Hothead by Stella Rhys


This isthe part of the book where I like to pretend I know what it’s like to unexpectedly win an Oscar, because good Lord, it is so hard to think of all the names I need to thank. There are so many kind, witty, incredible people whose support I could not do this without.

To the readers, you are everything to me. Your excitement for my stories and characters lifts me like nothing else can. You have made my dream career come true, so thank you SO much for that.

To the amazing bloggers - what would I do without you? You are honestly my heroes.

My rockstars at GMB, my love for you ladies cannot be put into words.

Thank you Vivian Monir for a fire ass cover, again, and thank you Bex Harper for everything you do for me. Thank you Mandy for injecting daily sunshine into my life, and Ali for putting up with my occasional nonsense.

Thank you to my best friend in the world, Sasha.

And to my boo. You’re too good to me.

Last but not least, thank you, Ratula. Woman. You are my favorite, and I would be lost without you and all your Jax-interrupted voicemails.