Barbarian’s Bride by Ruby Dixon



Boy, did I need that.

I curl up in Dagesh's arms as he carries me through the snow, and I feel…wonderful. Like I've been given what's been missing. I've been so worried that he can't bring himself to touch me the way I need to be touched. Today has proved that we can meet in the middle, though. I don't need a whipping to get off, and I know Dagesh would never want to do that. He's made it quite clear that it hurts him to think of hurting me.

But finding out the things we can do and mutually enjoy? I feel so full of hope all over again. I don't feel like a monster for what I need. I feel like a girl who's got a kink button that's wired just a little differently than others, and Dagesh has finally opened up the instruction manual.

We backtrack to the small cave we passed a short time ago, and Dagesh has me stand a short distance away with our pack as he pulls out one of his knives and checks the interior. "One must always be careful," says my mate, and I smile. He's never been one to rock the boat or come up with wild ideas, my Dagesh. He likes predictable things, so our “chase” game means even more to me. Once Dagesh is sure that it's safe, he gestures for me to join him, and I move inside the dark little cave. Immediately, I bump my head on a stalactite and cuss.

"No-rah?" Dagesh is there right away, his hands in my hair. "Where did you hurt yourself?"

"I broke the cave," I tell him, irritated. I rub the spot on my forehead that I cracked on the spiky bit of rock. "I think I broke it."

"Your head?"

"The cave."

He chuckles. "I do not care about the cave. This one has a very low ceiling. Be careful."

Now he tells me. "I'm fine." Even a lump on my head can't ruin my good mood. "You make the fire, I'll get the bedding set up so we have something warm to sit in while our clothes dry."

We get to work, the silence between us easy and pleasant. Once Dagesh has a bit of a flame going, I can see what I'm doing. The cave is a tiny one, nothing more than a bit of a pocket in the side of the cliff, and the back area is dripping with stalactites and stalagmites. Simple baskets are set atop stones to keep them out of the water dripping from the rock, and there are bundles of fur carefully kept off the ground in the same manner. I pull them out and use them for the base of our bed, since they're not nearly as soft as our regular sleeping furs. Once we're settled in a nice, dry spot by the fire, I strip off my damp, clinging leather clothing. There's a spear amongst the supplies in the back, so I thread our clothing through the shaft and then hang them, parking the butt end of the spear into a crevice of rock. Dagesh strips down, too, and he sets up a tripod over the fire to make tea while I lay out our boots near the fire.

When I toss a fur over my shoulders, Dagesh moves to my side and slips under the thick fur with me. His arm goes around my waist and he tucks me against him. It's…cozy. Sure, it's not a fantastic cave and we didn't make it as far as my rules-following mate wanted to, but I can't complain. We had great, toe-curling sex a short time ago and we're warm and dry together. That's all I need.

Dagesh rubs a hand over my back, fingers trailing over my skin. It's arguably one of the best feelings in the world. It's right up there with how it felt earlier when he caught me and snagged a handful of my hair. Not hard, not pulling, just enough to make me feel trapped and helpless. I squeeze my thighs together pleasantly at the memory.

"How do you feel?" he asks, leaning over and brushing a kiss atop my head.

"I'm no longer cold." I snuggle up against his side. "You're a terrific heater."

His hand twitches on my shoulder, and then he draws his thumb down my side, to my waist, where his hand was earlier when he held me down while he fucked the daylights out of me. "Do you hurt anywhere?"

"Nope. Not in the slightest. I feel amazing." I glance up at him. "I might have a few bruises in the morning, but I don't want you to panic. I just bruise easily. Nothing we did today came even close to hitting my limits."

Worry enters his eyes. "Was it bad? Did I not do enough?"

I take his other hand and move it toward my face, kissing the palm. I love his hands. He's only got three fingers and a thumb, but it doesn't look weird to me. His hand is strong and balanced, his nails short and square. He's got calluses that scrape against my skin, but I love those calluses because the rest of his skin is so velvety soft. It's a wonderful, delicious contrast that I can't get enough of. "You did perfectly. I loved you chasing me." I kiss each fingertip. "I don't want you to do something you're uncomfortable with, either. That's not fair to you. It's just finding stuff we both like to do."

He nods thoughtfully. "I admit I have not thought much about such things in the past. I thought a mating was just…a female under you and you stuff her with your cock until you both come." His mouth crooks up in a rueful smile. "No one does things like we do in the home cave."

And that's where he's watched people fucking while lurking in the shadows. There's nothing wrong with that. I've been to a couple of sex clubs and I've seen people fucking out in the open, which is a real eye opener when you're young and inexperienced like I was. There, it almost felt performative. Here, it's always loving and tender, a couple of mated people just getting swept up in the moment and the next thing you know, someone's pulling a blanket over someone else and they're having sex while you're trying to eat dinner. I'm just as guilty of such things. Dagesh and I have been snuggling in public only to have it turn into something more. No one finds that sort of thing shameful here, and for those that don't have a mate and never have before, it's instructive.

