Havoc by Shannon McKenna


Mace enjoyed a look at Cait’s face when they strolled into the Burbank Suites. He’d let Anton advise him of the most luxurious, elite hotels to choose from. And of course, Anton had a hotel executive friend, to give them white glove treatment.

Cait gazed around, dazzled by the penthouse suite, the big terrace with the stunning city view, the hot tub. Floor-to-ceiling glass windows. The stunning cityscape, Puget Sound, the Cascade Mountains. It was clear enough today to see Mt. Rainier.

“Holy crap, Mace,” she said. “This place is incredible. How much does it cost?”

“Don’t worry about that. It’s not a problem”

Her eyebrow went up. “That wasn’t my question.”

“With all due respect, it’s not your problem or your business. Nice place, huh?”

“This is the kind of hotel room where billionaire financiers stay. Or the heads of multinational drug cartels. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“I belong to neither category,” he told her. “I’m not as obscenely wealthy as my brothers, I admit. I think Eric was closing in on being a billionaire, last I checked, and Anton’s not far behind. But I’m not hurting for funds. I can afford this place. Don’t give it a thought.”’

A thoughtful line appeared between her elegant eyebrows. “Are you doing that peacock spreading his tail thing? To impress me? After all we’ve been through together?”

“Can you blame me? I’ve got some catch-up to do.”

“Because you jumped me in a dark cave?” There was laughter in her eyes.

“Not only that. I mean, I jumped you in the condition I was in. Muddy and grimy from camping in the woods for ten days without a shower. Then I bring you to my apartment, and it’s a crash pad with no furniture, a fridge full of spoiled food, no chair to sit on, no cream for your coffee. I don’t look like much of a prospect, do I?”

“Prospect?” Cait was trying not to smile. “Wow. Mace, I assure you, I have not been pondering my future in this calculating way. I’m only alive because of you.”

Mace waved that away. “That’s pretty fucking basic,” he said. “Keeping your lady friend alive is a baseline requirement. You don’t get extra points for that. But I’m thinking beyond that, because fuck Kimball. I want a life, a real one, where we don’t have to fight just to survive. I’m not an itinerant bum with no resources. Maybe I’m not much of a nester, but I’ve never had any reason to be. I want you to picture us not just staying alive, but living. Enjoying things, thriving, having fun. That’s what this hotel room is about.”

Her smile was luminous. “I never for one instant saw you as an itinerant bum with no resources. Mace Trask, do my ears deceive me? It sounds like you’re…courting me.”

“I guess so,” he said awkwardly. “I don’t have much practice. Excuse me if I’m clumsy at it. There’s a first time for everything.”

Cait just stood there, her eyes shining.

“What?” he demanded finally, when the silence was too much torment. “What’s that look about? What are you thinking?”

“It’s sweet,” she said softly. “You’re just…really sweet.”

“You keep on saying that,” he complained.

“Well, it’s your own damn fault, for being a heroic, righteous dude. Don’t be so embarrassed about that, okay? It’s not a bad thing, I promise. I really like it.”

Oh God, the look in her eyes just stirred him up. All that emotional intensity, exploding out of him, and the only outlet for it that immediately presented itself was his dick, throbbing for action. Damn. And he was trying so hard to keep it classy.

“So,” he said gruffly. “Anyway. I was figuring we could order from the room service menu for lunch. They have an excellent restaurant downstairs. We’re going to Federica’s at four. Anton threw his weight around to get a last-minute appointment.”

“Appointment?” she asked. “Jeez. What the hell kind of dress shop is this?”

“The pampered hussy kind,” he told her. “You can walk in and buy off the rack, but if you want the full treatment and the back room, you have to call ahead.”

She looked impressed. “Full treatment? Ooh. Should I be scared?”

“I hope you enjoy it,” Mace said. “I wish I could take you out to dinner or a concert or a show, or something. But it’s not worth the risk, with only one person covering us. Not until Kimball is out of the picture. Then we will tear up the town.”

“I’m with you on that,” she said. “It’s a shame we can’t go out, but I don’t think I’d be able to relax either, not with this shadow hanging over us.”

“Well then?” He picked up a heavy leather folder and passed it to her. “Let’s order lunch. This place is famous for their food. You order. Anything you want.”

“Ooh-lah-lah,” she murmured. “Lobsters in drawn butter. Zucchini flowers stuffed with smoked cheese and tempura fried. Barbecued ribs. Crab cakes. Steamed shrimp dumplings. We could hurt ourselves with this menu.”

“Sounds like fun,” he said. “Go for it. Order one of everything.”

She laughed at him, but in the end, the lunch the restaurant brought up was one for the ages. Ridiculously excessive, but every bite was fucking excellent. They lingered over their meal, but soon the heated glances were getting too much for him to bear.

