Kate and the Kraken by Honey Phillips


A’tai paced back and forth, scowling at Osaga, their midwife.

“Are you sure this birthing pool is large enough? I’m sure the one in the palace was twice this size.”

Osaga didn’t bother to answer him, rolling her eyes at Kate. She smiled at the other female, then put her hand on her back and gave a soft sigh. A’tai immediately stopped pacing and rushed over to her.

“Are you all right? Is it time?”

“Not yet,” she assured him. “I was simply thinking that I’m glad the pool isn’t any larger. You know I can’t breathe underwater, and I might slip in a bigger pool.”

“I will be supporting you the entire time.” His brows drew together. “But if you would be more comfortable with a smaller one, perhaps I could have another one built—”

“That would be too small,” she said firmly, ignoring Osaga’s snort. “This one is just right.”


“I think the midday heat is increasing. Why don’t you take me back to our chamber so I can rest?”

“Of course, my amali.”

He promptly lifted her into his arms, the huge mound of her stomach not the slightest deterrent, and headed for the door.

“I can walk, you know.”

“But I prefer to carry you.” He smiled down at her. “I cannot wait until I can carry both you and our daughter.”

“Or son.”

He shrugged. “I believe it is a daughter.”

His expression was as arrogant as ever, but she could see the love in his eyes. Her heart gave that little skip it always did when he looked at her like that. She raised her hand and stroked along the sensitive edge of his gills.

“Since you aren’t going to let me get any exercise by walking, maybe we could find some other method?”

Hunger washed over his face, golden eyes gleaming.

“What did you have in mind?”

“Maybe a little… riding would be good for me?” she asked innocently.

He jolted, and then his pace sped up until he was almost running. Gold flickered across his skin.

As he carried her into the tower room she had chosen for their bedroom, she couldn’t help looking around with a smile. All of the windows in the ancient stone walls were open, the long white curtains fluttering in the gentle sea breeze. After an extended discussion they had agreed that the castle on Ataian was a more suitable option than the farmhouse.

Since they had decided not to return to Kapenta on a permanent basis, the castle provided more options for entertaining and the constant House business. U’rsul continued to manage the House affairs in the city, but their relationship remained… complicated.

The fact that she was a four-hour boat ride away, rather than a four-minute walk, had helped, since U’rsul’s brief softness had not lasted long. But Kate couldn’t deny that she relieved A’tai from the social functions he so disliked, and she seemed genuinely excited about the upcoming birth.

“Why are you smiling?” he asked as he laid her in the center of the big, round bed.

“I’m just glad we’re alone.” She caught the flash of guilt that washed across his face. “What?”

“About that…”

“A’tai,” she said warningly.

“My mother will be here to attend the birth,” he admitted. “It would be a great insult if she did not come.”

“I wouldn’t be insulted,” she muttered, then sighed. “But I suppose it’s only fair that she meet her grandson.”

“Or granddaughter,” he said firmly. “And she is bringing E’lofi with her.”

“That part will be nice anyway.” The girl had been to visit several times and Kate always enjoyed her company.

A’tai hesitated again. “Mother also told me she might have some news about your friends.”

“Really?” She tried to struggle upright, but gravity and her stomach were against her. “What did she say?”

“Exactly what I told you. You know how she is.”

“Infuriating?” She gave up the struggle and laid back against the pillows. As excited as she was by the possibility that U’rsul might actually have news about Mary and Lily, she wasn’t going to pin her hopes on it. “I just hope our son—”

“Or daughter.”

“—doesn’t take after her.”

“Why should she? I’m nothing like my mother.”

Since he made the statement with the exact look of supercilious distaste that so frequently crossed U’rsul’s face, she couldn’t help laughing. For a moment he looked even more offended, but then he relaxed and smiled at her.

“You certainly know how to deflate my ego, my Kate.”

“Your ego can stand it.” She ran a teasing hand down his chest and between his limbs, her fingers skating along the edge of his sheath. “I just hope nothing else is deflated.”

“My moa is always anxious for you.”

That was certainly true, even when she felt as awkward and ungainly as she did now. She tried to sit up again, then huffed with frustration. “You’ll have to help me.”

“Of course.”

In a matter of seconds he had her poised over his stomach, two of his limbs supporting her back as two others slid her gown over her shoulders. They gently circled her sensitive breasts. He had been fascinated with her breasts before, but he had been awed by the way they had grown with her pregnancy. His gentle suction had already drawn drops of milk from her swollen nipples, and a few drops beaded there now. His eyes darkened, and she felt his moa stir beneath her.

“Definitely not deflated,” she murmured, as he parted her legs, a velvety sucker teasing her clit.

“Come for me, amali.” He thrust into her pussy as his suckers clamped down on her nipples and clit at the same time.

Her body obeyed, rocking helplessly into a shuddering climax.

“That wasn’t fair,” she said, when her breathing finally slowed.

“No?” Golden eyes laughed up at her, warm with love and desire.

