Mistletoe Kisses by Sam Mariano

Chapter Fourteen


Cal’s gazemoves over my body as I stand just inside the room, my clothing askew from him pawing at me in the sleigh, my cheeks flushed in the wake of the announcement that I’m able to stay the night with him.

“All right,” he says evenly, his gaze lifting to mine. “Well, I’m not gallant enough to sleep on the couch, so…”

Biting back a smile, I roll my eyes. “I wouldn’t ask you to. The bed is plenty big enough for both of us.”

I try to sound casual despite the way my heart is racing. The bed is big enough, but the mere thought of it makes my head spin. Lying inches away from my teacher, from his hard cock, from the body that caged mine beneath it just last night... how am I going to be able to resist the temptation that is Callan McLaren?

"There are robes in the bathroom. I'm going to get changed," I tell him, motioning to the hallway. "Feel free to get comfortable."

“Wait,” he says and I turn back to him. “I thought you were hungry? Maybe we should go eat before you change?”

As much as I’d like to have dinner with him, I know I wouldn’t be able to eat a thing right now. My stomach is too knotted up with nerves and anticipation, my mind too firmly fixed on the fact that we’re sharing a bed tonight.

“I think I’m more tired than hungry,” I tell him. “If it’s all the same to you, I can wait for breakfast.”

At the mention of breakfast, my mind drifts back to the crazy reality that I’ll be spending the night with him tonight and my cheeks warm.

“All right,” he says, watching me with his intense gaze. “Whatever you want.”

For some reason, that makes my cheeks burn even hotter.

I turn and make my way down the long hall again, but I’m so aware of him in the adjoining room this time. There are sliding wooden doors to separate the room from the bathroom, but I feel awkward as I pull them closed, as if the action suggests Cal would peek in at me otherwise.

I try to distract myself as I strip off my school uniform and change into the robe, but the thought of lying next to my gorgeous teacher all night in nothing but this bathrobe and a pair of panties is enough to raise goosebumps all over my skin. The belt could come untied, I could roll out of it while I sleep…

He could take it off me before it even comes to that.

When I get back to the room, the lights have been turned off except for the Christmas tree and the lamps on the nightstands on either side of the bed.

Cal is already in bed.

My heart races at the sight of him. The covers are settled around his waist so I can see his bare chest and strong shoulders. For a moment, I have doubts that I even possess the physical ability to walk over there and join him in that bed.

“You coming?”

His low baritone spurs me into action and I cross the room, absently tightening the belt on my bathrobe. I pull back the blankets on my side of the bed and climb in, doing my best not to look at him, but it’s so hard.

I burrow into the bed, the sheets cool against my skin. I shiver a little before pulling the covers up all the way to my neck.

Cal looks over at me. “Are you cold?”

“A little bit.” Trying to lighten up since I feel so awkward and nervous, I joke, “Wanna warm me up?”

I expect him to maybe roll his eyes at me or pick an excuse off the long list of reasons he can’t do that, but instead he extends his right arm, inviting me to curl up against him. My heart slams forward in my chest, my whole body suffused with a sudden wave of heat. I scoot across the bed despite that, too enticed by the prospect of cuddling with Mr. McLaren.

I don’t know where to put my arms and hands, and he must like watching me flail in discomfort because he doesn’t guide me, merely watches with a smirk while I figure it out. I finally settle with one arm tucked beneath me and the other tentatively resting over his muscled abdomen.

I’m on fire now. He probably thinks I was lying about being cold just to get close to him, but the flush of embarrassment has done the job. My humiliation deepens when I shift around to get comfortable and end up dropping my hand low enough that I feel the waistband of his underwear.

“Sorry,” I say quickly, darting a look up at him.

If he was affected, I can’t tell. He’s on his phone, using his thumb to scroll, as if he can’t be bothered by the teenager snuggling him.


Then Mr. Jerkface further mortifies me. “How sorry? Drop your hand a little lower and show me.”