Things are just different here, and it's no wonder that my Dagesh has a hard time thinking of wild, kinky things when all around him, everyone cuddles and kisses. No one's ever dragging their mate toward them with a firm hand, or spanking. I don't think I've ever seen anyone raise a hand to one of the kits, for that matter.

It's just one big happy, horny family here.

"Is there something else you like that you would wish to try with me?" Dagesh asks. His hand moves up and down my spine again, and he pulls his other hand from my grip and runs his knuckles over my bare breast. "I want to find things you enjoy. I do not want you pretending with me anymore."

I wince. "I wasn't pretending all the time. Sometimes it was just nice to touch."

"I felt how you responded to me today. It felt different. Sometimes before, I would watch your face, and I would not feel it in your cunt when you came. Today, I felt it. If I am not doing something that pleases you, tell me. I would rather know."

I lean into him, arching to push my breast into his hand. They've been super sensitive lately and I can't decide if his touch feels good or bad. Good-with-bad, I decide. "I wasn't trying to hurt you. I just wanted to make you happy."

"I am happiest when my mate's cunt is squeezing tight around my cock. It tells me that I have done well by her." Dagesh flicks my nipple with his nail, and I hiss at the sensation. "So tell me what other things I should do to make your cunt squeeze like that, my No-rah."

I suck in a breath. "All right." It's hard to think with his hand teasing me like that, but I can think of a few things. Plus, I have a big, sexy man begging me to tell him how to please me. What woman could ask for more? "My nipples are really sensitive lately," I offer.

He makes a sound like he's considering such things and then pinches my nipple. I gasp, pressing against his hand, and I lean into him as he rolls the small bud between his fingers, toying with it. "Like that?"

"That's…pretty…good," I manage. I'm all turned on again, closing my eyes and losing myself to the sensation of his hands on my skin.

"What else?"

I search my thoughts, trying to focus on something that I know I like, something that will bring the sharp edge I need to the bedroom. "Spankings?"

"You have mentioned this before, but I am not entirely certain what you mean."

"Smacking me on my butt? Because I'm naughty?"

He chuckles. "Are you naughty, then?"

Oh, he has no idea. "I can be."

Dagesh gives me a look that's both thoughtful and amused. "Explain to me why humans smack each other on the butt then, as you say. It knocks out the naughtiness?"

"Rarely," I joke.

"Why do it to an adult?"

"Because it makes a lot of noise and sounds worse than it is? It's…fun." I'm flustered, trying to explain why I like something. "I don't know why I think it's hot, I just do."

Dagesh must sense my discomfort. He strokes his fingers over my breast again, caressing the nipple, and then leans in to press a kiss to my temple. "Show me how it is done."

Heat flares through my body. I get to show him? My pussy clenches in response, a mental image of him spanking me present in my mind. Oooh. I think how I want this, and in the next moment, I lie across his thighs, my stomach on his strong legs and my butt pointing at the sky. I don't have a small behind. Never have, probably never will. And I know my thighs aren't flawless and I'm pretty sure I have a few cellulite dimples.

I'm also pretty sure that Dagesh does not care in the slightest. His big hand goes immediately to my ass and he strokes my skin. "This is a pretty sight."

I wiggle on him ever so slightly. "I bet if you spank me it'll be an even better sight."

That big hand pauses. "And it will not hurt you?"

I know what he's asking. Dagesh has a hard limit when it comes to striking me. Spanking is different, though, and I want him to realize that. "Give me a tap, then. As light as you can." I push my butt into the air. "I'm totally padded here, so I promise it doesn't hurt, but the best way for you to get comfortable with it is to give it a shot, baby."


That's his “I'm considering it” sound, and I know it all too well. Impatient, I reach backward, grab his hand, and use it to give my own ass a light smack. It's just a bit of one, and he laughs at my actions…and then pauses.

My mate makes another “hmm” sound in his throat.

His hand caresses my ass, and he gives it a little jiggle.

"Everything okay?" I ask, breathless. "You can use your word if you need to."

Dagesh lightly taps a hand on my butt again, making it bounce and ripple. "I like this. I see now why one would wish to spank his mate."

I do my best not to be impatient, but I really want him to start going to town on me. "You can spank me again. I'm totally fine with it."

That big hand squeezes on my ass, his grip tight. "You are very pushy like this," he teases. "I should spank you for it."

I bite back a whimper, because that is absolutely what I want. But I know he gets skittish about hurting me. It has to be done in a way he feels comfortable with, so I do my best to remain still and not demand great, huge smacks on my ass. Being patient while aroused is absolutely not something I'm good at, and as Dagesh continues to just keep a hand on my butt, doing nothing, I start to wriggle. I lift my hips, as if pushing my ass higher into the air will somehow make him swing into high gear.

