Adversaries by T.L. Hodel

Iasked her who hurt her and know what she did? She slapped me and said she was the one that did the hurting. Naomi was a bitch before, but after that, she was an utter cunt.

There was no talking to her, no calming her down. I couldn’t even look at her without setting her off. So I left her alone and spent the night in the dungeon. That didn’t mean I slept.

I lay there awake most of the night, running through what had happened.

Was I jealous? Yes, I fucking jealous. If I’d have gotten my hands on Axel, I’d have killed the motherfucker. Seeing Naomi standing up there with goddamn bows on her panties set me off. I don’t know why?

It wasn’t like I cared about the bitch, unless hate counted towards that. All those guys staring at her, and then Axel had to go and open his fucking mouth. I just lost it. Maybe I had too much to drink?

Now I couldn’t stop thinking about what she said.


Who asks that? What happened to her to make her think she wasn’t worthy of jealousy? And who the fuck did it? Micha? That little prick Logan? She used to hang around with them. Did one of those assholes hurt her?

“We’re all here,” Beast nodded at Tanner, who dropped down in the chair next to him, “let start this shit.”

I scanned the seven faces sitting around the table. Each one was an older member sporting a diamond one percent patch. “We’re waiting for one more.”

Though they all cocked a brow at me, it was Mannix that spoke.


Their confusion was understood. Church was sacred. It was where we discussed the club’s activities and future. Who did what, where shipments were sent, and other illegal actives. Every single man here paid for their place at this table in blood. They were trusted, valued, and loyal to a fault. Newbies were not invited. In this case, though…

“I invited Roach.”

The argument started instantly.

‘He can’t be here.’

‘He’s too young.’

“He hasn’t been patched in for a year.’

I let them mull it out and made my way to the bar to pour myself a drink while I waited for them to finish. It wasn’t quite noon yet, but after the night I had, I could use a shot or two. The last time this room erupt like this was when my old man got sick.

I couldn’t help but think how Jax and I should’ve seen his choice to put me in charge coming. No one except Harris wanted to follow my brother. He was reckless and cruel. I still believed in him, though, until he took everything from me.

Beast slammed his fist on the table, silencing everyone, and twisted his gaze my way. “What were you thinking? Roach is too new.”

“He also has a personal investment in this week’s topic,” I pointed out.

Tanner was the only one who didn’t mutter something. He sat back with his arms crossed because he already knew. I talked to him about this last night.

After learning that Roach’s best friend’s little sister was in Naomi’s sorority, we decided he should have a say. The only person Roach talked about was his friend, which in our eyes made him family, and family was to be respected.

“Is this about last night?” Kickstand’s eyes rolled up to mine. He wasn’t the same Kickstand that acted as my old man’s second. He was one of the first Harris took care of, but he got the name for the same reason. “She’s just his friend’s sister.”

“The same friend he did time for.” That shut them up.

Snake brought Roach in. They met in prison while Snake was doing time for a crime he didn’t commit. We offered to take care of the little bitch that put him there.

He wanted to do it himself. So, I told him to let us know if he needed back up and left it up to him.

About this time, the door opened, letting sun cascade across the floor as Roach walked in. Some of the guys weren’t happy that he was here, but no one said anything. That is until he sat down beside Mannix.

“Don’t expect this to be a regular occurrence.” Mannix grumbled in his usual grumpy tone.

Always respectful of the order around here, Roach simply responded with, “I’m honored to be involved.”

Mannix grunted and propped his boot up on the table.

May as well get this shit started.

“As you know, Jax has threatened the Pi Kappa girls.” I walked around the bar and rejoined them at the table. “The question today is what are we going to do about it?”

A few of the guys suggested we keep watch on their house, more suggested they move in here. After last night’s hazing episode, the girls stuck around and hung out with the guys for a while.

It took a bit for the fear to wear off some of them, but once it did, they warmed right up. Being treated like a regular person left a lasting impression on some of the guys.

“I say we hit the Reapers,” Kickstand said while raising his fist in the air. “Take out one of their supply houses and show them we mean business.”

Roach’s brow rose. “Won’t that just put the girls in more danger?”

“Not if Jax is more worried about us.”

Beast nodded at Kickstand’s statement. “He’s got a point.”

He did. My brother was more of the ‘What is this costing me now?’ versus ‘What can I get in the long run?’ kind of guy. Planning ahead wasn’t his forte. There was one thing they were forgetting.

“If we hit one of his stash houses it’ll be all-out war.”

More than one responded with, “It’s already war.”

“Not like this.” I shook my head. “If we do this, you need to be ready to get shot walking to the store. Or check your hug before you roll it over. And as for family…” I forced down a swallow and looked them all in the eyes. “Jax doesn’t give a fuck about family.”

Not even his own.

“Are you prepared to put everyone you’ve ever loved in danger?”

The murmurs started again and quieted down when Tanner piped in.

“No offense, Boss. I know what he did to you,” my hand fisted on the table, “but we have to do something.”

“Agreed.” Mannix sat up and braced his arms on the table. “The problem isn’t Jax’s lack of morals it’s that he doesn’t take us seriously. We need to make him.”

“It’s not our families he’ll come after,” Beast lifted his chin and rolled his eyes my way, “it’s you.”

They didn’t know my brother like I did, but there was clearly no talking them out of it.

“Alright,” I let out a breath and scrubbed a hand down my face, “let’s do it.”

It wasn’t like I had anything left to lose except my life which I was more than fine with. We decided on one of the Reapers’ less guarded stash houses and wrapped up the meeting. Just as the last man was leaving, my phone went off displaying a call I’d been waiting for.

I nodded at Tanner as he closed the door, and I answered the call.

“Clive, took you long enough. You must not care very much about your daughter.”

Naomi’s old man’s voice rang out from the other end. “I could have you shot, Mathers.”

I snorted out a chuckle. “Better men than you have tried.”

“What do you want?”

Right down to business, then. Good. “What is my brother moving on the Aroura?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Shit was going to hit the fan after the raid tonight. I didn’t have time for this shit.

“The longer you fuck me around, the more fun I’m going to have with your daughter.”

Clive countered with, “How do I know you haven’t done something to her already?”

“You don’t.”

“Then why should I do anything you say?”

That was a valid point.

“I could send her back to you in pieces.” Also, a valid point. “How would your wife feel about getting her kids' fingers in the mail?”

“She could survive that.”

Was he fucking serious? What kind of father lets their kid get tortured for someone else’s cargo? What the hell was Jax moving in that boat?

Naomi’s reaction last night came back to me, and I couldn’t help but wonder if her father was the one that hurt her? It takes a sick man to let their kid get chopped up.

Then I remembered something else.

“What are you afraid of, Clive?”

My brother told me to let her go. Why? She wasn’t the one making deals with him. What did it matter if I had her? Because it wasn’t Clive breaking that had my brother scared, it was the fact that Naomi was with me.

“That I’ll kill your daughter, or that I won’t?”

“She’s just a girl,” he said and hung up.

That’s when I heard a squeak behind me and turned around in time to see a flash of blonde hair.
