Depraved by Trent Evans

Epilogue Two

He reclined on the overstuffed chair, sipping from the burgundy wine, legs crossed, looking over at her now and then, drinking in her quiet submission. These moments, these interludes, between sessions were as important as the sessions themselves were. For it was in those moments that she realized, felt in a very concrete way, the control that Jon maintained over her and over her body.

“Now, you just lie there and be still for a while, my girl. Then we’ll take care of that sweet bottom of yours.”

After he’d healed from his wounds, he’d set about constructing a new set of apparatus, better, more versatile, more devious than the ones he used to have at his old base. At that moment, Yulia was attached to one of those new… appliances. It was a modification of his favorite spanking bench design, one that allowed him to reposition her legs in limitless variety of preferred poses. The main plank upon which her body lay angled up at a forty-five-degree slope, her wrists manacled at the top, an attached chain pulling her arms taut above her, extending her body in a very pleasing way. He loved the way it displayed the smooth, lovely flesh of her back, the heavy pale orbs of her breasts bulging to either side against the varnished wood below her. The broad, round moons of her buttocks, flushing scarlet at the moment, trembled, jiggling now and then as her weeping began to subside. She was blindfolded, her hair tied back in a long ponytail, the gag she’d been wearing during her spanking, now removed from between her teeth, wet with saliva and hanging down against her upper chest.

The meetings, the planning sessions, and the decisions that she had to make, all of it weighed upon her. But she was able to navigate all of it, deal with it, and even excel under that pressure—because Jon was there to help her through it.

Each night when she would come home exhausted, worn out from the weight of her duties and all the tough, sometimes agonizing decisions she was forced to make as the leader of the victorious rebellion, it was him she came to. To help her forget, for a few minutes, or an hour or so, that such weight rested upon her shoulders. In those intimate moments with Jon, she was just a girl kneeling for her man, doing as she was told—and being punished if she didn’t.

He used the flogger on her ass first, and then her thighs, and then even the backs of her calves. He was fascinated at the way it made her flesh suffuse with pink, the tiny lines from the flails growing, congesting until they became one continuous blotch of pink and red across her flesh. He loved the sound they made too, a perfect symphony of woe accented by the melody of her crying out, her pleading, her pitiful weeping. Those sessions together, they’d become deep, dark journeys into their secret needs—his need to hurt, her need to be hurt—until one could no longer be separated from the other.

It was what he found they both liked the most, that dichotomy, the fact that it was two sides of the same coin.

The pleasure, and the pain. The conquering, and the surrender. The taking, and the yielding.

“Are you ready, my dear?”

“Yes…yes, sir.”

He stood up then, stretching a moment, setting his wineglass down on the marble table next to the chair. He strolled over to her, taking his time, drawing it out for her, knowing that it built her anticipation, her nervousness, and dread at what was about to happen. He stroked her inflamed, punished flesh, touching the more swollen welts left behind upon the broad curves of her bottom. After her flogging, he’d used the heavy oak paddle on her ass, and it had only taken a few hard strokes of the hated wood to make her burst into desperate tears. He thought of them as cleansing tears, a way for her to exorcize her stresses, her worries, to let go of all of the tension within her body—and her mind.

Taking hold of both of her soft, burning buttocks, he spread them open revealing her cleft, the heavy, black painted plug stoppered her cunt, stretching her pussy uncomfortably wide. It was her punishment plug, one he reserved mainly for sessions like this, when he wanted to reinforce his dominion over her body, and show her that he had the strength and the ruthlessness to discipline her in even this most intimate, and invasive of ways.

He tapped the flange with a fingertip and she jerked. “Is this cunt nice and sore now, sweetheart?”

She shivered, her buttocks quivering a moment, then she nodded. “Yes, it is… Sir. It hurts.”

“A lot?” He ran his fingertip over the engraving he’d had embossed into the flange of punishment plug, never tiring of seeing the words upon the metal, never tiring of knowing she would always think of them when he stretched her pussy wide around its metal girth.

It read:

The Queen’s Teacher

He found that she needed this, this diminution of her being, of her status, of her role in life. She was now a ruler, a leader, and everyone looked to her to know what to do next. But he knew the real Yulia, the real girl inside her, and as a result he realized that she still needed this most of all.

The somewhat smaller metal plug stretching her ass was not quite as cruel, but it too was several sizes up from the one he’d initially started her on. He placed a hand upon the small of her back, pressing down firmly. “Relax your bottom, Yulia. Time to have this plug out now.” She sighed and shuddered as he drew the plug from the tight clutch of her sphincter. “There we go! That’s much better, isn’t it?”

