The Wolf’s Contract Marriage by Layla Silver

Chapter 14 – Teagan

I was quickly coming to the conclusion that sex with Caelum was absolutely addictive.

I arched my back and hissed a moan out through clenched teeth as he entered me.

"Oh, yes, baby, I've wanted to be back inside you since the other night," Caelum panted as he braced himself on his arms on either side of my head. Then he buried his face in the spot where my neck and shoulders joined and started moving his hips, pushing in and out of me slowly and carefully, as if wanting me to get used to him again.

I wasn't in the mood for slow and gentle, so I raked my fingernails down the skin of his back. "Go faster."

"As you wish," he replied with a smirk.” Be careful what you wish for, though." His hips, which had been thrusting in and out of me almost lazily, suddenly picked up the pace. He slammed in and out of me rapidly, brushing the spots inside that had me tensing up quicker than I had in recent memory.

"Caelum," I choked out. "I'm going to come."

"Then do," he grunted in reply as he lifted himself up onto his elbows so he could watch my face.

I moaned and dug my fingernails into whatever skin of his I could reach as every single muscle in my body clenched tighter and tighter.

"Come for me, baby," Caelum whispered dirtily into my ear before he nipped at my earlobe.

That was enough to send me crashing over the edge as an almost violent orgasm seized me from head to foot.

When I came back to myself, it was to find Caelum above me, looking very pleased with himself. "I made you scream," he said simply, but every word was laced with pride.

"Oh shit," I muttered as I covered my mouth. "I hope the neighbors didn't hear."

"Oh, they heard all right," Caelum reassured me nonchalantly. "The only question is whether we care or not that they have. I certainly don't."

I blushed but couldn't find the energy or the wherewithal to care at that moment as Caelum started moving inside me once again. I moaned and arched my back as much as I could with him on top of me before he sat back, pulling out of me slightly. In a move too quick for me to track, he pulled my legs up and propped them both on his left shoulder. Then, using them for leverage, he pushed into me, even deeper than he had since we'd started.

I started making incomprehensible babbling noises each time he bottomed out. It felt like he was hitting my stomach each time he pushed inside me all the way, and I did not know what to do or where to put myself.

"That's it, baby," he panted as his grip tightened on my legs.

"Uhh," was all I could eloquently reply with as my muscles started tensing up once again. I grabbed at the sheets and held on for the ride while Caelum slammed in and out of me. His pace was punishing and fast; how he kept it up, I couldn't begin to guess.

"Close," Caelum grunted as the rhythm of his hips stuttered slightly before continuing again.

"Me too." I was close—so, so close, and I wanted to climax with Caelum. I trailed my fingers down my body and found my clit with unerring accuracy.

With one last, deep thrust, Caelum grunted again, and I felt his warm seed explode inside me.

The feeling of his orgasm, along with the way I was rapidly rubbing at my clit made me tumble over the edge right along with him.

When I came back to myself, Caelum was sprawled out on the bed beside me, panting just as hard as I was.

"Holy shit," he whispered in awe as he dragged his fingers through his sweat-soaked fringe.

"Amazing," I concurred with a nod and a breathless chuckle. "We're really, really good."

"No kidding." Caelum turned his head to blink sleepily at me before a yawn took over his face.

I realized that I was finding it just as hard to keep my eyes open. I shuffled over so that my head was on Caelum's chest, and his arm automatically went around my shoulders.

"I love you," I heard him murmur softly before his breathing deepened and evened out.

"I love you too," I replied without a second thought before sleep dragged me into its welcoming embrace as well.


I felt a pang of sadness as I waved goodbye to Caelum the next morning. After the sex, he'd spent the rest of the day in bed with me the day before. We'd had deep conversations, watched Netflix and ate pizza and had so much sex I was surprised that either of us could walk.

I walked back into the living room and picked up my laptop from where I'd discarded it on the couch the day before. When I opened the lid, a soft chiming noise emanated from the speakers, and I realized it was a notification from my email account from Facebook.

I rarely used Facebook, I'd only created an account years ago as a way to get in contact with one of my clients. It had been so long since I'd been on that particular social media platform that I'd forgotten I was actually a member.

I was curious, however, and clicked on the link enclosed in the email. It took me straight to the page of my sister, Ainsley. It was a picture of a pair of pastel-yellow baby booties leaning up against a bottle of champagne. The caption beneath read, “Grayson and a little one on the way. I can't wait to see you both!”

I had no idea that Ainsley even had a Facebook page, but I was glad she did.

My sister was pregnant, and my brother was going to join her back home?

A pang of pain so strong it nearly doubled me over shot through my heart. At that moment, all I wanted to do was reunite with my family, more than anything in the entire world.

Before I could stop myself, I was daydreaming about moving back to New England with Caelum and Octavia.

The little girl had mentioned numerous times how she loved horses more than anything in the world. With its wide open spaces and farms every few miles, Tavi would be right at home.

Caelum told me multiple times how he wasn't sure if there was another job for him in Vegas. He didn't want to move, for Octavia's sake, but if he won the court case and full custody of his daughter, there was nothing keeping us here.

I shook my head, pulling myself out of my thoughts with some difficulty.

It was all well and good if Caelum won full custody of Octavia but I had to decide if I was ready to go back home yet.

Was I ready to rejoin the pack?

I'd have to show Caelum my true self if we moved back to New England. Would he still love and accept me once he realized I could shift into a wolf?

My thoughts swirled so fast I was feeling somewhat dizzy.

Las Vegas or New England?

The pack or Caelum and Octavia?

My heart felt like it was being torn in two and I had no idea what I was going to do, or who I was going to choose.