’t know these guys?”

I shake my head. “No. I was at a bachelor party a little while ago and saw two of them and that guy I tied up outside who I think is their boss. But all I saw was them roughing up a stripper. I told them to knock it off and that was it.”

He nods. “Any idea why they came for you?”

I shrug. “Could be the big bar tab I paid for, could be the Rolex I was wearing that night. Maybe they figured out who I was and thought this place would be full of antiques or something. I mean it’s a historic home.”

Jerry nods. “Look, Colton, I’m going to level with you. I’m inclined to just take your word on this, but that asshole you tied up is claiming you had a student here with you?” He frowns. “I mean with you, if you catch what I mean.”

I snort. “You realize that sounds absurd, right?”

Jerry chuckles. “I do, but, I gotta ask, Colton. He and the two who are actually talking say there was a girl here.”

I take a measured breath, nodding. This is all part of my plan.

“I did have someone over,” I say quietly.

Jerry’s brows shoot up.

“And this person is…?”

“I don’t know her.”

He frowns. “Colton—”

“Look, we met at a bar, and she’s married, okay? We had some drinks, one thing led to another…” I shrug. “I don’t even have her number, and I’m guessing she’s never going to come forward if you put the call out.”

Jerry sighs heavily, pinching his nose.

“Well, fuck, Colton.”

“She freaked out when they came charging in and just took off. I think one of them grabbed her, but she shook him off and booked it out the back gate.” I chuckle quietly. “I did promise her a wild night, but this might have been more than she bargained for.”

Jerry chuckles, shaking his head.

“So you have no way of contacting this woman?”

I shake my head.

“A name?”

I make a big show of frowning. “Laura? No, maybe Lindsey.”

I smile sheepishly. “Look, Jerry, I work pretty fucking hard, and when I get one night to blow off steam…” I shrug. “You’re single, you get it, right?”

Jerry snorts and pats his sizable stomach.

“Oh, sure, sure, Colton. You and me, we’re basically the same guy.”

I chuckle and he grins.

“I’m not exactly pulling married ladies these days, but, sure, I get it.”

He frowns. “Look I’m going to level with you, legally, this mystery girl seems pretty suspicious. I mean a little convenient, isn’t it?”

I chuckle. “Not really. I’d call it shitty. I was having a great night before these assholes showed up.”

He smiles, shaking his head before he frowns. “You need to talk to anyone about… you know. What happened tonight?”

“I’m good.”

He nods. “I figured.” He shrugs. “I pulled your background earlier. Special Forces, huh?”

I frown. “I don’t really like to talk about it.”

“Nope, I get it,” he growls, clearing his throat. “I’m Marines, you know.”

“No shit?”

He nods. “Two tours in Kuwait back in the say.”

I smile, nodding as he sighs.

“So you did not have a student at your house tonight?”

Yes, I did.

“No, Jerry,” I chuckle. “I did not—”

“Woah! Woah! That’s enough chatting!”

I whip my head around and grin at the sight of Sam, my Ranger buddy turned kick-ass lawyer, striding into my study.

“Chief Halter?” He growls. “You understand that my client needs his attorney present before he—”

“Sam, Sam,” I chuckle. “It’s fine. Jerry’s a friend.”

“Yeah, well this friend says that friend needs to leave so we can discuss tonight properly.”

“Colton’s not being charged with anything, you know,” Jerry frowns.

“Goddamn right he’s not.”

I roll my eyes at Sam and turn to Jerry. “Listen, can we follow up tomorrow? I’ll come down and make another statement.” I shrug. “I’ll bring coffee.”

Jerry grins. “Throw in some glazed donuts and I’m out of here.”

I laugh as I shake his hand. “Thanks for your help tonight.”

“No problem. The morgue boys should have the, uh…” he frowns. “The other ones out of your yard in an hour or so.”

I thank him again, and Sam closes the door to my study behind him.

Fuck, Colton. C’mon! You don’t talk to the fucking cops before I—”

“It’s fine, Sam,” I chuckle. “Jerry’s a friend.”

He growls, striding to my bar cart and pouring two huge glasses of scotch.

“Here, cheers,” he growls.


He winks. “It’s great to see you, buddy. By the way.”

“Same, man. Been way too long.”

