Depraved by Trent Evans

Chapter 42

The light outside—pouring in through the entrance of the vehicle bay—was already beginning to wane.

The plan was to execute after dark, and it would take a few hours to reach the headquarters building. He knew he needed to travel there in a way that looked anything but hurried.

What he hadn’t expected though was who waited for him at his rover.

Dressed in TSS gray and black… were Lyssa and Tom.

And General Merriwether.

Though the pain of not seeing her one last time was an ache deep inside him, he was glad Yulia was busy pouring over attack plans with commander Nichols.

He hadn’t told her when he planned to leave, and he’d done it for a reason. It was… better this way.

“You didn’t think you were gonna get to be the hero all by yourself, did you?” Tom winked at him.

“Thought you could use the help,” Lyssa said, her voice uncharacteristically soft. She slapped him on the shoulder. “And no, you can’t talk us out of going with you.”

He was genuinely pleased… even touched. Though he’d fully expected to go alone, and had no fear of it… there was no denying he felt just a little bit better he wasn’t facing his end all by himself.

“Don’t you think they’re going to need their general to lead the attack?” Jon extended his hand.

“The best generals lead from the front.” Anson shook his hand.

“This isn’t the front.” Jon grinned, despite himself. “This is the tip of the spear.”

“Nobody ever said I was any good at this ‘Generaling’ thing.” Anson shrugged. “Besides, if I get killed for being this crazy, maybe I’ll have a ship or something named after me someday, right?”

Tom and Lyssa laughed, both clambering into the rover, settling in as best they could behind the seats.

As the engines spooled up, Anson strapping into the passenger seat next to him, Jon looked at all of them, in turn.

“Thank you. Whatever happens tonight… thank you.”

“It’s been an honor, soldier.” Anson grasped his shoulder. “Now, let’s get this done. Once and for all.”