The Insiders by Tijan



To my agent, holy crapola, Kimberly! Thank you!

To Monique! To everyone who worked on this book and helped get it where it is. To Macmillan.

To the ladies in Tijan’s Crew. To the group in Tijan’s Audiomen. Just, whoa, to everyone.

Every author dreams of going to a bookstore, walking in, and finding their book on the shelves. This has happened sporadically for me; I’ve mostly been an indie author until this publisher decided to take a chance on me.

I’m really truly hoping everyone loved Bailey and Kash as much as I loved writing them! I’m grateful and happy to have been able to bring this entire world and cast from The Insiders to life, and I hope you guys continue on with the next book in their series.

Bring on some graduate school!