Old Flame: Dante’s Story by Sam Mariano


There are so many members of this wonderful community I want to thank for all sorts of things, but I’ll try to keep it short so I can hit publish on this damned book!

Obviously first and foremost, I want to thank you, the reader! I’m so glad my whacky characters and their messed up stories entertain you. Thank you for buying/borrowing my books! Thanks for you for reviewing and recommending them to your friends! Thank you for all those wonderful things you do. My job would not be possible without you.

An enormous thank you also goes out to my alpha and beta readers for lending their time and their eyeballs to help me catch things I missed! Kate, Jen, Sara, Vivian, and Azalia, you ladies rock! Your messages were so much fun to read while you were reading!

I hope everyone enjoyed Dante’s story! If you have the time to leave a review, however short or long, hey, guess what? I’d appreciate that, too! ;)

There are still a couple more Morelli world spin-offs coming before the second generation’s series launches, so stay tuned! :)