I can tell by his tone—and the fact that he’s still on his phone—that he’s only joking, but his words still do something to me. My mind follows the path he sent me down, imagining reaching under the blanket and feeling around for the outline of his cock. Rubbing him through his underwear until he has such a hard-on, he can’t focus on his stupid phone anymore.

Holy fuck, I'm not going to survive tonight, am I?

Seeing how embarrassed I am, he grins wickedly, then goes back to ignoring me.

Infuriating man.

I try to ignore him, too, but it’s impossible. My thigh is brushing his and just being this close to him has me so aroused. All I can think about are ways to get his attention without being obvious.

He’s so fucking hot and cold. One moment he’s kissing me like he wants me, the next he's pretending like sleeping nearly naked in the same bed is nothing to him.

I don't buy it. I refuse to believe this situation isn't doing the same thing to both of us. My body is crying out for him, my mind trying to convince me to scoot my knee just a little bit closer, to move my hand and feel every hard inch of him beneath my fingertips.

I do my best to swallow my feelings and banish the thoughts, to be as blasé as he is about this, to ignore him the way he’s ignoring me.

It doesn’t work, though. My frustration only grows and grows until finally I can’t take it anymore and I snap, “Can you at least turn off the light? I can’t fall asleep like this.”

Glancing away from his phone, Cal looks at me and cocks an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, you must have me confused with your maid. Feel free to turn it off yourself.”

Sighing, I push the duvet off and roll away from him, turning my own lamp off. It’s still too bright in here with his light on, and since I was curled up facing him, his lamp was the one that was bothering me, anyway.

Since he told me to do it myself, an idea occurs to me and I decide to go for it. I climb back onto the bed on my knees, but rather than settle back in, I crawl over toward his side of the bed.

Cal finally looks up from his phone, his blue eyes trained on me. “What are you doing?”

“Turning off the light,” I say sweetly, right before straddling him.

The long, fluffy white robe adequately covers most of my body, but my pussy is pressed against him now, only barely covered by my scanty pink underwear. His already hard cock prods me and tells on him as I reach for the lamp.

I knew I wasn’t alone in my arousal.

Before I can turn it off, his hand catches my wrist in a firm grasp that steals my attention. Our eyes meet, my heart skipping a beat as his bore into mine.

"Leave it on," he demands, dropping his phone and catching my other wrist with his now free hand.

Trying to keep my voice even and unaffected, I ask, “Why?”

His answer isn’t at all what I expect. "Because I want to look at you."

My heart flutters at his pronouncement, then he follows it up by releasing my wrists and reaching for the belt of my robe. He unties it slowly, giving me a chance to object if I want to, but I don’t. I can scarcely breathe, but I want to see where this goes, so I don’t stop him as he pulls my robe apart and pushes it off me.

I’m completely exposed now. The cool air hits my bare breasts and sends a chill dancing down my spine. I don’t feel as brave or confident straddling him now that I’m naked except for my panties. Even though his gaze is appreciative as it moves over me, I can’t help replaying his words from last night and wondering if he finds me lacking.

"You just want to look at me?" I can't believe my own bravery. "You don't want anything else?"

His eyes lock with mine, his jaw ticking as he stares me down. "Don't tempt me, Noelle."

"What’s wrong, Cal? You don't like being toyed with?" I sit back on his lap, wrenching a soft groan out of him. “Well, neither do I, but I learned from the best.”

“Dammit, Noelle…”

"What? I’m being nice. I could make it so much worse for you." I wiggle my ass around his cock, giving him a little taste of his own medicine.

His hands lock on my hips, halting my movements. "You're playing with fire, and I think you know it."

I see the fire he’s referring to stoked and burning in his eyes, but I’m feeling up to a little danger tonight. "Maybe I want to get burned." I rock my hips against his crotch and his hands grip me tighter.

He lets go after only a moment, wrapping his fingers around my wrists instead and pushing them together behind me. He takes hold of them with one hand, the other going back to my hip as he looks me over.

