Two Cowboys To Protect Her by Lacey Davis

Chapter 22

Today the town turned out in full to celebrate the life of Granny Bailey. Jack Bell was dead and his partner had been caught dressed like a woman trying to get on a stage out of town. His disguise didn’t work when a woman saw through his veil and alerted the stagecoach driver.

Seth had enjoyed slapping the cuffs on him in female clothing. And the men in the jail had all whistled when he came in.

Lillian had gone into labor the night they returned home from the shooting, and ironically, she asked Rena to come assist in the baby's birth.

What a miracle. Seeing their baby girl born had been an honor that Rena felt in awe to witness. Now she couldn’t wait for them to have their children.

Hopefully, after everything that happened, Harley would decide to stay. But whatever he chose to do, she would always love him. This had to be his decision.

The three of them walked into the house and sank down on the horsehair couch.

“We need to talk,” Rena said. “So much has happened and we haven’t had a chance to discuss our marriage.”

The men gazed at her like they would rather not, but she knew they needed to clear the air. “I’m sorry that I was so angry at Harley that I didn’t tell him where I was going. The two of you had been protecting me and I don’t think this would have happened if I had listened and obeyed you.”

“True,” Clayton said. “And you will be punished for of your lack of obedience. This is why we were guarding you. So that Jack Bell and that Tray would not harm you.”

“No, we’re not going to punish Rena,” Harley said, and Clayton jerked around to stare at him.

“Why not?”

“Because if she hadn’t been angry with me, then she would have told me where she was going. If I hadn’t been dishonest with her, then none of this would have happened. My own selfish pride was what led to this disaster. And I’m just thankful she wasn’t hurt or killed.”

Clayton smiled. “Are you still going to Dallas?”

Harley smiled. “Yes. I need to end that chapter of my life. Will I stay? No, because I can’t wait to get back here. Rena, you’re my wife and I’m pledging to you my heart, my love, and the rest of my days will be spent with you by my side.”

She stood and flew into his lap and kissed him. “I don’t want you to leave because I’ll worry and miss you, but I understand why you have to go. Sometimes, Harley Kerr, you can be a bully, but you’re my bully and I love you with all my heart.”

“Not a bully, a beast,” Clayton said.

“Well, the beast is being tamed by Rena,” he said, leaning his head against her chest. “We’ve told you about our past. But you’ve said very little about your family.”

For a moment, it was quiet before Rena spoke. “My mother was a sickly woman and she died giving birth. My papa was working in the barn and just keeled over one day. When I found him, he was dead. I’ve been alone for three years. No brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles, not many friends, just alone. Every night, I prayed that a man would come along. Now it seems my prayers have been answered, because I’ve been saved from my boring existence by not one husband but two. And I thank God for the both of you every day.”

Silence filled the room and she curled up in Harley’s lap, so afraid that he would never return to her. “Please come back to me.”

“I will,” he promised. “But right now, I need to feel my wife’s naked arms around me.”

“Me too,” Clayton said. “It’s been a weird couple of days. Time to find happiness with you.”

Rena couldn’t wait to experience the joy she always found in her husbands' arms. Standing, she took each man by the hand. “Let’s go to bed.”

They walked into the guest bedroom and began to remove their clothes. Rena stood watching them, the memory of realizing she’d been captured overwhelmed her for a moment. She deserved to be punished for leaving without telling Harley.

“Clayton, sweetie, I need you to spank me tonight.”

“You got it. Get undressed and lay on your arms and stick your ass in the air. I can’t wait to paddle your ass.”

Slowly she began to unbutton her dress. “Just not as hard as Harley,” she said.

“No, you do not get to tell me how to spank you,” he said as he turned her to the bed.

“You’ve not said if Jack or Tray harmed you,” Harley said, pulling his shirt from his pants. He sat to remove his boots. Then he removed his pants, his big cock jutting out in front of him.

“No, they tried to scare me more than anything. If you had not come for me, I’m sure I would be dead. But I knew you would come and that frightened me even more."

“We feared they would harm you to get back at us,” Clayton said, removing his boots and then his pants.

He walked over to the dresser where he selected a larger plug from the wooden box and a jar of ointment. “This is the last plug. I want to see you work this into your ass. Afterward, I’m going to spank you and you are not allowed to come.”

She tilted her blonde curls in one direction. “Yes, I deserve to be punished.”

Nothing would have happened if she had told Harley where she was going because he would have insisted on going with her. He would not have allowed her to get into that carriage without checking with the driver and making certain he was one of Lillian’s men.

