Wolf Marked by Alexis Calder


My mind was racing as I took the long way back to the barn to avoid running into anyone. I was wanted in my hometown, despite the fact that I wasn’t the one who tried to kill anyone.

Fucking figured.

The book I was carrying might be worth millions, but at this point, I didn’t care about anything other than Wolf Creek getting what was coming to them. They already had the recipe for the toxin, but they were the only pack with that knowledge. I knew it was an awful drug, but maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if the playing field was leveled.

I arrived at the clearing much faster than I expected. Grateful for no run-ins with locals on my walk, I crept around, searching for Alec. He wasn’t outside where I’d left him, but at least I didn’t see any signs of anyone else. He must have taken his chances inside the broken down barn. I wondered if someone had come by here.

For a moment, I worried that he’d been caught and I picked up the pace, jogging over to the barn. I walked around the dilapidated building, peeking into the holes in the walls. “Alec?” I whispered as loud as I dared.

After a full circle around the barn, I didn’t see any signs of people. “Alec?” I called his name a little louder.

Where was he?

“Over here,” he called.

I let out a relived breath when I saw him walking toward me. He was coming from the direction of the woods. It probably was a safer place to hide than the crumbling building.

“Did you get it?” he asked.

I pulled the journal out of my waistband. “She warned me a few times about how dangerous this is.”

“Your mom saw you?” he asked.

“I didn’t tell her anything,” I assured him. “I just asked for the book.”

“And she handed it over, just like that?” He sounded surprised.

“Look, do you want this or not? It wasn’t a pleasant meeting with my mom and I’d rather not relive it right now when we have more important things to do.”

“You’re right.” He took the book from me. “Thank you for doing this.”

He slid the book into his own waistband and covered it with his shirt.

“What’s next? How do we break the bond?” I asked.

I noticed movement and looked toward the woods. Four figures were walking toward us. “Oh, shit. They know we’re here.”

I grabbed Alec’s hand and pulled, trying to run in the opposite direction but Alec held me fast.

“What are you doing? We have to run,” I said.

Alec tightened his grip, holding me in place.


I looked behind him and could make out Ace, Tyler, Kyle, and Julian. They were nearly on us and if I had any shot at getting away, I had to go now.

I pulled, trying to break Alec’s grip, but he was far stronger than me. “Let me go, Alec.”

“I’m sorry, Lola.” He pulled me toward him and wrapped both his arms around my chest. I was facing away from him, pinned against him.

“Alec, what are you doing? Let me go, now!” I fought against him, trying to break his hold on me. He didn’t budge. I tried kicking, but I wasn’t at the right angle to hit anything.

Desperate to get free, I dug my fingernails into his arms. He grunted, but didn’t release his grip.

Ace, Tyler, Julian, and Kyle stopped in front of us. Each of them wearing matching victorious smiles.

“Alec, let me fucking go.” I stomped on his foot as hard as I could.

“Fuck, that hurts!” Alec squeezed me into him tighter. “Stop moving. You’re going to make things worse.”

“Please, Alec,” I pleaded. None of my usual tricks to get away were working with him. Alec was much stronger than any of my old bullies.

Ace threw a paper sack at Alec’s feet and it tipped to the ground, revealing stacks of hundred dollar bills. “I think you’ll find it’s all accounted for.”

“What are you going to do with her?” Alec asked.

“That’s not your concern,” Ace said.

“Alec?” I looked over at the man I’d thought was my friend. “How could you?”

“It’s nothing personal,” Alec said. “I did what I had to.”

“How can you possibly say this isn’t personal?” I growled, the sound coming from somewhere beyond my control.

“Hand her over,” Tyler said. “We gave you your money.”

“I am not going anywhere with you,” I hissed.

“You don’t have a choice,” he said.

“Be grateful for him, darling,” Ace said. “I could have killed you in that tent where you were sleeping, but Tyler wanted you back alive.”

“You were there?” I looked at Alec. “They were there and you didn’t tell me?”

My heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces. How long had he been planning this? “You are such an asshole.”

How does someone have sex with the person they’re preparing to betray? At least Tyler was always up front about his hatred of me. Alec made me feel safe, earned my trust, then took it all away.

Tyler walked closer to us and I lashed out, trying like hell to break Alec’s hold on me. “Let me go, you piece of shit!”

“Hold her still,” Tyler said.

“What are you doing?” Alec asked.

“Your job was to deliver the merchandise, not ask questions,” Tyler said.

Something sharp bit into my arm and I hissed in pain, then everything went fuzzy. I swayed and my knees gave way.

“What did you do to her?” Alec asked.

“She’s not your problem anymore,” Tyler said.

I fought to keep my eyes open but my body was giving way to whatever Tyler had injected in me. My head lolled to the side and my jaw went slack. Eyelids heavy, I finally gave in and let them close.

