Micaela’s Big Bad by Tijan



It was almostanti-climactic when we got back to Bass.

I knew what he wanted this time, and we walked inside. I saw that when he said he had ‘people’ holding everything for me, he meant witches. There were four of them in the building and they were chanting their spells.

Witches and I don’t get along either.

They always instantly know who I am, and are paranoid I’m going to take their energy.

I used to think they were crazy, but now I know what I can actually do and note to self, I may do just that to torture them in the future.

Again: witches and I don’t get along.

Three of the four glared at me. The fourth didn’t. She must’ve been the ‘me’ of the group because she gave me a bright smile. She didn’t look altogether, if you get my drift. But back to the business at hand.

Kieran said everything was on hold…and he really meant it. The vampires and demons were frozen in mid-battle. I had to make sure Nikki was safe, so I did a scan, and spotting her on the second floor, I went over. Taking her hand, I dragged her after me. She was still ‘frozen,’ so it was a weird sensation, but I gave Kieran a look.

I’ll be back. You can wait a few more minutes.


It was the first time he said my last name, and looking back, I thought, Since when did you take the time to learn my name?

He raised an eyebrow back at me. Micaela Nadeem. You were born to Avi and Henrietta Nadeem. You have three sisters and four brothers. You have eighteen cousins in the Twin Cities’ area. Thirty relatives total here. You’re best friends to Nikki Atkinson, who is sleeping with—

Okay, okay. My night’s not too bad. Don’t destroy it completely by saying his name.

I faked a shudder but grabbed for Nikki’s phone and called Ralph.

He pulled up ten minutes later, and I seat-belted her in.

“Wha— Is she going to be like that the whole time? I don’t do personal arrivals, Ca—”

“You will this time, because if you don’t, I’ll tell your mother you smoke pot when you’re working.”

He opened his mouth and glowered at me. “Not cool, Caley Girl. Not freaking cool.”

I gave him a pointed look back, but he pulled away and I felt a weight off my shoulder.

Mission complete. My best friend was safe.

I was silently hoping the unfreeze would wear off? I hadn’t thought that through.

I went back inside, took my position by Kieran, and dipped my head.

“Ready to unleash the creature, Draco.”

He growled in my head. Do not call me that name.

I grinned, and the witches let chaos reconvene.