He sighs. “Okay, so, no bullshit. I’m putting my attorney hat on, and this is all client privilege.” He eyes me. “That girl you called me about. The student.”

My jaw tenses.

“That was her here tonight, wasn’t it?”

I’m silent, and Sam swears.

Jesus, Colton.”

“It’s not like that,” I growl.

“You’re fucking a student,” he mutters.

“I’m not just fucking her,” I spit back. “And watch your mouth with her.”

He glares at me. “C’mon, man. What are you, in love with her?”

My look hardens, and Sam’s brows go up.

“You can’t be serious. Fuck, are you serious?”

“And if I am?”

He groans. “Then we’re in much bigger trouble here.” He sighs. “Colton, as your lawyer, walk away. From her, from this shit with her dad. I’m serious man, just leave it.”

I shake my head. “I’m not doing that.”

He growls.

“You’re a stubborn asshole, you know that, right?”

“So I’ve been told.” I smile thinly. “Probably by you.”

“Yeah but when I said it, you had two of your fingers plugging a bullet hole in my side.”

“And where would you be now without this stubborn asshole?”

He rolls his eyes, growling as he knocks back the rest of his drink.

“Look, I’ll quit, alright? Winchester, I mean.”

Sam gives me a look.

“Colton, you love being in education. And believe me, you quit, and this shit gets out, you’re never working in this industry again. Period.”

I chew on that, my brow furrowed. He’s right, I do love working in education. A lot, actually.

“She could drop out?”

This time it’s my turn to shoot him a look.

“Not a chance. She’s smart, her grades are amazing, her extracurriculars are perfect. No. Flat out no.”

Sam sighs, blowing air out through his lips. “Well, this what we in my biz call an impasse then, Colton.”


Now what.

Two hours later, after Sam’s left for the night, I call her.

Hey,” she says eagerly. “Jesus, Colton, I—is everything… What did Chief Halter—”

I laugh, and I can almost hear her frowning when I do.

“Brynn,” I growl, smiling as I shake my head. “One question at a time?”

She snorts. “Sorry. First question. Can I come over?”

I groan. “Aside from the four police officers guarding my house and the entire campus wondering what the fuck is going on over here? Definitely.”

She groans. “Well, crap.”

“Tell me about it,” I groan. “You over here right now is literally the only thing I want right now.”

“Colton… tonight…”

“Are you okay?”

Yeah,” she says quietly. “I mean, I’m scared, and tonight was terrifying, but… yeah, I’m okay.”

“I’m sorry, baby,” I growl. “I didn’t…” I close my eyes. “You didn’t need to see that.”

“You were protecting me.”

I nod.


“Yeah, baby?”

I hear the hesitation in her voice.

“You—you’re not going to jail or anything, are you?”

I smile. “No, I’m not. Even Chief Halter is writing it up as self-defense. I mean it’s not over, but no, I’m not going to jail.”

Good,” she mutters fiercely, making me grin.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes with a number I don’t recognize. I glare at it, dismissing it before I keep talking to Brynn.

“Listen, we’re going to be fine, okay?”

“What about if Lorenzo tells them I was there?”

I smile. “I may have mentioned that I was in the middle of a tawdry affair with a married woman who fled when trouble went down.”

Brynn snorts. “How scandalous.”


“Almost as bad as fucking your eighteen-year-old student.”

I grin, and goddamn if my cock doesn’t swell.

Suddenly, Brynn swears.

“You okay?”

“Yeah… shit, do you mind if I get this call?”


She makes a tsking sound. “I actually think this might be Geraldine?”

Stepmom Geraldine?”

“I know, fitting for this night, isn’t it?”

I shake my head. “Sounds about right. Yeah, go ahead.”

“I’ll call you right after.”

“Sounds good.”

“Hey Colton?”

I smile. “Yeah?”

“I really love you; you know.”

The grin spreads wide over my face, and my heart skips.

“I love you too, baby girl,” I growl quietly before I hang up the phone.

I sigh, standing and heading back to my bar cart to pour a drink. Fuck, Sam’s right. What we’re in right now is an impasse. I scowl as I bring the scotch to my lips, when suddenly, my phone goes off again. I answer without looking.

“Well that was fast.”

There’s a pause, and I frown.

“Mr. Kane?”

