Havoc by Shannon McKenna


Kissing Cait was even more intense and intoxicating than he had anticipated. Little explosions kept going off all over him, all through him. He never felt anything so perfect as her lithe, hot body pressed against his. Smooth and hot and luscious, those big soft tits squashed against his chest, overflowing his hands. Every abundant, silk-and-velvet detail of her. Her hips had that sexy, old-time pinup girl flare, and she had cute little dimples on her tailbone, over gorgeous round ass cheeks. Dark, tight nipples brushing his skin. Every point of contact tingled and glowed. His cock throbbed desperately against her belly.

And her lips. So sweet and soft and full—

“Ow! Gentle.” She leaned back, panting and smiling, touching the angry red mark on her lower lip, one she’d gotten from getting socked by one of Kimball’s goons.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry,” he said hastily. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Don’t apologize. Not your fault. I was kissing the hell out of you, believe me. I just got a little carried away.”

“Do you want me to stop? We could save this for—”

“No way! There is no later. Not a chance, big guy. You’ve got me all jacked up, and now you have to give me some goddamn satisfaction.”

“But those assholes really roughed you up,” he protested. “Maybe we should—”

“I’m feeling no pain,” she assured him. “I’m flying high on endorphins, and that’s exactly how I want to stay, until I’m too tired to move. Or think. You got me?” She put her hands gently on his face, gazing intently into his eyes. “I admit it, I’m shamelessly using you, to help me forget about what happened tonight. Do you mind?”

“Nope,” he told her, with alacrity. “That’s a challenge I’m willing to embrace.”

“Good.” She pushed him, and he sat down hard on the bed. He jerked the covers aside to make space for both of them.

Cait followed him down, straddling him. She was backlit by the floor lamp across the room, the edges of her cloud of ringlets lit up like a halo, her body painted by soft, dusky shadows that highlighted every detail, every texture. The luscious jut of her generous breasts, those tight, puckered dark nipples. He couldn’t wait to taste them.

He surged up, cupping her breasts and burying his face against them, savoring the taut, velvety, raspberry texture with a worshipful swirl of his tongue. Then a deep, suckling pull. Cait wrapped her arms around his neck with a gasp and clung there, as he caressed the flare of her hip, the swell of her ass, the dip of her waist. Her skin was so hot and smooth. He loved the elegant arch of her spine, the softness of her belly. Those tits. He could just drown in them and die happy.

She perched on his thighs. The tender, juicy heat of her pussy burned sweetly against his skin. He was intensely conscious of it. The soft swatch of hair on her mound, which would be the final, tantalizing stop on this tongue train.

But he was getting ahead of himself. He could spend hours on her tits alone. Hell, he would’ve stalled out just kissing her, if her lip hadn’t been all busted up.

He couldn’t get enough. The sweet, the salt, the blazing heat. The rich, sexy scent of her arousal drove him mad. And it felt like she was working up to something big, judging from those whimpering gasps, the way she clutched his hair, nails dug into his shoulders, thighs squeezing his. Oh God, yeah. Yeah.

She came, crying out, head flung back, shivering with deep, powerful pulses of pleasure. A whole body orgasm, and he hadn’t even gotten around to her clit yet.

“That was beautiful,” he groaned against her chest. “You’re perfect.”

She laughed breathlessly, her head still on his shoulder. “Aw. Thanks.”

“Am I giving satisfaction?”

“What, you still need reassurance after that? For real? Holy crap, Mace.”

He snorted under his breath. “Never mind. Just lie back and let me do it again.”

He felt tension grip her. He lifted his head, hesitating. “Or…not,” he said gently.

“I’d rather stay on top,” she said. “That guy in the hotel room...well. I just don’t know if I can stand having anyone on top of me right now.”

“Of course not,” he said. “I’m sorry I didn’t think of that myself.”

“Don’t waste our precious time being sorry. I don’t want to think about it.”

“So sit on the edge of the bed, and let me kneel in front of you. That works, too.”

She gave him that sexy smile. “Or I could just stay where I am.”

“But you smell delicious,” he protested. “I want to taste every bit of you. I want to make you come again. Lots of times, before I get inside of you.”

She grasped his cock with both hands. He choked out a groan as she twirled her hand around his cockhead, spreading slippery pre-come lavishly until he shone with it.

“I see why you might think it’s necessary,” she murmured. “Your cock is absolutely world-class. Makes me melt just looking at it. It looks so…eager. Mmmm.”

He tried to say something, but nothing came out but a helpless groaning sound. Cait pumped her hand up and down his shaft. Milking him, with tight, twisting strokes.

“But this is the part you might not understand,” she whispered. “You made me come already. Explosively. What more do I need? I am so, so ready.”

“When it comes to orgasms, I believe in massive overkill.” Pleasure made his voice shake. “No matter what we do, it’s still better if I go down on you first…oh, God…”

“I appreciate your rigorous attitude, but I’m so turned on right now, I can hardly even breathe. Go on, touch my pussy. You’ll see. Go on. Feel for yourself.”

He wasn’t one to turn down an invitation like that. He slid his hand down, reverently venturing into the shadowy glories between her legs, stroking the small, decorative swatch of dark fuzz over her clit…and then, those hot, tender, tight-furled folds, awash in sweet, slick balm. Bathing his fingers in that wet, silky glory was not enough. That magical elixir demanded to be tasted.

