Kate and the Kraken by Honey Phillips

Chapter Eleven

Before they left the suite, A’tai disappeared through a doorway Kate hadn’t noticed before. He returned wearing a long, sleeveless robe. It was open down the front except for an elaborate gold pin that held it together across his pectoral muscles.

She realized it was the first time she had seen him dressed, and somehow he looked much larger and more imposing. But then she noticed that he’d chosen a dark blue color that almost exactly matched her own dress and her heart did an odd little skip.

“You look very nice,” she murmured.

“Thank you, although I was hoping you would prefer me unclothed.” He gave her an undeniably seductive look, then smiled when her mouth dropped open. “Come, amali. Simea said she would wait for you, but if her meal is ruined she will be unhappy.”

He tugged her against him as they left the room, and she could feel the heavy silk of his robe against her side. She had no doubt that the material was expensive, but she found she actually missed the feel of his skin against hers. She’d never really thought about the fact that he was essentially naked the entire time that they were together. She supposed that without any external genitalia, there was no real need for clothing, especially in such a temperate climate. But the thought of his genitalia made her curious.

He didn’t have any obvious bulges, unlike a human man, but he seemed pretty intent on exploring their physical relationship. Just where did he keep his cock? She tried to remember if she knew anything about octopus mating habits, but the only thing she could remember was a meme about detachable penises. She gave him a speculative glance just as he looked down.

“Oh no,” he murmured.

“What do you mean?”

“I recognize that look. Your curiosity has been aroused. What do you want to ask?”

Hmm. Her cheeks burned, but she asked anyway. “Is your penis detachable?”

He stumbled to a halt. It was the first time she had ever seen him be anything other than graceful as he turned to stare at her in horror.

“Is that how your species mates?”

“No of course not, but—”

“Then why would you assume a Mafanan would mate in that way?”

She shifted her feet uncomfortably. “I was just trying to remember octopus biology.”

With a suddenness that made her gasp, he lifted her against the wall and leaned his body against hers. One of his limbs came up to capture her wrists as he pushed himself between her legs.

“I am not a lower life form,” he growled. “I assure you that my mating arm is very much attached, and I have no intention of removing it.”

I shouldn’t be aroused. I shouldn’t be aroused. But despite her attempt to convince herself, she had never been more turned on. She wiggled experimentally against his grip, and felt him grasp her legs, locking her even more firmly in place. A slow, demanding ache started deep in her core.

“Would you like me to prove it to you, amali?” He was still growling, but his voice had dropped, vibrating through her body. She could see the gold beginning to sweep across his skin. Her mouth had gone dry, and she licked her lips nervously, half-tempted to say yes.

“Here?” Her voice came out in a nervous squeak, and his eyes darkened, but then her question seemed to penetrate and he gave a frustrated glance around. They had been passing down a long hallway and one side was completely open to the grounds.

He sighed. “I suppose not. But we will revisit this later.”

“Okay,” she agreed breathlessly.

His skin was still flushed gold, his eyes dark as he focused on her mouth. She waited expectantly for him to kiss her, but instead he stepped back and lowered her carefully to the ground.

“Deadly,” he muttered, pulling her back against his side.

They completed the rest of their walk in silence, but her body still hummed with excitement. She could hardly wait until later. If nothing else, I owe it to the interests of science, she told herself with a hidden smile.

A’tai escorted her to a covered patio outside of what was obviously a kitchen. Simea raised a brow as they appeared, but Kate was glad to see that she was no longer scowling.

“You did say to take our time,” A’tai reminded his nurse

“I just hope the meal is not completely ruined,” Simea sniffed.

“Since you prepared it, I have no doubt at all that it will be delicious.”

Simea sniffed again, but Kate saw her smile as she entered the kitchen. A’tai really could be very charming, and she could see the affection between them.

“This is Toaga,” A’tai continued. “He is Simea’s mate and manages the farm. Toaga, this is my… Kate.”

Like Simea, Toaga’s skin was lighter and more heavily patterned, and she decided it must indicate age. He also didn’t have any hair, and she wondered if that too was a sign of age. Would A’tai lose his when he grew older? He would still be just as handsome, she thought as she studied his features. Not that she intended to be around to see that transition. That thought was surprisingly distressing, and it took her a moment to realize that Toaga was talking to her.

“I’m so sorry. What did you say?”

He looked from her to A’tai, and she saw the amusement on his face. God, was she really that obvious? Fortunately he didn’t comment.

“I was merely welcoming you. I understand that you are looking forward to your visit to the farm.”

“Yes, very much so. Are your beds on land, or floating in the sea?”

“On land? That’s not a method I’ve heard about before.”