“Ah, thank you, Sir.”

“You’re very welcome, sweet girl.” He set the plug aside, applying more lubrication to the now gaping but still quite snug circlet of her anus. It glistened brightly under the lights, and he smiled as he looked upon it, loving its vulnerability, and its taboo, lurid invitation at the same time. It called to a man like him to stretch it, to use it, to hurt it, to drive inside it to take his selfish pleasure there above all else.

He took hold of her hips, freeing his cock from his trousers. He especially liked taking her this way, with her naked, bound, surrendered, reduced to nothing more than a base, animal, sexual object for his gratification. Serving her true purpose.

He tapped her anus with the head of his cock, tsking at her. “Now, I think it’s time I give you an opportunity to convince me to let you come. What do you think, slut? Do you deserve to come this week?”

Since he’d healed, following his convalescing from his injuries, he’d wasted no time instituting a new, stricter regime regarding his control of her body. He’d sat her down one day and explained to her that her orgasms were now fully—and solely—under his control. That she would have to convince him to allow her to come, and that most of the time the answer would be no.

She’d resisted at first, of course, but a few spankings, followed by a hard fucking, making her take his cock and his cum—but never allowing her to orgasm herself—had convinced her that her resistance was only making things worse for her.

In time, she’d settled down into accepting that this was the way things were going to be. That his control of her, his use and enjoyment of her body, came before all else—including her own rare pleasure.

Retrieving all of his equipment from his old base had certainly helped him in expanding his options for controlling her more effectively, for deepening her training, her devotion, and her discipline. He’d implemented the use of a vibrating plug in training her ass, at first as an experiment, but soon realizing that she responded to it like almost nothing else.

Whether she was sitting in a Council meeting, touring a military facility, hammering out negotiations between rival factions, corralling squabbling generals, or making the decisions that came with being a ruler, none of it mattered. Whatever she was doing, wherever she was, it could spring to life at any time, buzzing and vibrating inside her ass, driving her to distraction, and making her realize at that moment, that even then, she was still under Jon’s control.

“Well? I’m waiting, Yulia.”

Once per week, he asked her if she thought she should be allowed to come, if she’d been good enough, obedient enough, pleasing enough to earn a precious orgasm.

Occasionally, he took mercy on her, and granted her long denied release. Most of the time though, he rebuffed her, reminding her that she could always try harder, be more devoted, dedicate still more effort to serving him and giving him pleasure. The crestfallen expression on her face, the quiver of her lower lip when he gently told her no, that she’d have to wait another week, was one of his very favorite things in this world. He would never not be deeply aroused by her desperation.

And her desperation would never fail to make him want to make it even worse for her.

“I’ve done… everything you’ve asked, sir. I’ve sucked your cock every morning—and worshiped it in the afternoons, too, when you’ve demanded it. I’ve tried to always be pleasing, and obedient, and submissive for you. I always, always put your pleasure above my own.” She took a breath. “Please, please… please, let me come, sir!”

He drew out the moment, then patted her scorched bottom. “I won’t be fucking your pussy for you. Not today, I think.”

She sagged in her bonds, defeated.

“But… what I am going to do, is allow you to come tonight. If you can.”

“Sir?” Confusion—and a sudden, adorable hopefulness—was clear in her tone. “But you said you aren’t going to…”

“No, I’m not. That desperate, greedy cunt of yours hasn’t earned my cock.” He pried the huge punishment plug from her sex, the loud sucking sound it made as he pulled it clear making Yulia whimper in mortification. The scent of her juices was even stronger than normal, filling his nostrils with its musk, making his mouth water. His hard cock ached even more as he cruelly rubbed her nose in her shame though. “Dirty girl. You’re absolutely flooded. Uncomfortable or not, this pussy seems to like being stretched wide around its big plug.”

Sagging down from the thickest part of the metal, long arcs of her sticky wetness stuck to her swollen, clearly gaping labia. Wiping those juices off upon her mons, leaving her dark pubic hair sodden and matted together, he set that plug aside as well.

“But I am going to fuck you. It’s just not going to be in your needy, wet pussy.”

Her voice was tight, reed thin. “You… oh no…”

“Oh yes.” He rubbed the precum at the head of his cock onto the well-lubricated whorl of her anus, itself still partially open from the stretching its own plug had left in its wake. “It’s time for me to finish the training of your ass—by fucking it.”