He slid his fingertips up and down her slick divide, and caressed the tight nub of her clit, then sucked on his anointed fingers hungrily. “Let me lick you,” he pleaded.

“Later,” she whispered. “Just keep on doing what you’re doing. While I look down at you, and feel like an all-powerful sex goddess. That’s perfect.”

He obliged her, helplessly. She was so damn beautiful. Her pussy clinging to his fingers as he delved inside. The way she shivered in his grasp, moving helplessly against him as he caressed her clit. Clenching around his fingers, hips jerking.

A fresh climax tore through her. Squeezing him, pulling at him. So good.

The realization hit him like a truck. He was a goner. He’d always loved sex, yeah. That went without saying. What wasn’t to love? But he’d never gotten how men could just go completely ape-shit for some specific woman, to the point of acting like a fucking idiot.

Well, damn. He got it, now that Cait’s sorcerous spell was wrapped around him. Suddenly his own idiot potential was fully revealed to him, and it was vast and wide.

Damn, he couldn’t let himself get stupid. Kimball was lurking out there, just waiting for him to lose focus. And this was the same exact sermon he’d been preaching to his brothers and to Nate, when they all lost their heads for their women.

And he hadn’t even fucked her yet. God help him. This was just a diddle.

When Cait’s orgasm had run its course and she opened her gorgeous eyes, he placed his hands on her hips, stroking them. Waiting for his marching orders. After what she’d gone through, she had to be in complete control of this encounter.

“That was…I’ve never…” Her voice trailed off. She shook her head.

“Hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” he said. “So far, anyway.”

She braced her hands on his chest, lifting up onto her knees. “Hold yourself up.”

“Already? Are you sure you don’t want to take it easy? We can—”

“You’re talking too much. Stop teasing, and just give it to me.”

He grabbed a pillow to prop up his head, the better to see all the sexy details, then grabbed his cock at the base and held it up like an offering. “At your service, ma’am.”

Laughter echoed through her body as she swayed above him, nudging him inside, and then wiggled deliciously around him as she took him inside. They gasped with pleasure at the exquisite sensations as she sank slowly down over his shaft. So…damn…good.

He tried not to move, because he wanted her to set the pace, but he was right on the edge of reason. Her body was slick, hot. Her pussy clutched him. His shaft was freshly slicked with her sweet balm with every delicious stroke. She leaned over him, breasts swinging forward. She didn’t have that I-own-you look on her face anymore.

Her eyes looked as vulnerable as he felt.

He didn’t remember deciding to move, but he found himself pumping up inside her from below, a heavy, driving rhythm. She let out a whimpering gasp with every heavy thrust. He worked her clit with his thumb at the same time. Her nails dug into his chest.

Deeper. Harder. Gasps became wails as she flung her head back and hung on for dear life. Hot, wild, juicy fucking. Nothing in the world had ever felt so good as being ridden into the sunset by Cait LaMott, at a hard, pounding gallop.

She cried out, her pussy pulsing around his cock, and that set him off.

He spent himself. A blinding torrent of sensation, wiping out the whole world.

After, he became conscious of Cait’s sweet-scented curls tickling his nose. She’d collapsed on top of him, her weight as soft as a cloud. Her silken thighs, still clasping him. His cock still inside her.

He realized, dimly, that the room was cold, and Cait was starting to shiver. He pushed the covers down, and scooted over to the cold side, pulling her onto the warm spot he’d just vacated. He covered her up, but kept her thigh draped over his, liking the tender, seductive kiss of her pussy against his leg.

Their faces were inches apart. He stared into her beautiful, fathomless eyes, feeling like he could just wander inside this strange new world of feelings, and forget all the bad shit completely. Even the bad shit lurking right outside the door.

“You good?” He instantly kicked himself for such an inarticulate question.

Her lips curved at the corners. Soft, tender, pillowy. He wanted to kiss her again.

“You’re the one who’s good,” she murmured. “Wicked good.”

“That’s not what I meant. And I wasn’t asking for reassurance.”

She shook with whispery laughter. “I’m fine. I’ve never had sex like that.”

“Like what?”

“So switched on,” she said. “Usually, I can’t stop my mind from racing, and I feel so distracted, and detached. But with you, I can’t think at all. I just…feel.”

He basked in that, grinning like a fool. Then she sat up and slipped out of bed.

He felt bereft. “Where are you going?”

“Just a quick wash.” She tossed the blanket over him. “Back in a flash.”

He scooted over into her spot, to keep it properly warm for her.

Awesome. He could never get enough of this. But he’d been programmed from babyhood to be suspicious of anything this sweet. Jeremiah Paley had taught them that pleasure was a trap, not to be trusted. That anything desirable was bait for that trap. If you were stupid enough to fall for it, there would always be a reckoning.

So far, nothing in Mace’s life experience had particularly disproved this stern doctrine, but he’d managed to enjoy sex anyhow, by keeping it light. If sexual pleasure was a mortal trap, then fuck it. A guy had to die sometime. He might as well die happy.

But this thing…whoa. This was a mortal trap on a whole new scale. He pondered it as he thought about every curve and dip and detail of Cait’s body.

Hell with it. The Prophet couldn’t cheat him out of this, too. In this moment, he was the luckiest guy on the planet.

He was going to double down, and experience it. Completely. All the way.

Whatever it cost him.