Sweet Spot by Stella Rhys


Thankyou first and foremost to the readers and bloggers who have been with me from day one, and to those who have just discovered my work recently. Your never-ending passion for storytelling is what gets me excited to go to the office every morning (the office being my dining table). You’re the reason I get to stop sometimes and think, “Holy shit, you get to write about hot men for a living. Lucky you.” So thank you so much for that, and thank you for your incredible hard work.

Thankyou also to the unreasonably gorgeous man who somehow loves both normal Stella and deadline Stella. You’re amazing for a million reasons but that one is #1 because wow, deadline Stella can be fucking crazy sometimes.

Thankyou to my best friend in the world, Sasha. You’re the reason I even discovered I could be a writer. Actually, you’re the reason I can do anything I can do, so you’re just the reason - how about that? Any and all of my success, I owe to you.

To Ali, thank you for keeping me on my toes and keeping me sane. What would I do without your daily snark, your quarterly pep talks and your overuse of knife emojis? You’re the best.

To Mandy, thank you for making this gal laugh like crazy with your unrivaled ability to insult the villains in my books.

Thankyou to Kylie and Jeananna of Give Me Books for your incredible work and for getting me even more excited about my own release. You ladies rock. Thank you to Sara Eirew for a hell of a sexy cover, and thank you lastly to Wendy Chan.