He pressed his cock forward, using his thumbs along either side of her anus to pull her buttocks open further, exposing her hole even more. Fortunately, the plug allowed him to begin slipping inside right away, but immediately, she tensed.

“It’s… too big, sir!”

“Nonsense,” he growled, smacking her bottom, entranced at the way the lush flesh wobbled and rippled under the harsh blow. “You can take it. You’re going to take it. The plug has prepared the way. Stop your silly complaining.”

“But… it’s not enough! You’re… too big!”

He pressed forward another inch, the broad head of his cock disappearing inside her anus, making her groan. “The plug was smaller than my cock, it’s true, but that was intentional.”

“W-why? Oh Gods, sir, it’s… stretching me!” Her desperate tone was getting higher and higher by the second, as he thrust more and more of his thick, veined shaft inside the firm grip of her bottomhole. He’d been waiting so long for this.

It had been absolutely worth the wait.

He paused a moment, kneading both of her buttocks cruelly in his hands, glorying in the feel of the scorched, punished flesh against his palms. “Is it hurting you, Yulia? Tell the truth.”

She grunted, the chains holding her arms about her clinking together as she struggled against their firm hold. “It’s uncomfortable! It’s… I can’t take it!”

“Answer my question, girl.” He smacked her ass again, harder this time, making her hiss as a fresh handprint joined the darker red and purple marks that already adorned the broad curves of her well-punished bottom. “Does it hurt?

She made a frustrated little sound deep in her chest, then shook her head. “N-no, sir. It’s… really uncomfortable though.”

He resumed pushing inside her. “Then it’s as it should be, girl. It’s supposed to be uncomfortable, at first. I want you to feel that stretch. I don’t want it to be easy. You need to struggle to take it, to take me.”

“W-why?” She moaned again as he pushed still deeper, more than halfway inside her now.

“I won’t lie to you, Yulia. I like that it’s hard for you, that it stretches you. It makes my cock even harder. To know it’s so difficult for you makes it even better for me. That’s what should matter to you most—that it gives me more pleasure. I know that might make me a terrible person, an evil man—but it’s the truth.”

Then he was almost all the way in, but hitting resistance further inside. It was sometimes like that, the body not yet adjusted to such deep penetration into that most secret of places.

Her body trembled almost continuously now. He waited a heartbeat, gazing down at the mouthwatering way his thick shaft stretched her anus wide around its girth, the veins of his erection pulsing, swollen with the constriction.

“Ah… I can’t. Please… I can’t.” She almost whispered it, her voice so high and frantic.

“Yes, you can. You can do this, girl.” He stroked her bottom, caressing the heated flesh. “Just relax now. It will fit.”

And then, suddenly, with a strangled keening of surprise from Yulia, he sank the rest of the way inside, her blazing hot, paddled buttocks pressed to his lower belly.

“Oh yes, that’s it, slut. Take that cock. Good…”

It felt even better than he’d hoped. He’d dreamed of it more than once while he healed, played in his mind what he planned to do to her, what he wanted to make of her, how he would use her stunning body for his most twisted pleasure.

Taking her ass featured quite prominently in those lurid musings.

He pushed his hips against her soft, round bottom, Yulia groaning each time.

“It’s going to take a while to get used to it. How does it feel?”

“So… so… deep.” Her breathing was almost a pant now. “Gods, sir… so deep!

He pulled back slowly, until most of his shaft, glistening, was revealed. Her opening was tight about him, just below the crown of the head. Then he pushed forward, firmly, driving the breath from her. He held her like that, caressing the line of her back, Yulia staked completely upon his length, her thighs quaking against his.

She drew in a panicked breath as he began a determined, measured, but deep, thrusting, the clench of her opening upon him pure heaven.

“Your bottomhole… so fucking tight… bad girl.” He was breathing heavier, too, his orgasm already beginning to threaten. “I should have done this… a long time ago.”

She moaned, long and loud as he pushed deep once more, grasping her buttocks, squeezing them fiercely as he picked up the speed of his strokes inside her.

He couldn’t help but taunt her a little, the lust rising within him dark and powerful. “How does it feel, bad girl? All those dark, and confusing, and shameful feelings as my cock stretches you wide? Does it embarrass you how good it feels, even as it feels so invasive, and wrong, and dirty?” He kissed her upper back, squeezing her bottom cheeks again, slamming inside her brutally now, making her yelp and keen each time. “Shh, shh, I know it. So many feelings. It’s wrong, and shameful to like it, to like that it feels wrong. Isn’t that right?”

“I… oh fuck… fuck… it’s…!”