“Never leave without telling one of us,” Clayton said. “When we can’t find you or don’t know where you are, it frightens us. We never want to lose you.”

“As long as you do the same for me. I need to know where my men are in case I need them. I’ll promise to always let you know if you’ll do the same.”

The men smiled. “We will,” Harley said, answering for them.

“Tonight, once we think you’re ready, we’re going to claim you, together. Clayton will take your pussy and me your ass,” Harley said, handing her the last plug. “Put it in.”

Pursing her lips, she glanced between them and then took the plug. Clayton handed her the lube and watched as she greased up the end. She placed the object between her legs but paused.

“This marriage of ours is different from anything I’ve ever experienced. Even though I broke the rules, I like the fact that you’re in control. I like what we do together. I like it when you spank me, but not when you’re angry.”

“But you asked me to punish you,” Clayton said to her.

She bit her bottom lip. “Yes, because I feel responsible for what happened. If I had spoken to Harley, none of this would have happened.”

“Shhh,” Harley said. “We all made mistakes. Let’s just do better from now on. Let’s trust one another, even when we’re angry.”

Rena smiled at Harley as she reached up and stroked his face.

“Put it in,” Harley told her, placing a hand on her knee, she dropped her legs open wide and rubbed the plug through her wet, glistening pussy. The anticipation of both of them claiming her had her pussy throbbing.

Slowly, she inched the plug in, breathing deeply pushing and pulling. She bit her lip as the fake cock popped into place. For a moment, she simply breathed as her body adjusted to the new, larger size. There were no other plugs, this was the end, and tonight she would experience both of her husbands at the same time.

Now they could finally claim her as theirs and she couldn’t wait.

“Good girl,” Clayton said.

Clayton swatted her ass sending ripples up through the plug sending tingles through her body. She gasped and turned her gaze on him.

“Over my knee,” Clayton demanded as he sank down onto the bed.

Harley stood to the side and helped her up and over Clayton’s lap before he began to stroke his long, hard cock. Rubbing the bead of come that spilled from the end, Rena watched mesmerized.

Clayton leaned down and kissed her on the ass, running his tongue along the seam of her cheeks. “No one messes with our woman and you’re ours. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “Make me yours.”

This was what she needed. What she wanted. Her two men to show her they cared.

Clayton raised his hand and connected his palm with her rounded cheeks.


Harley gripped her breasts in his hands, massaging and twisting her nipples. Explosions of desire were coming from so many places on her body that she moaned.

“Clayton,” she cried out, her hands searching for something to grip onto.

Smack, he paddled her again and again in rapid succession.

Another moan escaped.

To change the rhythm, he spanked her first rapidly and then slowly and methodically, taking care to make certain that her entire ass went from white to a blushing pink.

“Clayton,” she moaned, feeling so close to coming. Though she knew that Harley had spanked her harder, Clayton’s held more meaning. It was a reminder for her to always trust her men. To obey them. That they would take care of her.

Harley slid his fingers over her folds before he plunged them inside her. When he pulled them out, they could see the wetness. “She’s dripping.”

She turned and gazed at Clayton, tears spilled down her cheeks.

“Do you trust us?”

“Yes,” she sobbed.

She tried to rise, but he put a hand on her back as he pulled her into his arms. She threw her arms around him and clung to him.

“I was so scared. So frightened I would never see you again,” she sobbed. “I also feared you getting hurt when you did come for me. Never again. Promise me that will never happen again.”

Harley reached out and stroked her hair. “Oh, Rena, until I realized we might lose you, I didn’t know how much I loved you. You’re our wife, our bride, and soon the mother of our children. If something happened to you, it would be devastating.”

Clayton held her tightly. “Yes, we love you. With you, I want to create the family I never had.”

She raised her head and gazed at them. “I love both of you. You’ve made my life complete.”

Picking her up, Harley laid her on the bed on her back. Immediately, she spread her legs wide.

The time for punishment was over. “Do you still want to come?”

A smile spread across her face. “Yes. I need both of you. I’m ready for you both to claim me. Make me yours.”

“Yes, you are,” Clayton said. “And we can’t wait to fuck you.”

Her ass was warm and ached, but beneath the pain was pleasure that rode her hard. Lying on the bed, she was anxious, and her body ached for her men to fill her. Never in a million years had she dreamed that pleasure could come from pain, and she liked that her men took charge of her and were rough and domineering.

Never had she dreamed that two men would satisfy her in ways she never imagined. For days, she’d stretched and trained her ass. Even now, the largest plug resided deep inside her, waiting for her men to remove it. Waiting for them to claim her ass.

