Adversaries by T.L. Hodel

My lip automatically curled when I lifted my chin. Ugh, she was here.

“No, I’m not kidding you. You should never use store products on your hair.” I rolled my gaze down the black locks slung over Riley’s shoulder. “That includes Pine-Sol.”

“As opposed to the buckets and buckets of cum you use,” she shot back.

“I don’t know what you and Micha do, honey, but I prefer to clean myself after a man fucks me,” I waved at the towel on my head. “Hence the wet hair.”

That’s right, I knew Chase was her uncle. Just like I knew my comment would piss her off. And oh boy, did it. Riley’s face got all red as she stomped her foot.

“Really?” She snarled at Chase while holding her hands out to me, “Her?”

“Ah?” Chase shifted his gaze between Riley and I, “I mean…”

I sighed and swung my hand through the air. “Relax, it’s just sex, it’s not that big a deal.”

“Like fuck,” Chase roared, shocking us both. “I swear, Naomi if you touch another guy, I’ll break his damn neck.”

My brow rose while my heart fluttered. “You’re not going to start that mine crap now, are you?”

“Yeah, I’m gonna start that mine crap.” His angry glare locked with mine.” You got a fucking problem with that?”

Did I have a problem with it? I’d seen other guys get all possessive and never really put much thought into it.

“That depends,” I said, “do I get to do the same thing to you?”

Chase’s expression morphed from anger to smug satisfaction. “You wanna claim me. Baby?”

“Oh my god,” Riley groaned.

I don’t know what her problem was. The man was clearly hot. All power and perfection as his shoulders gracefully rolled back and he stalked towards me. Maybe that was the issue?

Maybe Riley wanted him. For some reason, that pissed me off. I literally had to stop my hands from fisting.

I straightened my back and walked up to Chase, and dragged my finger down his chest. Riley Adams could have Micha Kessler. She wasn’t getting my man.

“I reserve the right to knock out any woman who eyeballs you.” I shot Riley a look so she’d get my meaning.

She rolled her eyes in response.

Chase’s hand wrapped around the back of my neck as he pulled me into him. I went with it, pressing my body up against his and moaning a bit when his mouth grazed my ear.

“And then what?”

“Then,” I trailed my finger down his arm, pausing to admire the firmness of his muscle, “I want you to fuck me in front of her.”

“You’re about to get fucked right now,” he growled.

“Oh my god.” Riley threw her hands up in the air. “Have I landed in some weird alternate dimension? Some one has to be playing a prank on me.”

Chase sighed and pushed off the desk to take a few steps away from me. I was tempted to follow, but I’d made my point.

“Look, Riley, Naomi is…” He stopped and looked back at me for a second before continuing, “Well, she’s Naomi.”

Gee thanks.

“And like it or not, we’re together now. So I expect you to treat her with some respect.”

That’s right.

I smiled brightly at Riley’s shocked expression.

Until Chase added, “And I expect you to do the same.”

I crossed my arms. Why should I respect her? What did Riley Adams have to offer? Besides a sharp attitude and a smart mouth?

“You can’t be serious?” Riley cried out.

Finally, we agreed on something.

“I mean… look at her.”

Look at me? Look at her? What the hell was she wearing? The emo look was definitely a trend, but that didn’t include digging through your childhood closet.

“Cute shirt.” I tugged the towel loose and ran my fingers through my hair. “I had one just like it when I was five.”

Chase shot me a dirty look, and Riley’s face dropped.

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “This is not happening.”

Chase scrubbed a hand down his face. “Riley…”

“No,” she repeated. “I’m not doing it.”

“Sorry, honey,” I sang, “It’s done.”

Riley’s face tightened. She looked at me, glared at Chase, and then stormed out.

“Shit,” Chase muttered and followed.

I stood in the room listening to their footsteps before eventually sighing and heading out the door.

Guess we’re following the crybaby now.