"Like the view, Sir?"

He doesn't respond. I can tell he's fighting a battle with himself, but he's going to lose if I have my way. I've waited long enough for this man. I’ve been teased and tempted and tormented, and dammit, I want my reward.

Tonight, I'm going to have Callan McLaren all to myself. I want to know how it feels to be possessed by him, even if only for one night.

I let my lips open in a quiet moan, grinding my pussy against his now rock-hard cock. "You like that, Sir?"

"If you knew what was good for you, you'd stop doing that," he mutters, his fingers digging into my hip.

"I know exactly what's good for me." I struggle to free one hand from his grip, bracing it against his muscular chest as I rock my hips against his. "You like games, don’t you, Sir? Let's play a game."

He appears skeptical, but not uninterested as he studies my face. "What kind of game?"

I smile mischievously. "Let's see if you can resist me. It shouldn’t be hard, right? Since I’m such an inexperienced little girl, completely incapable of holding your attention? If you’re right and I can’t tempt you, I’ll be a good girl. I’ll settle in and go to sleep. If you can’t… well, then I won’t."

He cocks an eyebrow at my blatant challenge. "You think I can't resist you just because you’re nearly naked and grinding on my cock? You're underestimating me, sweetheart."

"We'll see."

I scoot back toward his thighs so I can hook my fingers in his boxer briefs. Meeting his gaze, I start to pull them down—painfully slowly.

"Noelle." My name coming from his lips holds a warning I refuse to heed. “We didn’t say anything about removing underwear.”

"Don’t worry, Sir. If I can’t tempt you nearly naked, I’m sure completely naked won’t make a difference…”

His cock springs free, and my eyes widen at the sight of him. He's thick and hard, swollen in all the right places. There's a vein throbbing along his impressive length and I lick my lips looking at him.

I want a taste.

"Is that the first cock you've seen, Noelle?" he asks gruffly.

I don't trust myself to speak, so I just nod and push my own panties down. I meet Cal’s heated gaze as I toss them off the bed, then I lower myself, still holding his gaze, until my mouth is hovering right over his aroused cock.

“What do you think of our game, Sir?”

“I think you must really enjoy losing,” he says dryly. “Do you have a touch of masochism hidden away in that peculiar mind of yours? Maybe you like when I’m a bastard. Maybe you like when I treat you like shit.”

I break his gaze and look back at his cock, licking my lips before gripping it in one shaky hand. “I don’t think I’m going to lose.”

“If you had any sense, you’d know you lost the moment you started playing with me. Either I crush you, or I fuck you—either outcome, I walk away the winner.”

He’s probably right, but I don’t mind that the odds are stacked in his favor. I don’t need him to walk away feeling like he lost—I just need him inside me, and I’ve earned it, dammit.

Intent on getting my way this time, I do a crazy thing: I lower my head and take the tip of his cock into my mouth. Cal groans, grabbing a chunk of my hair and fisting it tightly in his hand.

His voice is strained, like my lips wrapped around his cock is too much and he’s about to snap. “Jesus Christ, Noelle.”

Encouraged, I hold him tighter and take more of him into my mouth. I’ve never given head before so I’m not entirely sure I’m doing it right, but I wrap my tongue around him and suck. Another noise emanates from his throat—half groan, half growl.

I don’t know how much stimulation it takes to finish a man off, but I know I don’t want that, so once I feel I’ve adequately teased him, I pop off.

Cal’s grip on my hair loosens as his other hand digs into the bedding, like he’s equal parts relieved and frustrated.

“I love the taste of your cock, Sir,” I tell him sweetly.

“Oh yeah?” he murmurs, looking down at me.

I nod my head.

"Do you think you’ll still like it after it hurts you?"

"Yes," I whisper, caressing him with shaky hands.

