Barbarian’s Taming by Ruby Dixon

Author’s Note

This book wasan emotional wringer to write. Our poor tribe is going through a lot right now, and as the creator, it was tough to build a world and then destroy it all over again. But as we get more and more books into the series, I realized that I was playing it too safe. It’s a dangerous world, full of volcanic activity and blizzards and all kinds of stuff we’ve barely scratched the surface on. I wanted to take away some of the safety-net of the tribe. I’m sure there’s a few people out there screaming at me right now. <3

This should help with the screaming, though — I’ve already started the next book! I’m fired up about it, and this time I’m not going to say who it’s about just yet. It promises to be a little different than a few of the others, so I’m curious to see if I can pull it off. We’ll see! I’m calling the book BARBARIAN’S HEART and am hoping to have it out next month. I was initially going to move the series ahead by a few years (for Farli’s book) after Maddie’s…but it turns out I’ve got a few more in me before we jump forward. For those of you waiting for Farli, please be patient a little longer!

Also, I’ve had a few people worry over the state of things when I teased that this book has a big shift (pun intended). While I will endanger our tribe’s lives and make them go through some harrowing shit, I can guarantee a few things: no cheating, no downer endings, and always a happy ever after. I wouldn’t give you a book that would make ME unhappy as a reader.

I hope you enjoyed the story and are looking forward to more to come. Barbarian on!