I yank the phone from my ear and glance at the caller ID, and my scowl deepens as I vaguely recognize the number as the one that just called me a minute or two ago.

“Who is this?”

There’s a beat before the woman’s voice replies.

“Mr. Kane, this is Geraldine Henley.”

I freeze. Brynn’s stepmother?

“What can I do for you Mrs. Henley,” I growl, my jaw tightening. This is the woman who fucking ran off when things went bad with Brynn’s father, and with some of Brynn’s money, apparently. The fuck does think she’s doing, calling me?

…And how the fuck does she even have my cell number?

“Actually, you know what?” I spit. “I’m pretty sure I’m hanging up right now. Your stepdaughter is going through a lot right now, and blood or not, running off like that and abandoning her is pretty fucking low if you ask—”

“Can I answer your first question before you go on with your tirade?”

I scowl. “Pardon?”

“You asked me what you could do for me.”

“It was rhetorical,” I spit.

“Well what you can do is listen, Mr. Kane,” she says back tightly. Please.”

My eyes narrow. “You have a minute.”

“What’s the story back there, hmm? That I ran off? Stole money? And where am I, exactly? Switzerland? Thailand? Russia?”

“Greece, I’ve been told,” I growl.

She barks a laugh. “Ah, well, Mykonos does sound lovely right now, especially after the last month I’ve had.”

“Thirty seconds, Mrs. Hen—”

“I’m not in Greece, Mr. Kane. Or Russia, or Thailand, or anywhere else you’ve heard. And trust me, I haven’t stolen any money from Brynn.”

“And you expect me to believe that… why?”

“Because,” she snaps. “For the last four weeks, I’ve been a fucking prisoner.”

I frown. “Excuse me?”

Brynn’s stepmom sighs. “Clint, that’s Brynn’s father, got wind that I was going to be leaving him. Well, that and that I’d snuck into his office at night looking for tax records for my attorney, and stumbled on his other, shall we say, less than legal, morally reprehensible business ventures. I believe a Ms. Simpter made contact with Brynn to tell her about all of that?”

I nod, my jaw clenching.

“Well, Clint found out, and had some of his goons lock me up on one of his yachts. I’ve been in stuck, mostly locked beneath deck off the coast of Miami for the last month, Mr. Kane.”

Holy shit.

I whistle lowly, standing and running my fingers through my hair.

“And you’re free now, I assume?”

“About an hour ago, yes,” she says tersely. “Some of my own staff finally got wind of it and called in the coast guard.”

“Jesus, Mrs. Henley—”

“Let’s leave it at Geri, please?” She laughs bitterly. “Trust me, I’ll be dropping Henley as fast as I fucking can.” She sighs. “So, there’s the big story, Mr. Kane.”

“Colton works.”

“Fair enough. Colton, I’m not a great mother, I’ll admit that. But I’m not a bad person, and I’d never run out on Brynn like that.”

I sigh slowly. “Well, Geri, I’m glad you’re okay, and I’m sorry to hear about…” I whistle lowly. “Well, all the shit you’ve had to deal with. And I’m glad you’re free of Brynn’s father.”

“Yes, yes…” she trails off, and there’s a moment of silence before she clears her throat. “Colton, I’m actually calling for a specific reason. A request, you could see. Or maybe an offer. Either way, I think you’ll be interested in this.”

My brow furrows. “I’m listening.”

“Terry—that’s my new man, who I was leaving Clint for. Terry Desplaté…” she trials off like I should know who the hell this is, but I don’t.

“Well, anyways,” she barrels along. “He’s a bit of an entrepreneur, and one of his ventures is primary ownership of a private school in the south of France. Lycée Montange D’or?”

I frown. That I actually have heard of.

“That’s a fantastic school, Geri. I’ve heard a lot about them.”

“Ahh, well, wonderful. Have you ever been?”

“No—look, I’m sorry Geri, but what is it you wanted to ask—”

“They’re looking for a new headmaster.”

I blink, my pulse skipping. “Really.”

“Really,” she parrots back. “And listen, I was thinking it might be nice for Brynn to get out of the U.S. for a while… you know, get away from the media shit show when all of this stuff with her father goes public soon. So…”

She trials off, and I frown.

“What exactly are you saying, Geri?”