My tongue felt like sandpaper and my head throbbed. I opened my eyes and tried to sit up, but my legs and arms were bound. The floor below me was soft and as my eyes adjusted, I realized I was laying on a bed. My limbs tied to the headboard and footboard.

There was minimal light coming in through what looked like thick curtains. It was likely day, but I had no idea if it was morning or afternoon. Memories came flooding back and my chest tightened as I recalled Alec’s betrayal. How could he do that to me? He knew how my pack treated me and he knew I didn’t want to be with Tyler, but he brought me back. He never had any intention of breaking the bond. He used me to get the information about the toxin, then sold me to my vicious mate.

I fought against tears, knowing that whenever my captors walked in, they’d think I was emotional over getting caught. I probably should care that I was tied up but my stupid broken heart was causing more discomfort than the familiar threat of Tyler’s violence.

Until this moment, I hadn’t realized how much I gave to Alec. It wasn’t even about my virginity. That wasn’t all that special growing up in a pack like I had. Sex was fun and partners changed often unless a mating bond formed. I’d held off, though. Not that I had offers, but I wanted to be with someone who cared for me. At least cared for me at the time we had sex.

But it was all a lie. He’d used me and turned me over to the people who nearly killed me. Had he even cared about me at all?

I trusted him.

I never trusted anyone.

And now I was back where I started.

I thought I’d felt pain before, but it was nothing like how I felt now. The heaviness in my chest was crushing. I felt more broken than ever. How could he do this to me?

The door opened and light flooded the room.

“You awake?” Tyler asked.

“Let me go, Tyler,” I demanded.

He sat in a chair next to the bed, a bottle of water in his hands. “Thirsty?”

I glared at him.

“It’s just water,” he said. “You need to drink.”

“You had your friends beat the shit out of me and left me for dead. Then you shot me with something that knocked me out. You think I’m going to trust you?” I was never going to trust anyone again after what I’d been through.

“If I wanted you dead, I’d have let my father kill you. That’s what he wants, you know.” He lifted the bottle toward me.

“Why am I here, Tyler?” I asked.

“Drink some damn water, Lola,” he said.

I was desperate to feel moisture in my mouth again and what was the worst that could happen? I was pretty sure I was dead either way. I opened my mouth and let him pour some water in. It dribbled down my chin and Tyler wiped it away with his fingers.

After a few more swallows, I looked back at Tyler, trying to read his expression. “Talk.”

“I haven’t been able to shift since you left,” Tyler admitted. “My wolf is protesting or something. The bond is strong between us.”

“So?” I didn’t give a shit about Tyler not being able to shift. “It sucks not being able to do the one thing shifters are supposed to do, doesn’t it?”

“That’s the thing, Lola,” he said. “If you could shift, I would have gladly taken you as mine. You’re beautiful.”

“I’m not docile, and I never will be,” I warned. “And I will fight back no matter what. You can’t throw me around, Tyler.”

“I heard you shifted,” he said.

I closed my mouth. So that was what this was about.

“I want to complete the bond with you. The fates want us together. I will work to be more respectful,” he said, though it sounded like it pained him.

“You can’t be serious.” I tugged at my restraints. “You drugged me and tied me up. How the fuck is that respectful?”

“I’m working on it,” he said. “And I needed you not to run.”

“No,” I said. “I’m not completing the bond with you.”

Tyler sighed and stood. “You don’t have much of a choice. You complete the bond with me, or my dad puts a bullet through you. Maybe being with me and learning how to be a real wolf would be better than dying.”

“What would you do if you were me? How would you respond to being asked to bond with the person who spent the last decade beating the shit out of you?” I asked.

“Here’s the thing, Lola,” Tyler leaned closer to me. “If you’re not my mate, there’s nothing stopping me from throwing your mom in the caves for being a traitor.”

My lower lip quivered and I bit down on it to steady myself. My mom was awful but she was still my mother. “You wouldn’t.”

“I’ll be the alpha of this pack in a matter of years. You’re either rising with me, or your whole family is going down. You have a week to decide. I want to announce our bond before the next full moon. You will complete the bond with me. I’d rather do it with your cooperation but I am not opposed to force.”

Tyler left the room, closing the door behind him.

I sucked in deep breaths, my heart pounding hard. Tyler was insane. He wasn’t used to not getting his way and this time, I might finally be in a situation I couldn’t get myself out of.

I tugged on my restraints again, pulling hard. There had to be a way out, but how? This would be a really great time to shift.

My wolf wasn’t responding. Even the little glimmer of a connection we’d had seemed to be gone.

Tyler gave me a timeline. I had a few days, unless he changed his mind. There had to be something I could do. I had to figure out a way out of here. I refused to bond with Tyler and I refused to die. It wouldn’t hurt if I could make Tyler suffer on my way out. Besides, I had a score to settle with a feral shifter.