Stitches by Sam Mariano

Notes and Acknowledgements

I hopeyou enjoyed the story of Sebastian, Griff, and Moira! If you enjoyed Stitches and feel like shouting about it, a review would be much-appreciated! :)

If you’re new to my books and you enjoyed this one, make sure you check out my Morelli family series! I wrote this book (Sebastian, in particular) after completing that one; I was trying to come down from my Morelli hangover and transition into my next project. If you like your love interests with a touch of darkness, Mateo Morelli has it in spades.

That series isn’t a ménage romance. (There are some excessively hot ménage fantasy deleted scenes in the last book, though, which is sort of what inspired me to write a full-length ménage love story.) The journey the Morelli family takes you onis ten kinds of crazy, and lots of sexy fun. It gets a little darker than this one, though, so if you have dark romance triggers, it may not be a great fit. If you don’t, run and grab Accidental Witness so you can #meetthemorellis!

Accidental Witness (Morelli Family, #1)


Amazon UK: My Book

Amazon CA: My Book

Amazon AU: My Book

If you’re looking for the Sam Mariano club house, I have a reader group on Facebook you could join. :)

Sam Mariano’s general reader group

Special thank you to the people who helped me make this book what it is: Jennifer Curtis, alpha reader extraordinaire. Now you have plenty of Sebastian to enjoy! Ginger, Krista, and Sara—thank you for your input and your eagle eyes, helping me iron out those pesky wrinkles! Thank you so much to Ajee for making my gorgeous cover!

As always, thank you to the wonderful ARC readers and bloggers who help spread the word! You guys are the greatest!

Thank you for reading!

- Sam Mariano