Always Crew by Tijan


Cross and the guys arrived three minutes after the masked men left.

We’d called the cops, so it wasn’t too long after they got there when the air lit up with blue and white. Cross swept me up. Jade looked to Jordan. Both seemed tentative with each other, but Jordan pulled her in for a hug. Angeline was eyeing Zellman, and he was eyeing her back. It seemed like a beat later when Blaise drove in with Zeke exploding from his passenger side.

I glanced at Cross. “You called him?”

He nodded, his jaw tight. “He was quiet.”

Oh, whoa. That said everything.

Cross’ arm tightened around me, and he buried his head into my neck. He pressed a kiss there. “Got a text from Zeke.”

“You did?” That wasn’t normal either.

He nodded, his face grim. “Asked if I knew where you were, thought it might be where his brothers were.”

That said a lot. Zeke reaching out to Cross, not a thing. Ever.

Then Cross’ hand tightened around me and he asked, “Why am I seeing Alex Ryerson holding one of Aspen’s friends?”

I grinned and patted his chest. “I’ll fill you in on the way back.”

And that’s what I did.

I gave my statement because Tim Harper getting taken was a big deal. More and more cops were pulling in, but it wasn’t until when a detective broke away from a large group and came over did I realize what really happened.

He was thirty-ish, and tired. A buttoned-down shirt. Gun holster. Badge clipped to his side. He wore jeans and his hair looked raked through. He came right to me and lifted his chin up. “Bren Monroe?”

I nodded.

He pulled out his wallet and gave me his card. It was held between two fingers, and I took it.

He pointed to it. “Come to the station tomorrow?”

“I already gave a statement.”

“You’re Channing’s sister, yeah?”

I was confused. “Yeah…”

Another point to the card. “Come tomorrow and give me another statement.”

Cross frowned. “Why?”

“Because the case against the Red Demons just fell apart.”




“Harper was the witness?”

The detective didn’t respond, just echoed, “Tomorrow.”

“She’ll be there.”

I glanced at Cross, and he shot me a look.

There was more happening that I wasn’t understanding, but fine. I’d wait and find out.

Jordan moved in. “It’s late. We have a long drive. Can we head back?”

The detective nodded, starting to back away. “For those who were here, if they gave a statement, then they can go.”

He headed back.

Blaise came over, Aspen remaining back with Zeke.

He asked me, “Aspen said what you confronted Harper about. That true?” His jaw was clenching, and his eyes were fierce.

“Yeah, but it looks like it was just him with the plans. The other guys backed away once I started talking about it. They thought they were coming for a goodbye party since he was getting kicked out of the frat.”

“Fuck that. Some fucking goodbye party.” He shared a look with his brother. “I bet you a million fucking bucks that he was going to drug the guys, too, get them all in one go. Hurt me. Hurt Aspen. Hurt the house that kicked him out. Such a fucking piece of shit.”

“Yeah, well, he’s gone.”

“Aspen said those guys were scary.”

I felt a kick in my gut. I couldn’t say anything. Not to anyone. Not ever.

I nodded, letting out a shaky breath. “Yeah, they were.”

Cross’ fingers flexed into my skin, and I knew he’d felt my reaction and would ask me about it later.

“Okay. Well.” He looked back. “We’re taking off. We can get most of the girls with us, but Jade said she drove.”

Jordan overheard. “I’ll go with her.”

“Us too.” Zellman was next to Angeline. He was holding her, and she was firmly snuggled up to his side.

That was interesting.

Jordan caught my look and shared a small grin with me.

I snorted.

He laughed.

Blaise looked between us, then held his hands up. “I don’t want to know.” He went back to Aspen and soon, they were heading out. Alex came over and said he was leaving as well. Veronica was headed back with Blaise, Aspen, and Zeke.

“Alone, huh?”

He shrugged, dropping his head to the side. “As I live and breathe, but respect. Yeah?” He held a hand out. I shook it, and he extended it to the others, saying, “Met Harper through his dad and my uncle. We kept in touch, but I didn’t know he was like this. Or maybe I did. That was back when I was a douche, so maybe that’s why we were friends. Gotta admit, never felt totally right coming out here, getting his call out of the blue.” He nodded toward me. “But it was nice to be on the right side this time.”

Jordan, Cross, and Zellman all gave me a look, all with their eyebrows raised.

“I’ll fill you guys in.”

Jordan grunted.

After that, Alex left.

The others were starting to leave as well. Most went right away, probably fearing they’d get in trouble by being associated with Harper.

Jordan said to Jade, “Mind giving us a moment?”

Zellman nodded to Angeline, too.

Both girls went toward Jade’s SUV.

The guys moved in, and without pausing, Jordan came forward and cupped my face in both hands.

“Oh!” I jumped, then his forehead touched mine. “Hello. Hi.”

He breathed out, closing his eyes. “Are you okay?” His voice was strangled.

My eyes darted to the side, seeing the same emotion reflected on Zellman’s face.

Both were intense.

“Yeah.” I let out some air.

I could feel Jordan take a breath. In. Out. And he said under his breath, “Thank fucking God.” He released me, stepping back and he blinked rapidly. “Thank fucking God.”

His words were whispered.

Zellman moved in.

I was expecting the same face-cupping thing, but he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. It was a big bear hug, and he moved me back, carrying me a total of three steps before setting me back down.

He whispered in my ear, “If anything had happened to you—anything.” He pulled back, his eyes hard and he shook his head. “Anything.”

I knew what he was saying. Understanding spread through me, and I reached up, grasping his wrists. My hands held tight, and I said just as fiercely back, “Same.”

He jerked his head up and down, stiff. “I fucking love you, Bren.”


He moved forward, cupping the back of my head and he pressed a kiss there. “Shit. I love you.” He sniffed and wiped at his nose once, almost savagely, before rolling his shoulders. He turned around. “Come on. Let’s see to the girls.”

Jordan gave me another one of those intense nods before they went over.

I moved up next to Cross, and we watched as Jordan went over, opened Jade’s driver’s door where she was sitting. Words were exchanged. He looked firm. She looked surprised, but she slid out and he took her place.

Jade went to the front passenger seat, and Zellman took the seat behind her, right next to Angeline. I saw him reach for her hand right before he shut the door.

As their taillights lit up, Cross put his arm around my shoulder. “You need to call your brother.”

And, well… fuck.