But there was no time to play. All too soon, it was time to go to Federica’s.

They were warmly greeted by Federica herself, a gorgeous fifty-something brunette in a stunning crimson dress. “Mr. Trask, Ms. LaMott! I am Federica, and I am delighted to meet you. I adore your charming brother Anton. He is one of my favorite clients. And his beautiful bride, Fiona, mwah.” Federica kissed her fingertips. “Stupenda. Come on back to the private room, and tell me what you have in mind.”

The spectacle of Cait trying on evening gowns was a dick-tingling turn-on. He’d never been in a woman’s clothing store, nor had he wanted to be. But watching Cait prance out of the fitting room to show him stunning gowns was incredibly stimulating. Her lush, pin-up girl body looked great in everything, and Cait was clearly enjoying the pampered hussy treatment. Federica fussed and cooed over her, making endless suggestions, giving advice, hauling over fresh armfuls of dresses to try.

Cait took her own sweet time, but she finally narrowed it down to three. A midnight blue thing that cross-wrapped her gorgeous tits. Then there was a glimmering silver-gray gown that set off her glowing golden skin. The last one was a strapless burgundy sheath that clung to her chest, flaring out at the bottom, like something out of old Hollywood. She was so damn pretty, she made his eyes hurt.

“So?” Cait asked. “They’re all pretty comparable when it comes to price. I’m tending toward the blue. What’s your vote?”

“I love them all,” he confessed. “I can’t decide.”

Cait laughed at him. “Damn, Mace. You’re no help at all.”

“We’ll take all three,” he said to Federica. “Can you have the alterations done tonight and have them delivered to the hotel by ten o’clock tomorrow morning?”

Federica was all smiles. “Oh, of course! Would you like to look at anything else? Cocktail dresses, suits, coats? It is a pleasure to dress such a magnificent woman. I am inspired. I have many ideas for you, Cait. You will look so beautiful.”

“No, thank you,” Cait said firmly. “Maybe another time. We’re done, for now.”

When he paid the eye-watering tab, he reflected that Cait was right. He was showing off, like a posturing idiot. But what better thing to spend money on than adorning a beautiful woman? He wanted to drape her in cloths of gold. She fucking deserved it.

He waited patiently while Cait went through the business of signing up for their mailing list and their VIP client program. It made sense, as he was sure they would be back here for more finery in the future. This was fun.

“We need shoes, too,” he told the sales associate. “And a good jewelry store.”

The woman was happy to make recommendations, and the next stop was the shoe store, conveniently around the corner. He tried to get Cait to buy a pair to go with each dress, but she insisted on one single pair of black, elegant strappy heels that would go with any of the three gowns. By the time they got to the jewelry store, she’d dug in her heels.

Mace did puppy dog eyes. “Please,” he urged. “I’m having a good time, buying you pretty clothes. It’s healing, you know? My life’s been all mud and blood and stress hormones, and then you come along, all hot and sexy and in my face, and whammo, suddenly I’m having fun. I mean, honest-to-God, motherfucking fun. It feels like I’m stealing something. Like it shouldn’t be allowed. But now that I’ve tasted it, I want more. Even if it’s against the rules. Because fuck the curse, you know?”

“You’re very sweet and eloquent, but I’m not a pampered hussy,” she told him sternly. “I’m skilled professional, at the top of my game, and I can buy my own clothes. And my own jewels, too, for that matter. If I want them.”

“Of course you’re not a pampered hussy,” he told her swiftly. “You’re the goddess of the storm. You call the lightning. You dazzle my soul. Let me pay tribute. Indulge me.”

She laughed. “Goddamnit, Mace, that’s not fair!”

“You bring me to my knees, Cait.” He sank down in front of her. “Literally.”

“Oh, shit. No.” Cait’s eyes darted around. “Stop it. They’ll all think that this is a marriage proposal. Get up, now! Before people start filming us! It’s not safe!”

“Let me buy a piece of jewelry, to commemorate the occasion, and I’ll get up.”

“Commemorate what occasion?” she demanded.

“Me experiencing true fun. A pair of earrings?”

“Technically, that’s two pieces of jewelry,” she said primly. “You’re cheating.”

“Aw, honey! Say yes! He’s so handsome!” An older woman, wearing gold bangles and carrying a tiny Papillion dog in her arms, beamed at them tenderly.

“Omigod that’s, like, so totally romantic,” a younger woman crooned. She shot a meaningful glance to the young man next to her, who looked trapped and nervous.

Mace kissed her hand. “One piece,” he repeated. “Just one.”

“Fine,” Cait hissed under her breath. “Just…get…up!”

Mace rose to his feet, pulled him into his arms, and kissed her. The audience clapped and cheered. He was going to pay dearly for this. He hoped it was worth it.

