Bad Boss by Stella Rhys



To answer my own question: a big one.

The location of our night made a big difference, because apparently, we were off to a place Emmett had recently invested in called Blue Harbor. It was a newly built restaurant and bar styled like a swanky living room, complete with enormous bay windows and an open deck facing the water. It was apparently becoming quite the hot spot this summer.

It was also located in the Hamptons, more than two hours away.

I was stunned when Julian dropped that on me, and very much intimidated. But I had also talked a pretty big game at the garage, so I refused to back down – and I was thankful for that once our ride started.

Because from the very first second Julian accelerated onto the highway, the exhilaration never stopped.

Eyes open or closed, it felt like I was flying.

It was such a cliché, but I really felt wild and free – by far the most alive I’d ever felt in my life. The never-ending rush of adrenaline was almost suffocating as I rode behind Julian, my arms wrapped around his strong torso and my palms soaking in every clench of his core when we leaned into a turn.

We were completely exposed to the elements as we zipped past cars and trucks and eighteen-wheelers, but any fear of the road had dispersed the moment I laid my chest against his back. I felt safe with him. Whatever unique, Julian-esque confidence emanated from him on a daily basis seeped into my skin as we sped through the open road, under the pinkish glow of the setting sun.

You’re dreaming.

I kept telling myself that. I kept closing my eyes to process it all, but every time I opened them, the amazement hit me again. The deepening hues of the sunset hit me again, and the fact that I was leaving the city with Julian hit me hardest every time. With my chin on his shoulder and the wind in my face, I felt every bit like the luckiest girl in the world.

And considering the thrill of the ride, it was hard to believe that there was more than this planned.

The best was still yet to come.

* * *

The sun was almost fully setby the time we stopped at a gas station for a much-needed break. My ass was actually buzzing from the vibration of the seat, and I had to laugh at myself as I privately spanked some life back into it inside the bathroom.

LIA:Damn it woman why are your texts always so cryptic? You look very cute but where the heck are you?? Tell me!!

I snorted at Lia’s text. I had sent her a bathroom selfie as a belated thank you for the Daisy Dukes she’d dropped off at the office for me two weeks ago, during the heat wave. I had finally stuffed them into my purse to bring home after work today, and thank God for that, because riding a motorcycle in a pencil skirt would have sucked ass.

Also, the skirt just wouldn’t have looked quite as cute with Julian’s soft white tee.

I was wearing it on top, and as I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, I swore I could very well wear this outfit forever. It was cute and comfy, especially paired with my red Converses, but more than anything, it served as a reminder that today was real. An hour into the ride, and I still felt like I was in a dream. It felt like a scene from a movie I would’ve been obsessed with as a teen. Texting Lia was almost a figurative way of pinching myself, just to show myself that this was in fact real.

ME:What are you up to tonight?

LIA:Emmett’s up here so we’re at dinner with him. Super gorgeous restaurant called Blue Harbor. I seriously can’t wait to bring you. I wish you were here!!

LIA:Where are youuuu

I was all too amused with myself as I purposely ignored Lia’s last text, slipping my phone in my pocket as I walked out into the convenience store, where I spotted two women in big sun hats and striped beach covers huddled over by the window.

Oh, yeah. Totally with you ladies,I laughed to myself when I realized they were staring out the window at Julian. Back at the garage, he had changed into a casual outfit as well – a white T-shirt, black leather jacket and dark grey jeans. It was the kind of casual look that I never imagined him wearing, but obviously, he wore the hell out of it.

He looked even better now with the last of the sunset hitting him as he waited for me outside, leaning against the side of the bike.

“Good Lord,” I had to murmur with a little grin to myself. Was it weird to take a picture? Whatever. I did, and with the sound on, too. When a man looked that good, this kind of shamelessness was warranted.

“Oh, honey, is he yours?” one of the sun hat ladies asked me, looking my outfit up and down. “Oh, yes, you match too well not to be with him,” she whistled.

“Yes, I guess he is mine today,” I giggled, the door chiming as I pushed through to leave. Sun Hat Lady stopped me with a wagging finger.

“Ah, ah – just today? Oh, no, no, dear. That is not the attitude,” she clucked, echoing the exact words Lia had said to me today on the terrace. She even shot me a tsk tsk look through the window as I walked back outside. But I caught her little smile and wink as I felt Julian’s hand touch my waist.

“Hey.” He hooked his fingers into my shorts to pull me close. I blushed when he cupped the backs of my thighs with his hands, his eyes on my lips for two seconds before he looked at me. “How does it feel?”

This day? In general? Being with you?

Oh, you know. Fucking perfect.

“You mean the ride?” I asked quietly, struck by how strangely intimate the moment felt. “It’s good. Not bad at all.”

“When else have you been on a motorcycle?”

I wet my lips, briefly hesitant to answer.

“With my best friend in college,” I answered. I couldn’t help the grimace. My heart beat fast when I thought about her, and it was never a gradual transition – it was just sudden, brutal pounding. “Should we get going?” I asked, eager to change the subject.

I could tell from the way Julian studied me that he wanted to ask another question, but to my relief, he handed me my helmet. With his head tilted over his shoulder, he watched with a grin as I mounted the bike.

“Good girl,” he murmured as I wrapped my arms around him.

Then once again, we were off.