His eyes are dark and stormy as they meet mine. He doesn't say a word, but his gaze speaks volumes. I position myself on his lap again until I feel the head of his cock touching me in the most intimate of places. Then, I start grinding on him.

I don't know how hard it is for Cal to handle this, but within mere seconds, I'm fucking dying for it. His cock is leaking with precum, and I feel our juices mixing as I sit on him, twisting my hips on his lap and drawing groans of pleasure from my teacher's lips.

I'm too far gone now to stop, too needy for the thrusts of his powerful hips to pay any mind to his painful touch. His fingers are bruising my hip bone; the pain is shocking yet welcome, proving his need for me.

Exhilarated, I throw my head back and rock my hips against his. "Are you tempted yet, Sir?" I ask him breathlessly.

Cal doesn't answer, but his eyes tell me everything I need to know. He's fighting a battle with himself right now, and it’s not looking good for him. For once, I'm the one tempting him to the edge of reason, bringing him closer and closer to crossing the line.

"Don't you just want to push your big cock inside me, Sir?"

His eyes are darker than ever as they meet mine, but his voice is a threat wrapped in pure silk. "You're going to regret teasing me like this, sweetheart. But since you're so confident... let's see what you've got." He takes his hands off me and folds them behind his head, his stormy eyes locked on mine with cold, steely resolve. "Go ahead, Noelle. Do your worst."

As it is I’m too turned on to think clearly, but his smug tone and resolute challenge sober me a little and shake my confidence. Am I crazy to think I can really push him over the edge? To think I can really tease him until he finally gives in?

Cal doesn’t give in; he makes me give in.

I might be crazy, but I’ve already committed to it, so all I can do at this point is try my best.

I reach for his cock but he slaps my hand away. "No hands. No mouth, unless you want me to smack that, too. Use your pussy and nothing else."

That shouldn’t make me so hot, but his words alone make me throb deep inside. I was already burning up, but the mental image of him manhandling me turns the heat up a few more degrees.

I frown and pout at him like I’m unhappy, but I accept his amendment to the rules. I’m playing to win, so if he wants me to rub my pussy all over him until he finally gives in and thrusts himself inside me, I will.

I reposition myself over his cock, reaching my hand down to spread my slick pussy lips and moving myself along the solid length of him. The stimulation is almost too much to take and I shudder, throwing my head back and closing my eyes.

When I get to the head, I shift my weight and lean forward, planting my hands on his waist and pushing back against his cock, wishing he’d lift his hips and push it inside me.

He doesn’t. I slide my pussy against it again and again, looking him straight in the eye as I do. My stomach is twisted up in knots, I’m aching like mad, and if he doesn’t fuck me soon, I think I might die.

“Please,” I whisper.

Wordlessly, Cal shakes his head.

I break his gaze, failing to hold back a groan of frustration.

I don’t know what else to do. I’m so turned on I can’t even think straight, and if this is driving me this crazy and he can just sit there and say no to me… maybe he’s right. Maybe I can’t handle him.

No, that’s quitter talk.

I’m not gonna lose, and I’m damn sure not gonna quit.

Pulling myself upright, I try to think of a new approach.

Men are visual creatures. I got hot thinking about him manhandling me, so maybe I can get him hotter if I make him look at something he wants.

In a less aroused state I would find this mortifying, but right now I’m as shameless as he usually is. I sit on him and lie back, bracing my weight on the bed with one hand. I allow my legs to fall open, and he falls right into the trap, his hungry graze dropping to my freshly shaved pussy.

I reach down with my free hand, rubbing myself while he looks. "You like what you see, Sir?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. "You think my pussy is pretty?"

He’s tense as he looks at me, his hands fisting in the sheets as he resists the urge to touch, but I'm not done just yet.

"You could have it, right now. Remember when you licked it until I came on your face? You could fuck me right now and make me come all over your cock.”

His next command is short and clipped. "Beg."

My heart seizes and I close my legs, shakily sitting up on his stomach. “Beg?”