He coaxed her into accepting a small diamond pendant, but signaled to the saleslady to wrap up the larger carat diamond as soon as Cait’s back was turned. It was only a few thousand bucks more, and Cait probably wouldn’t notice, until the wedding.

They walked back toward the hotel, the discreetly elegant bags from the shoe store and the jewelry store dangling from her fingers. She gave him a stern glance.

“Dude,” she said. “Never again. Blackmailing me, by making a scene in public? Not okay. Today I was flustered, but I won’t ever fall for that shit again. Are we clear?”

“Yes,” he agreed swiftly. “Sorry. Just testing my boundaries. I’ve always just squirreled away money, I never really spent it. This is the first time I’ve ever splurged on stuff like this, and I lost it. Went kind of nuts. The stuff all looked so pretty on you.”

“You spent more on my fripperies today than I spent on my last car!”

“Oh, and that brings me to another thing,” he said. “You definitely need a better car. Want to go car shopping? The day’s still young.”

“Oh, enough of your bullshit.” She marched onward, chin up.

Mace matched his pace to hers, switching the shoe bags. He took her hand.

She didn’t pull away. “It’s so strange, being here,” she said.

“Where? You mean, in Seattle?”

“No. I mean, just being out in the real, objective, observable world, the one I assume that the rest of the world sees along with me,” she said. “Shaw’s Crossing isn’t part of that world. Shaw’s Crossing feels uncanny. Enchanted.”

“Cursed,” he corrected. “I believe that ‘cursed’ is the word you’re looking for.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve had some incredible peak experiences there. It’s not all bad.” That seductive look from under her lashes made his heart thump heavily.

“Me, too,” he said.

“Enchanted or cursed, either one, you always seemed like part of the spell,” she went on. “Like you couldn’t possibly be real. But here I am, walking on a normal city street, shopping, getting coffee. And here you are, right here with me. It’s jarring.”

“I’d hate for you to feel jarred,” he said. “Maybe a private dinner on the terrace and a few hours lazing around naked in a bubbling hot tub would help.”

Cait laughed. “Dinner, naked? Sounds like fun.”

Their hands clasped. They managed to keep their cool for the walk back, with Clint shadowing them, and the elevator ride up to their suite, but the minute the suite door fell shut on Clint’s smirking face, they were all over each other, breathless and urgent.

Crazy. Kissing, laughing, flirting, teasing. Not the mindset necessary to protect this woman from Kimball’s depredations. Then again, they had Clint out there, standing guard, to give them this breathing space. If not now, then when, for fuck’s sake?

“Do you want a soak in the tub now, before dinner?” he asked.

“I don’t have a bathing suit,” Cait said. “Won’t people be able to see us out there?”

“Nope,” he said triumphantly. “Privacy screens. Maybe if someone was flying in front of the building in a helicopter they might see us, but otherwise, we’re good.”

“You really think we can throw caution to the wind, and relax in the hot tub? It sounds so self-indulgent. Like we’re letting down our guard.”

“It’s weird for me, too,” he admitted. “But Clint is covering us. Let’s just relax.”

Her eyes had a mischievous gleam. “Okay. So, since this is an elaborate courting ritual, you should strip for me. Show me the goods. Spread that magnificent peacock tail.”

“You got it.” He ripped off his jacket. “One peacock tail, coming right up.”

If he’d thought it through, he might’ve come up with a silly routine to make her laugh, complete with hip thrusts and rose petals, a bump and grind soundtrack. As it was, he made haste to jerk his clothes off with hands that shook with excitement.

Cait circled him, trailing her fingers over his chest, his shoulders, his back, then sliding down to cup his ass with a low murmur of approval. She came around to face him, gripping his agonizingly stiff cock, strongly milking out the pre-come. Spreading it around, swirling her palm over his cockhead. He almost whimpered with need.

“Now undress me,” she said, her voice low and throaty.

Mace hastened to oblige. Her snug beige sweatshirt top had a zipper down the front. It clung to her sexy curves. He pulled the tongue of the zipper slowly down, revealing her lush, golden brown tits, bulging out of the top of a hot pink sports bra.

Cait let go of his cock long enough to shake off her sleeves and unclasp her bra. He forgot all his clever seductive plans when he pressed his face against her breasts. Springy soft, velvety smooth. Honey sweet, hot, perfect. Taut, hard nipples, teasing his tongue.

She undid her pants and shoved them down, giving him access to the sweet, sexy, juicy inside bits. Then she was pulling him. “Huh?” he asked, confused. “What?”

“The carpet,” she said, stroking his dick boldly. “Come over onto the carpet.”

“Uh…okay. What for?”

“My knees,” she said, sliding down with a siren’s grace, her hands both gripping his shaft, stroking, squeezing as she took him into her mouth. Licking, sliding, sucking.

Driving him out of his fucking mind.