She laughs. “Colton, you’re a smart man, what does it sound like? I put your name through Terry for consideration, and as it happens, they love you.”

I blink, my jaw dropping.

Hold up… what?

“You’re serious?”

“Entirely, yes. Colton, they’re offering you a job at four times your current pay.”

I whirl, my head spinning.

“And if I’m happy in Southworth? At Winchester?”

She laughs quietly.

“Colton, I have my own people, and they’ve been keeping tabs on my stepdaughter.” She clears her throat. Close tabs.”

My jaw clenches. Shit.

“Look, I’m not mad or anything,” she laughs. “No, the opposite. You’re a good man, and you’ve protected her from all of it—her father, those thugs he did business with. All of it.”

“What you said about Brynn getting out of the States for a while…”

“I think she should go to Lycée Montange D’or to finish out her senior year, along with you as its new headmaster. And this school is, shall we say, freer with students’ activities on campus? And curfews? And, shall we say, dating choices?”

My mind goes blank, and I blink.

“Geri, precisely what are you saying.”

She laughs. “Jesus, Colton, I’m handing this to you on a silver fucking platter. I’m saying I have a very well-paying job for you, that Brynn can come too, and that for what it’s worth, you have my blessing with her, if you treat her well.”

She pauses.

“And you will treat her well?”

Of course,” I growl fiercely. “Always, and forever.”

She laughs. “Well then, I’m not sure why we’re still having this conversation.”

I chuckle, when suddenly, I hear a knock at my front door.

“Geri, would excuse me for a second, there’s someone—”

“At your door, right?”

I frown.

“Are your people still watching me?”

Geri laughs heartily. No, Colton, but I called Brynn right before I called you and told her what I was going to offer you.” She snorts. “I’m amazed it took her longer than a minute to get to you. Oh, and I’ve pulled some strings, and the cops outside your place are gone.”

I blink, trying to find words but coming up short.


“You’re welcome, Colton,” she says quietly. “And thank you, for looking after Brynn.”

“You never have to thank me for that.”

I can hear her smile.

“Go to her, Colton. And think about the offer—”

“Yeah, I don’t need to do that,” I growl. “I accept.”

She laughs. “Yes?”

“Absolutely. You could tell me the job was garbage, and on fucking Mars, and if Brynn was going, I’d be there.”

Geri laughs again. “Well, I can promise you that southern France is a touch better than Mars. I’ll have Terry send over the paperwork.”



I pause as I storm through the house for the front door.


“Be nice to my stepdaughter. She deserves nice.”

“She deserves the world,” I growl. “Nice to meet you, Geri.”

“Nice to meet you too, Colton.”

I hang up, I take a deep breath, and I swing the front door open. And instantly, a little blonde rocket slams into me, knocking the wind out of me and just about bowling me over. I laugh, wrapping my arms tight around her and holding her close as we stagger back into the house. I kick the door shut, swinging her in my arms as she peppers my face and neck with kisses.

“Are you—! I mean, did Geri?!”

I grin. “She did.”

“And are you going too?!”

My eyes lock with hers, and my grin widens.

“What do you think?”

She frowns. “I mean, I know you love it here at Winchester, but I really think you could—”

I laugh, pulling her close and kissing her softly and deeply.

“I said yes, Brynn,” I growl. “Of course, I said yes.”

Her jaw drops, her eyes going wide as saucers as she stares at me.


“Want to move to France?”

She squeals, hugging me fiercely as our lips crash back together.

“This is nuts!”

“I know!” I laugh. “But, baby girl, I only want nuts with you.”

She beams, kissing me again before I laugh once more.

“Shit, guess I should probably brush up on my French.”

She shrugs. “Oh, I can teach you.”

“Oh really?”

Oui,” she purrs, and fuck if it isn’t the absolute sexiest French word I’ve ever heard.

“As in ‘oui, oui, monsieur, emmène-moi au lit?

I eye her, the smile teasing my lips.

“Which means…

Yes sir,” she purrs into my ear, leaning close and letting her lips brush my neck.

Please take me to bed?

I growl, my hands tightening on her as I whirl, making her shriek and giggle as I storm for the stairs.

Gladly,” I groan into her lips, kissing her fiercely as I take the stairs two at a time, all the way to bed.

All the way to the rest of our lives, too.