Two Cowboys To Protect Her by Lacey Davis

Chapter 5

After Rena went to bed, Harley and Clayton retired to the other bedroom. Her house wasn't large and Harley was certain they would be able to hear if anyone tried to break in. As they entered the room, his partner shook his head.

“Damn, I just want to go in there and fuck her,” Clayton said. “She needs us and we need her.”

Setting the lantern down, Harley stared at the small room that had a dresser and a bed that would barely hold the two of them. The woman had so little.

Harley turned and glanced at his best friend, a man he considered his brother, who he would share everything he had with. Including women. They had shared whores, but this was different. This woman was as innocent as pure snow. And it would give him nothing but pleasure to introduce her to the ways between a man and a woman.

To claim her and make her theirs.

“She’s naive and very vulnerable.”

“Yeah, I know and right now my cock is hard as a rock. We would be her first.”

“No, this kind of woman deserves a ring on her finger.”

Women like Rena were to be adored, protected, and loved. All his life, he’d promised himself that his wife would be like a queen, and in the bedroom, he would be her king. Never would he treat a woman like his father had his mother.

Oh no, his wife would be respected and admired and loved beyond measure.

“But you haven’t made up your mind about what you want to do. I’m not going to Dallas to work for your father.”

The old man had accomplished exactly what he set out to do. He’d laid out the bait to draw Harley home, and though he was resisting the temptation, the money would be so easy. The man had also driven a wedge between him and Clayton. Something that had never happened.

“Give me some time. Give Rena some time. She doesn’t realize the danger she’s in and sooner or later this is all going to come to a head.”

Clayton nodded. “I would never push myself on her, but if she would have the son of a whore, I would ask her to marry me. I’m not the best she could do. But at least, we could protect her permanently. Not just right now, but forever. I'm staying with her tomorrow."

As much as Harley told his best friend that nobody cared about his heritage, the man refused to believe he was worthy because his mother had worked in a brothel and he didn’t know who his father was. His friend had a heart of gold and would help anyone. Someone who accepted everyone and tried to give back.

While Harley had a heart of stone, Clayton was the softie who often kept him from being too harsh. He took the edge off Harley and that was a good thing.

“Man, she is one fine woman,” Clayton said. “The moment I laid eyes on her, I was smitten. Nice rounded curves, long legs to grip a man and such a sweet little ass.”

“Yes, and she seems stubborn,” Harley said, thinking he could detect a bit of fire inside Rena. A fire he would love to stroke into a blaze. A blaze he controlled.

“It’s decision time. This woman is perfect, and if she would have us, I’d marry her in a heartbeat,” Clayton said. “You need to make up your mind about wanting a ranch or going to work for your papa.”

Since the moment he received the telegram, it had been a constant pressure that ate at him. What should he do?

The two men shucked their clothes and stretched out on the bed. A cool breeze blew in from the window.

“We could be in there right now fucking her,” Clayton said.

“Not without a ring,” Harley reminded his friend.

“Agree, but if she would take both of us, I think she’s our woman.”

The woman was so innocent, he wondered if she had even heard of a marriage with more than one husband. The thought of bending her over his knee and rubbing her smooth white cheeks before he popped her on the ass had his dick throbbing.

“This is going to be a long night,” Clayton replied. “It’s hard to sleep when there is such a gorgeous woman right down the hall that needs us.”

Harley laughed. “I think the need is the other way around. You need a woman.”

Clayton sighed. “I do,” he said. “And she’s the one I want. We’re going to be here for a few days, so let’s just see how things go. But I can’t wait to strip her naked and have her spread between us.”

The thought of Harley shoving his cock deep inside her was enough to make him groan. No matter how they felt about her, they would both respect her wishes and not let their desire overcome them.

“I agree. We need to find the Red Jack Gang and locate the body of the murdered man. Also find her papa’s pocket watch.”

Lying there looking up the ceiling, he thought about the case, trying to ease the ache between his legs.

“Do you believe there is a map showing where silver is buried?”

“It’s been rumored for years, but who knows if it's true or not. But to kill a man who tells you he doesn’t have the map, that’s cold,” Clayton said in the darkness.

The breeze picked up from the open window and the curtains billowed out.

“We need to ask around town if anyone else has heard about this mysterious map.”

“Yeah, the next few days are going to be busy. I’m jealous that you’re going to get to stay with Rena tomorrow.”

Clayton laughed. “We’ll take turns. The next day you can stay with her. But the first time you kiss her, I’m going to be jealous.”

“Already have. I kissed her on the forehead earlier tonight.”

“Son of a bitch. I've wanted to kiss her on the lips all night long,” Clayton said. “But I held back.”

Harley laughed. “That’s next. Oh, yes, that’s next, and I’m going to shove my tongue right down her throat.”

“Well, that gives me something to work toward tomorrow,” Clayton said. “This sweet little woman is going to be ours.”