“I’m supposed to be riding you.”

His limbs undulated beneath her, rocking her gently back and forth.

“And you are. But I want to see how many times I can make you come before I can no longer resist this sweet little cunt.”

“Okay,” she whispered breathlessly as he caught hold of her arms.

Five times,as it turned out.

She sprawled against his side, limp with satisfaction, as he gently stroked her stomach.

“Are you happy, my Kate?” he asked.

“Perfectly, exquisitely happy.”

“Do you miss your old life?”

“Not at all. I still have my work. But more importantly, I have you. And soon we’ll have our son.”

“Our daughter.”

She shook her head. “You’re so persistent. We should place a bet on whether it’s a boy or a girl.”

“Why? Either way will be a win.”

And when,a month later, their daughter was placed in her arms, her pale skin still wet from the birthing pool, and looked up at her with big golden eyes, she knew that he was right.

She glanced up to find U’rsul smiling at her from across the room, her own golden eyes wet with tears. E’lofi was crying as well. Having the two of them attend the birth had not been as bad as she feared. Both of them had been supportive during her labor. E’lofi had been her usual cheerful self, somehow managing to make Kate laugh despite the pressure building in her body. U’rsul, of course, was far more restrained, but she had succeeded in calming A’tai when he started to panic as Kate’s labor grew more intense. Nonetheless, she was glad he had refused to allow U’rsul to fill the room with spectators in the traditional manner.

A’tai’s cheek was pressed against her as he looked down at the baby. He was completely wrapped around her, his arms supporting her upper body as his limbs had supported her lower body during the birth. His finger gently caressed the baby’s cheek, and she immediately opened her mouth and tried to suckle on it.

“She is hungry, amali.” He sounded almost panicked, and she found herself smiling. He was going to be a wonderful, but insanely protective, father.

She gently helped the baby find her nipple, then cradled her close. The baby had already assumed her land form, her legs curled into a close semblance to chubby little human legs. But then one limb unfurled, reaching up to pat her breast, and she laughed.

“Like father, like daughter,” she murmured.

“Her father will be most happy to show you the difference,” he whispered in her ear, his cool breath sending a shiver down her spine despite her exhaustion.

“Don’t even think about it, Prince A’tai,” Osaga said firmly as she handed Kate a silky cloth to wrap around the baby, and Kate felt herself blush. “You must wait at least a month.”

Blue flickered across A’tai’s skin as well, but he frowned at the midwife. “I would never damage my mate.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t,” E’lofi said soothingly as she and U’rsul came to admire the baby. “She’s very beautiful, Kate. What are you going to name her?”

“I thought perhaps, Marli.”

“For your friends.” A’tai understood immediately, his arms tightening around her. “I am sure they will be delighted once we find them.”

Her heart ached for her missing friends, but she did her best to be optimistic that they would eventually succeed in finding the other women. U’rsul had actually uncovered a rumor about a strange, redheaded female involved with the heir to one of the wealthy Tajiri merchant families, but the details were annoyingly vague. The male in question sounded like a wealthy playboy, and Kate could only hope that if Lily was with him she was being treated well. The couple were supposedly sequestered on Sayari, and A’tai was trying to use his connections to gather more information from the elite planet.

There had been no word about Mary, but A’tai’s agents continued to search.

“Her name will be M’rli,” U’rsul announced, interrupting Kate’s thoughts. “She is heir to the House of Maulimu.”

Kate fought back a sigh. As much as she’d dreaded U’rsul’s arrival, A’tai’s mother had proven unexpectedly comforting. She had been determined that nothing would disturb the last days of Kate’s pregnancy, and her complete conviction that the birth would go smoothly had buoyed Kate’s confidence. However, it now appeared that she was reverting to her old self.

“I’m really quite exhausted,” U’rsul continued, her voice faint.

“You weren’t the one giving birth, Mother,” A’tai snapped.

“Why don’t we go and have some tea?” E’lofi suggested smoothly, putting her arm in U’rsul’s and guiding her out of the room. She looked back over her shoulder at Kate and winked.

“That girl is going to have this whole planet at her feet,” Kate laughed. “I think you missed out on something special there, A’tai.”

“I found something far more special.” His eyes glowed as he looked down at her and M’rli. “A beautiful female from a primitive planet.”

“And I found an alien octopus man.” He frowned as he always did when she called him that, and she stroked a teasing hand down his chest. “And the only male I have ever wanted. Do you think we can wait a whole month?”

Gold flickered across his skin. “I’m quite sure I can find ways to pleasure you before then, but I will wait as long as necessary. We have all the time in the world.”

Even Osaga had left, and now it was just the three of them in the quiet room, the sea murmuring gently outside the open windows. M’rli’s eyes were closed, her small lips still pursed. Kate tucked her closer, then smiled and closed her eyes, knowing that A’tai would watch over them.

He was right. They had all the time they needed. Time to find her friends and time to raise their daughter. Time to work and time to study. But most of all, time to love.