Stolen by Jolie Vines


Dear reader,

Every book has its surprises when I sit down to write. Maddock’s personality was a big one in this story. He was cocky, sweet, and pretty kinky too. Nowhere near the quiet, serious guy he seemed from previous encounters. He and Rory bounced off each other so naturally (their chemistry, I mean. Mind out of the gutter).

She in turn fitted so easily into his life, even if that huge chasm of distance toyed with their happily-ever-after. Their friendly, sexy relationship was a pleasure to write.

Now, how are we feeling about Max’s story? His attitude problem and anger issues don’t all come from his ex-girlfriend drama, but there’s a lot to unpack there. I can’t wait to dive in. From the emails and messages you are all sending, you’re dying to get under his skin too.

Thanks, as always, go to my friends Elle Thorpe and Zoe Ashwood, wonderful PA Liz Parker, editor Emmy Ellis, and beta readers Shellie Maddison and Sara Massery.

The audio narrators, Frank Ryan and Laurie West, did an amazing job of voicing Maddock and Rory. Hearing my stories out loud always adds new layers. Hugs go to Cleo Moran at Devoted Pages, Patricia at River Designs, and every member of my ARC and Street Team, you guys make me so happy with the buzz you create. It keeps me going, no doubt.

My final thanks go to my husband and son who support me without question. My boy told me recently he wants to be a writer when he grows up, and that made my day.

Are you in my Fall Hard Facebook reader group? I’m often over there chatting.

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Jolie x