He pushes his hair back before grabbing my hips again. His touch is firm and cold, and it makes me so excited for what's to come. "Beg to have me inside you."

"Please," I manage, struggling to hold it together when I’m so turned on. "Please, Sir, will you put your cock in me? I need it... I need you to be my first. I want you to be the only man in the world who knows what it's like to bury yourself deep inside me... to fill me full of your cum. Please, Cal. Please." As I beg, I scoot back so I can straddle his cock again, so very eager to take him into my silky depths and never let him leave me.

He looks almost angry at me as he reaches down and cradles my face in his massive hand. "Goddammit, Noelle,” he says quietly. “How’s a man supposed to say no to that?”

My heart skips a couple beats as I look at him, wondering if he’s actually… admitting defeat? He can’t be. He would never. As determined as I am to win, to seduce this stubborn man, it never actually occurred to me he would ever cede his ground.

I wanted him to fuck me, but this feels more like a victory than anything I could imagine. He didn’t lose control and throw me down, shoving his cock inside me and fucking me like a man possessed.

He gave in. He’s letting me win.

I almost can’t breathe, and it doesn’t get any easier when he pulls me forward and gathers me close. He sits up on the bed, shifting me so I’m cradled in his lap, then he slides his hand around the back of my head and pulls me in for a searing, tender kiss.

Pleasure erupts inside my mind, wiping out all thought and replacing it with a bright white explosion of sensation.

When he pulls back, there’s a flash of softness in his eyes that warms my heart, but it doesn’t last for long. His heated gaze slowly travels down the length of my body. He palms my breast, running his blunt thumb across the rosy bud of my pebbled nipple. He stiffens when I gasp, then his gaze shifts to my face again and my tummy drops.

Without warning, he rotates our positions and throws me down on the bed. I’m on my back and I start to try to move out of his way, but before I can, he grabs my thighs and yanks them apart, planting himself between them.

“I hope you’re sure about this.”

“I am,” I say a little breathlessly, nodding my head. “I want this. I want you. I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

He shakes his head like he can’t rationalize my decision, but he doesn’t waste another second trying to talk me out of it. He slides his hand between my legs, closing his eyes against the arousal as his finger glides in without any trouble. “Oh, thank fuck,” he mutters to himself.

I start to ask why he’s thankful, but before I can, he grabs me, yanking me down the bed and bracing his hands under my ass. He lifts me like I weigh nothing and lets go with one hand so he can grasp his thick cock and align it with my entrance.

Nerves attack me all of a sudden, those second thoughts he mentioned before, but it’s too late.

Without another word, he plunges forward, driving his cock inside me inch by inch.

I cry out at the pain of his invasion, but he soothes the hurt quickly, his mouth hot and fiery against mine. He doesn't kiss me—he claims me. His mouth is demanding just like he is, and he swallows up every little cry I let out as he rips through me, taking my innocence once and for all.

I feel like it’s belonged to him since the moment we met, anyway. He wanted me to let it go and leave my comfort zone with him, and now I finally have.

"Goddamn it, you're so tight," he mutters roughly against my lips. "So fucking tight for me, sweetheart. I have to force my way in..."

I gasp as he pushes deeper, and he kisses away every sound that leaves my lips.

A tear slips out and rolls down my cheek. I don’t know if it’s from the pain, or the pure relief of finally giving in to our desires, but I do know my heart fills up when he brings the rough pad of his thumb up to wipe my tear away.

Once he’s sure I’m all right, Cal begins to move inside me. It hurts like hell at first, my pussy tugging and stretching to accommodate his size, but the more he moves, the better it feels. Eventually, the pain ebbs almost completely and pleasure begins to build inside me. I wrap my legs around him, letting him drive into me so deep, it’s like we’ll always be connected.

And we will, in a way.

There’s no going back now. Whether it was the best or worst idea I’ve ever had, I’ve given myself completely to Callan McLaren.

And I don't regret a single thing.