The Kiss Plot by Nicole French


Second books in a trilogy are never easy. It’s the zenith of the story’s arc. They are basically conflict the whole way through—to a writer, sometimes they can feel a little like walking through mud.

Which is why I have to thank my readers first. I can’t even tell you how your comments really did push me during this writing process this time around. Every time I would post an excerpt, every time I was unsure of a scene, your enthusiasm buoyed me. Thank you for falling in love with Jane and Eric. Thank you for voicing your adoration for them on my social media pages, in my Facebook reader group, in response to my newsletter. Your voices mean the world. I love you all.

To my alpha and beta readers—Patricia, Danielle, Rebecca, Grahame, and Talia. Your alternating kind words and structural advice helped polish this book in endless ways. Talia, I’m sorry I didn’t keep the correct pluralization. To Justin, thanks for all the legalese, and just for talking through the “sassy girl’s” story sometimes.

To my lovely editor, Emily Hainsworth, for catching all the inevitable errors and goofs and reminding me about Rikers Island. And to Judy Zweifel, whose eagle eye is the fastest in the land. I couldn’t do this without you.

To my other friends in the author world, of which there are maybe too many to count. I have had the privilege of meeting so many of you in the last few months, and I am grateful to call you my friends. Jane, Harloe, Kim, and Laura—what, oh, WHAT would I do without your humor and advice? To the ladies of the Port Townsend retreat, I honestly don’t think I would have finished this book without you. To every beautiful author I met at TalkBooks this year, I love ALL your faces. Thank you for your support.

And of course, to my husband, kids, and family. The Dude is in all of my books, but this time he actually provided a few choice lines for me. How else would I know what a nano acoustic transducer array is? (Spoiler: I don’t, but he does, and thank God for that). My three kids are endless founts of inspiration, especially the little one, who is now “making books too.” And to the women in my family who are so daringly reading my books, thanks for taking a chance. I love and cherish you all.