“I know, slut, I know.” He leaned upon her, his hands wrapped about her narrow waist, pounding her even harder now, the slap of his hips against her ass louder and louder. “When I’m deep inside you like this, taking you in your most private place, I want more. So much more. I want to breed you; make you swell with my child. I’ll only fuck your mouth, and your ass while you’re pregnant. Oh, you tightened up just now.” He caressed her hair, pulling on her ponytail a little to taunt her. “Did that excite you, or frighten you? Maybe it was both. Oh, sweetie, you’ll just have to wonder. Maybe I’ll make you anal only, fuck this ass until the day you give birth to my child. Fuck… you really clenched down on me that time, slut.”

“Oh God… oh Gods… ahh… I can’t… fuck… this… I can’t take it… it’s so good… so fucking good!” She was breathless, desperate now, pressing her bottom back against him as he thundered into her over and over again, taking her savagely.

He reached under her, drawing her heavy breasts out to the sides so he could touch them, hurt them too. “When you’re heavy… with my child…desperate from not coming. I’ll squeeze and hurt these tits, too.” He pinched her nipples, hard, then pulled at them harshly. “Oh fuck, Yulia, that was the hardest clench yet. Yes, again, just like that, squeeze my cock, slut. More! I’ll hurt these nipples for you, slap these tits as they get swollen with milk. My little brood mare, and the whole time, you’ll take my cock deep in your ass… just like you are now.”

“Fuck… oh fuck… something’s… happening! Oh fuck!” Suddenly, Yulia stiffened, her entire body going rigid, then she grunted, and moaned, her ass clamping down fiercely upon his cock over and over as she keened, a long, lost wail of want, and release, and desperation. Wetness poured out from her cunt then, wetting his balls until they dripped, her fluids splattering the floor between their feet. “Oh Gods! Oh Gods! Jon, what’s… fuck!”

Then she came again, squeezing even tighter around him, her hips bucking wildly against him, her scent so strong on the air he could taste it on his tongue. He’d never seen a woman so responsive, so wanton, so primitive and lust-crazed as Yulia was at that very moment.

That thought was the last straw, tipping him over the edge, his seed rushing forth, spraying deep inside her. He held onto her hair, yanking her head back, his other hand sinking deep into the lush flesh of her bottom as he groaned, cursed, poured every ounce of his lust, and love, and animal possessiveness into her, into this woman he was making, in every sense of the word, his.


He lost track of time for a moment, still thrusting against her even as the spasms of one of the most powerful orgasms he’d ever experienced began to subside.

Finally, he staggered back, his still erect cock slipping from the grip of her ass, great, thick dollops of his semen bubbling forth, splatting on the floor below.

Her cunt continued to drip, too, her legs shaking so badly he wondered if she’d even be able to stand on her own.

“Jon… Jon…” she moaned, almost delirious. “Oh, Jon… I need…”

“I know… I know…” He released her from her bonds as fast as he could, his breathing so hard, he could barely speak himself. Drawing her off of the bench, he turned her in his arms, slipping the blindfold from her eyes, loving the way her long lashes fluttered as she adjusted to the sudden harshness of the full light.

He pulled her in, hugging her, whispering against the silkiness of her hair, reveling in the feel of her soft, female body against him, the heavy push of her bare breasts pressed to his chest. She trembled in his arms, murmuring as she nuzzled under his chin.

“Shhh… shhh…it’s over now… you did so well, sweet girl. So well. I’m so proud of you.”

He could tell she was weeping again, her voice watery, warbling. “I… I’ve never… felt anything… like that…”

There was nothing more to say, as he held her like that, their closeness, what they’d just shared, what they’d just done, something he knew he’d remember for the rest of his days.

Then she looked up at him, her eyes achingly beautiful, the deep blue orbs overflowing with big, sparkling tears. “Did… the things you… said. Did you… did you mean that? What you wanted to… do to me?”

He peered down at her, caressing her cheek. “Yes, Yulia. Every word. Would you… would you want to see where that leads? Explore that with me?”

She blinked several times, then blushed, a perfect, adorable burst of color high in her cheeks as she gave him a shy smile. “Yes… I think I’d… like that very much, sir.”

His heart swelled to bursting then, and he beamed at her. “Oh, my sweet girl.” He pressed a long, lingering kiss to her forehead, then tucked her back in against his throat, stroking her hair gently, breathing in her scent, happier in that moment than he even dreamed was possible. “There’s so much ahead for us, my love. So very much. This is only the beginning…”

The End