“My understanding is that it allows for more controlled production, but it does require more land.”

“That might explain it. Land is something that is in short supply around here,” Toaga said. “But it is an interesting idea—”

“No more work talk at the table.” Simea set a huge pot down on the table with a bang. “You know the rules. I won’t let you talk the poor girl’s ears off discussing the farm.”

“I really don’t—” she began.

Toaga shook his head at her, his eyes warm with hidden laughter. “We can discuss it further at the farm. This looks delicious, my dear.”

“I just hope it’s not entirely ruined,” Simea muttered as she returned to the kitchen. She brought out three more dishes before she finally sat down and joined them. “Will you offer thanks, A’tai?”

He nodded. “We thank the Sisters for the bounty of the sea and the shelter of the land, and the company of our friends and family.”

“Nice to see you haven’t completely forgotten what I taught you.” Simea smiled at him as she began filling their plates.

“I wouldn’t dare.”

Simea rolled her eyes as she handed Kate an overflowing plate.

“This looks delicious,” she said sincerely. Unfortunately, it also didn’t look familiar.

“It is bastra, a type of seafood stew, common to the south.” A’tai leaned over to explain. “The grains are from our northern territories, while the fruit is grown here on the island.”

Territories? Her suspicions as to his status continued to increase, but she didn’t comment. Instead, she took a cautious bite of the stew, then smiled.

“This is really good. And spicy,” she added as the heat reached the back of her tongue.

Toaga laughed and handed her a glass of what turned out to be some type of iced wine. He winked at Simea. “My mate likes to heat things up.”

To Kate’s surprise, a flicker of blue washed over Simea’s skin.

“Don’t be an old fool. Now, A’tai, tell us all the gossip from the capital.”

“It’s not exactly my specialty,” A’tai said dryly. “Although, my mother mentioned that House Faleta is opening a brothel.”

Simea shook her head. “What in the Sisters is happening to this planet?”

The meal passed very pleasantly. The conversation remained general, although Kate could tell that Simea was dying to ask her questions. She drank more of the wine than she probably should have in an attempt to combat the heat of the stew, and by the time they were finished, a pleasant warmth flowed through her veins.

“Are you tired, my amali?” A’tai whispered to her as Simea brought out small cups of a bitter brew that was most definitely not coffee.

“No, why?”

He simply looked amused, and she realized she was leaning heavily against him. The combination of the midday heat, a full stomach, and the wine had made her sleepy and content.

“Oops. Sorry.” She started to push herself upright, but he kept his arm wrapped around her waist. One of his limbs had crept up over her thigh as well.

“No need to apologize. I have no objection to supporting you.”

Her breath caught at the look in his eyes, and for a moment she thought he was going to kiss her. Then a discreet cough sounded from across the table.

“We could postpone our trip to the farm if you wish to… rest,” Toaga said.

Her cheeks heated, and she made another attempt to sit up. This time A’tai let her go, although his arm remained around her waist. Simea watched them, a strange expression on her face.

“I’d really like to see it, if you don’t mind taking us,” Kate said eagerly.

“Not at all. Sire?” Toaga asked, looking at A’tai.

Sire? She felt A’tai tense, but before she could question him, Simea rose to her feet and began gathering dishes in a noisy rush. Toaga had turned blue, and it was as much for his benefit that she decided not to pursue the matter right now.

“You’re still going to take me, aren’t you?” she asked A’tai.

“If that is what you wish.”

Did he look relieved? She turned back to Toaga. “You said that the farm was at sea. Does that mean we have to swim?”

He definitely looked relieved as he shook his head. “I had planned to take the boat.”

As they all rose from the table, Simea reappeared and handed Kate a small bottle.

“This is manoji oil. To protect you from the sun.”

“Thank you. And thank you for the delicious meal.”

“You’re most welcome.” The nurse shot a quick glance at A’tai. “Very welcome indeed.”

Kate wasn’t sure exactly how to take her words, so she only smiled and went to join Toaga and A’tai, who were waiting at the dock on one side of the wide beach. As she approached, she could see the small boat had two outriggers and a colorful sail.

A’tai looked chagrined as she joined them. “I should have thought of the oil. Your skin is so delicate. Do you need help applying it?”

He took a step towards her, and she hastily backed away. The thought of him rubbing oil into her skin was a little too appealing, and she was determined to see the algae farm.

“I can do it, thank you.”

But even though only her hands applied the oil, his eyes followed her so closely that it almost felt as if he had been doing it. By the time she finished, her cheeks were flushed and her body hummed with arousal. Doing her best to ignore the sensation, she went to join him at the boat.