While she trembled with anticipation, she couldn’t wait to feel them deep inside her at the same time.

Harley rubbed lube over his long hard cock.

Clayton lay beside her and then pulled her on top of him. His big blue eyes gazed into hers. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

On the bed, he lay back, his head on the pillows, his cock standing at attention. All for her, and her pussy clenched as she stared at his massive cock. She could hardly wait to be filled by him.

“Ride me,” Clayton said with a groan.

Gladly, she lifted a leg over him and climbed on top, her hands resting on his chest. Leaning on him, she realized the strength of Clayton. All man. Powerful and seductive. Her man.

The bed shifted and Harley climbed behind her. His tongue caressed her cheeks as she hovered over his partner's dick. Licking his way down, he flicked her clit before he sucked it into his mouth. A groan escaped her and she pushed back, needing more of his tongue, but he pushed her toward Clayton’s cock.

“I need your pussy gripping me when I bury my cock deep inside you.”

And she could hardly wait to have him deep inside her. She repositioned above Clayton and then slid down over his hard cock, piercing her eager, wet pussy. At the feel of him, she leaned back as she went lower and lower until she hit his pelvis. The feel of his long, hard cock snug in her pussy was almost enough to send her over the edge. The plug in her ass was tight against him.

All the pleasure from before returned like a hurricane battering her with greedy lust. She gasped. Filled with cock and the plug, she was so full, so tight, and yet she wanted more.

She wanted Harley.

She began to move up and down on Clayton’s rigid member, rubbing her clit, needing to ride the pleasure building inside her.

Harley’s hand caressed her buttocks, his hand rubbing her ass, pressing her toward Clayton.

As she hovered over Clayton’s chest, her nipples brushed against his hair, rubbing and abrading them. He gripped her face and kissed her. A moan escaped her as their tongues tangled, and still, she wanted more.

She wanted both of her men. Inside her now.

Harley pulled the plug from her ass with one hand while the other one fondled her clit. When the plug came free, she felt like she was opened wide, empty and bereft. A moan escaped her.

“Harley, fuck me.”

Leaning over, she felt the flared head of Harley’s hard cock press against her trained ass. Slick and hot, the pressure of his invasion grew. Slowly he pushed his rock-hard cock into her, her muscles quivered with submission as he filled her, stretching her.

“Aargh,” she cried.

“Relax, honey. It will be easier if you relax,” Clayton told her.

With both of them in her body, she felt like there was no room. And yet, her body surrendered, the tight ring of muscle giving way as his cock slid deeply inside her. When he was completely in, he paused letting her adjust to the feel of him. Both of her husbands were now inside her body, and she was completely filled.

“Squeeze me, Rena, squeeze me hard,” Harley gasped.

When she clenched her muscles, she felt as if she were attacking and holding hostage both men. Both of their cocks stuffed inside her.

Taking a breath, she moaned as he moved in farther, then retreated, the feel of him hard and thick and so wonderful.

A hot rush of desire raced through her as she accepted him into her body, loving the feel of both men. Pinned between them, she whimpered at how they controlled her completely. They began to move, and she gasped, crying out at the rush of feelings.

First, Clayton, then Harley, each pushing her closer and closer to the edge as they retreated and then filled her over and over. Between them, they maneuvered her body, bringing them all to the brink of pleasure.

Harley pounded into her with Clayton retreating. Between these two men was where she belonged. Here was her life. She needed the two of them to fuck her. To claim her. To make her theirs.

They were her men. Her husbands, her lovers. And she couldn’t live without them.

“Please, can I come?” she cried, knowing she couldn’t hold out much longer.

“Come all over my cock,” Clayton gasped.

“Milk my cock. Take it deep and squeeze it,” Harley cried.

With a bright burst of light, a scream tore through her throat as she squeezed and held her men, working the seed from their bodies. They were hers and she was theirs.

Pleasure filled her and their hot seed coated her insides. First, Clayton, and then Harley, as they held her between them, their cocks buried deep inside her.

No barriers remained between them. They had marked her, made her theirs. And joy filled her at the thought of their life together.

All her prayers had been answered. Now she had two husbands and hopefully soon a baby.

Breathing heavily, they reluctantly pulled free from her, but held her between them. Slowly, they returned to normal, but she knew nothing would ever be the same. Her life with her husbands was perfect in every sense of the word.

“I love both of you,” she whispered as she lay between them. “You are my heart and my soul. You have rescued me from the lonely life I was living, and I can’t wait to see what our future holds.”