The Love Trap by Nicole French


This might have been one of the hardest books I have ever written. Aside from the rollercoaster of emotion and trauma these characters experienced, I was also dealing with some deeply painful family losses that forced me to delay its release. I could not have finished it without the patience, support, and dedication from the following people:

First of all, my readers. You guys have dealt with my sporadic (at best) presence since June, and your enthusiasm for this story buoyed me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Words don’t even cover my gratitude.

To my alpha and beta readers—Patricia, Danielle, Natalie, Erika, Dawn, and Rebecca. You guys stepped up at the last minute to make this book so, so, so much better. I could NOT have finished it without you.

To my editor and proofreader duo, Emily Hainsworth and Judy Zweifel, thank you for working with the piecemeal nature of the initial manuscript. We did it!

To my other author friends whose ceaseless support means the utter world: Jane, Laura, Kim, Harloe, Claudia, Parker, and several others. Could NOT do this without you all. Special thanks to Jane for naming the Kostases.

And of course, to my husband, kids, and family. The Dude doesn’t always understand what my deadline are, but he sure as hell supports them, and stepped up when life seemed to want to tear me apart. I love you and C to death.