"Do you need something?" my mate asks, his tone amused.

"Now you're just being cruel," I say, shifting my weight in the hopes that it makes my butt jiggle enticingly again. "What's a girl gotta do to get her ass smacked around here?"

Dagesh chuckles, and he caresses my butt cheek. "You can ask."


I'm rewarded with a light tap. I make a happy noise, lowering my head and quivering with excitement. I'm already hugely aroused. His teasing is driving me wild, especially because his hand rests on my ass for so long. It's like…foreplay. Really, really extended foreplay.

"Please," I say again, digging my fingers into the big thigh I'm leaning over.

He smacks my ass again, this time harder, and with palm. I moan, utterly delighted. "I love watching your bottom shake," Dagesh murmurs, then gives me another smack, each one harder than the last. "It shivers each time I strike it."

The wonder in his voice turns me on so damn hard. I whimper, whispering another “please” as he strikes me again. It's like he's figuring out his groove, my mate. Each strike cracks against my behind louder and harder than the last, until he's smacking me so hard that I'm sure he's leaving handprints.

I'm so turned on I can't stand it.

He spanks me again, this time his hand striking across both of my cheeks at once, and hard. I cry out, panting, and he immediately stops. "Too much?"

"No," I whimper. "I like it."

"Even now?" He rubs my ass, and then drags a finger into the cleft of my cheeks, seeking the heat of my pussy. Dagesh strokes into me, and then groans. "You are so wet. You really do like this."

I moan, pushing back against his hand. "Please," I beg again. "Please. Need you. Need more."

Dagesh moves under me. I'm pushed into the furs, and in the next breath, my mate is on top of me, roughly grabbing my hips and dragging them into the air. I press my face against the blankets even as I lift my ass higher, and then he covers me, his big, warm body pushing against the backs of my thighs and my behind. One big hand slaps my ass again, then grips it tight. "I like seeing you jiggle when I'm about to push inside you," my mate growls. "Can I still spank you?"

"Please," I sob out. I'm so needy I hurt. "Please keep going."

He thrusts into me, and I nearly black out, it feels so good. Hot stars explode behind my eyes as he fills my aching pussy, stroking so deep that I feel his balls smack against my skin, and his spur digs into my backside in a way that's disconcerting but also arousing. He pushes deep, then gives my ass a ringing smack, harder than he ever has before.

I come so hard that I gush, my body seizing up in the hardest orgasm I've ever had. I make choked sounds as my mate thrusts into me, my body making wet, sloppy sounds as he uses me for his own release. When he's done, he growls out my name and digs his fingers into my flanks, and it's another little spark of pure pleasure.

Afterwards, I just lie there, sprawled and utterly content in the furs, my butt still in the air.

Dagesh groans as he recovers, and his hand skims possessively over my back and my bottom as he pulls out of me. "Your flesh is red here, now," he says, and tsks. "I was too rough?"

"No," I mumble, dazed. "You were perfect. So perfect."

I can hear him moving around in the cave, and I watch through glazed eyes as he wets a towel and cleans himself. I feel too good and boneless to move, and I don't even twitch when he moves to my side and cleans me, too. When he's done, he moves back to the furs and picks me up like I'm a doll, settling me back into his lap. He nuzzles at my face, pressing kisses into my hair, and then wraps a blanket around us. He makes hot tea, too, even though it's hard for him to work with just one hand. The other holds onto me as if he never wants to let me go.

Dagesh holds the carved bone teacup for me as I drink, and then cuddles me against his lap when I'm done. He strokes my cheek, and I smile with pure contentment.

"I liked spanking you," my mate muses. "Is that wrong? It feels wrong to strike you, but…I liked doing that."

"It was the best," I tell him. "And spankings don't hurt, not really. There's a sharp sting every now and then, but that fades quickly."

"You will bruise," Dagesh points out. "I do not like that."

"The more you spank me, the more you'll figure out how to smack me without leaving bruises," I say confidently, though I wouldn't mind walking around with two palm-shaped bruises on my butt. If it gives me orgasms like that? He can cover my backside with welts any day of the week.

He rubs his mouth against my hair, holding me tight against him. "We will sleep in and tomorrow, if you are not too hurt to walk, we will continue on to a better cave."

I won't be too hurt to walk, but it's sweet of him to worry over me. "I'll be fine, but I have an even better idea."

"What is it?"

I reach out and wrap my fingers around his tail, stroking it. "We're bonding, right? Nothing says we can't bond right here."

"This is not the best cave—"

"But I have the best company," I tell him. A wicked smile crosses my face. "And you can always spank me for disobeying you."

His eyes light up at that.