Two Cowboys To Protect Her by Lacey Davis

Chapter 13

Harley had never been so attached to a woman. Never. The man who wanted to capture Rena and kill her, he would tear limb from limb if he took her. She was their woman, and while he still felt uncertain about the future, there was one thing he was certain of. Rena.

The woman had a stubborn streak, but overall, she obeyed them and enjoyed having sex. She was open to learning about what gave them pleasure and he could hardly wait to show her how to suck his cock. The very thought of her lips around his shaft had him achingly hard once again.

It was almost noon. After they fucked again this morning, they had taken a bath with all three of them in her small tub. That had led to them bending her over the tub and each one fucking her again.

Afterward, she had dressed and made them breakfast. Harley wanted to have her remove her dress, but what if Jack Bell showed up and she was naked?

A slow burning rage simmered inside him at the thought of this man trying to harm Rena.

“Harley, you’re frowning,” Rena said. “Are the pancakes not good?”

A slight smile spread across his face. “They’re delicious, but I’d rather lay you on this table, pour syrup on you and lick it off.”

A blush spread across her face. “Later.”

He liked the fact that she didn’t tell him no, but rather later. And the idea of her naked and spread with sweet syrup flowing on her body was something he was looking forward to.

Clayton smiled. “Too hell with later, I say we do it right now.”

Rena squealed and suddenly stood. “Boys, it’s late.”

“Who the hell cares what time it is?” Harley said. “It’s never too late or too early to have you spread beneath us.”

The sound of knocking came from the front door and the two men frowned. While Harley didn’t think that Jack and Tray would knock on the door, you just never knew how brazen some criminals could be.

“You expecting anyone?”

“No,” she said nervously.

Harley was not going to take a chance. “Clayton, go to the window and look out. I’ll go to the door. Rena, you get to the bedroom and stay there.”

While they all scattered to their positions, Harley walked to the door.

“It’s the sheriff,” Clayton hollered.

With a yank, Harley opened the door. “What’s up, Sheriff?"

“We need to talk. I waited as late as I could before I came to see you.”

“Come on in,” Clayton told him. “We just finished breakfast.”

Rena peeked around the door. “Can I come out?”

The men frowned but nodded.

“Have a seat, Sheriff,” Harley said.

The three men gathered in the main room and Harley knew something had happened.

“What’s wrong?”

“Even though I warned him, Leon Roberts was found murdered this morning. Strung up and tortured much the same way as Rena described the body we have yet to find. The inside of his house had been ransacked like they were looking for the map. If he had it, it’s no longer there.”

If they had not located the map, Harley knew the criminals were still in the area searching. If they had found it, they were on their way to find the silver.

“Anyone see or hear anything?”

“No, his neighbors have that deer in the lantern light look, so if they heard anything they’re not talking.”

These men were cold-blooded killers. To torture someone to death was the cruelest way to die. If the map was in the house, he would have told them when the pain became so excruciating that he couldn’t stand it. Or if he had given it to someone, he would have told them.

“That map is not in that house,” Clayton said, shaking his head.

“Agree,” said the sheriff.

“Why do I feel like we’re at a dead end? At least we have Leon’s body, but what can that tell us other than the fact that they are savages?”

The three men sighed.

“Go talk to Granny Bailey,” Rena said, walking into the room. “She has lived in Blessing all her life. From the time the community was formed. She knows the families and if there was a map to a silver mine, I bet she knows who has it or if it even existed.”

The woman was trying to help but listening to an old woman’s gossip wouldn’t help them. Harley didn’t care if they never found the map, as long as they found the two men on the killing spree before they reached Rena.

“The men aren’t staying in a hotel,” the sheriff said. “They must be hole up somewhere out of town. I thought that tomorrow we could get a group of men together and search for them.”

Harley glanced at Clayton and knew he was thinking the same thing. What would they do with Rena? They couldn’t leave her here alone.

“Could Rena stay with your wife out at the ranch? You’ve got plenty of protection there, right?” Harley asked.

“Of course, Lillian would love to visit with her. She’s almost nine months pregnant, so she’s not getting around much right now.”

“No,” Rena said out loud startling the men. “There is so much work that needs to be done around here. I’m going to stay home and work.”

Harley didn’t say a word and neither did Clayton. Like hell, she was going to stay here by herself with that demented killer searching for her. If he had to strap her down on his horse, she would be going out to visit Lillian.

The sheriff stood and smiled at them. “I’ll see you men in the morning about six thirty. Maybe we can find their hide out.”

Clayton walked the sheriff to the door and closed it quietly. Then they both turned to glare at Rena.

“What?” she said. “I need to do laundry, clean the house, and cook dinner. I don’t have time to go out to Lillian’s. I’d love to visit her, but I just don’t have time.”

Harley walked over to her and knew she was going to receive her first spanking of their marriage.

“You are never to disagree or argue with us in front of company,” he said. “You just earned your first punishment spanking.”

Her mouth fell open and she licked her lips nervously. “I was just telling you my thoughts.”

“And you think we’re going to go off and leave you alone with a madman looking for you, wanting to kill you?” Clayton said. “Go to the bedroom, take off your dress, and wait for us.”

“It’s time we punished you,” Harley said, anger rising inside him at how she had disrespected them.