The Embrace by Vivian Wood


Made out of light gray stone, the castle has four large turrets and a rather large keep. It’s set back into a hill and it looks very intimidating even in the mid-morning light. As we pull around the circular driveway, I stare at the castle, slack-jawed.

“I can’t believe that you know the owner of this place,” I breathe, pressing a hand against the car window.

Calum squints as he pulls the car to a stop. “Speak of the devil and he shall appear.”

He nods to a figure emerging from the front door. Incredibly tall, blond, and broad-chested, he cuts a striking figure indeed.

Calum gets out of the car and I do too. Calum approaches the man, offering him a handshake. “Keir.”

He says it in a lilting tone, rhyming it with fire. Keir squints and shakes Calum’s hand. “Calum.”

Keir swings his gaze around to me, his expression unreadable. “Ye must be Kaia. Welcome to Drumman Castle.”

Giving Calum a pointed look, I smile and hurry forward. “It’s so nice to be here, Keir. Thank you for having us.”

Keir waves a hand. “Think nothing of it.”

As he speaks, a little girl with bright red hair bursts out of the castle, running straight into Keir’s legs. Keir grunts but doesn’t move or otherwise emote.

The little girl grins at us, not shy in the least. “Hello!” she shrieks. “Da said you were coming today and I just gave my minder the slip to come see you!”

I blink. The loud volume of her voice doesn’t seem to faze Keir, who drops a hand to the top of her head and sighs. “Calum, Kaia. This is my daughter Isla.”

Eye-la. I make a note to remember how to say her name. Smiling, I bend down. “Hello, Isla. How are you?”

She scowls at me. “You talk funny.”

Isla shakes her head and turns away, pouting. I look up at Keir, perplexed.

He just drops his big palm on top of her head. “She doesn’t care much for women.”

Calum sidles up beside me, casually wrapping am arm around my waist. “Are you still having trouble getting good help out here?”

Keir’s mouth flattens and he looks off. “Yes. She’s scared off two nannies, three cooks, and the butler. I’m sorry to say that leaves us quite short staffed here.”

Calum nods, squeezing me around the middle. “I think we will manage.”

“Do you need help with your bags?” Keir asks.

Calum shakes his head. “I’ll come back down here and fetch them later. In the meantime, show us around your castle, Keir.”

Keir turns and walks inside. I take Calum’s hand and follow him into the dank, cramped halls of the castle.

“Watch yer head,” Keir warns us. We continue down a droughty hallway; Keir ducks at the end of it as he pushes open a big oak door.

Calum ducks too, stepping through the doorway. I follow him, stopping short.

The hall I’ve just stepped into is nothing short of majestic. Two stories high, flanked by twin fireplaces, it is decorated much like I imagine it was a thousand years ago. There are an identical set of custom made tables that run the length of the hall; each table is set with chairs and decked out in a fine green and white plaid.

I stare up at an enormous iron light fixture that probably weighs almost the same as a car. “Whoa.”

Keir presents the room to us, swinging a hand wide. Before he can speak, he’s hit with a water balloon from somewhere up above. It splatters across the back of his shoulders and he growls. “Isla!”

I hear the little girl laughing but I can’t see exactly where she is. It’s not until half a minute later that she pops up on an otherwise hidden balcony that I can locate her. “Catch me if you can!”

She vanishes once more. I glance at Calum, who is watching the drama play out with a tiny smirk on his lips. He whispers in my ear.

“Another reason why I don’t want to have my own brats.”

I roll my eyes and elbow him in the ribs. He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

Keir clears his throat. “I’ll have to call down to Glasgow for a new nanny. Isla is too bright and spirited for just any old babysitter.”

I nod, keeping my expression neutral. “Where is Isla’s mom?”

Calum shoots me a dark look. I’m not expecting the scowl Keir lobs at me.

“It’s just the two of us,” he spits out.

I swallow, my brows shooting up. “That must be hard! Um, you know. Doing it alone…”

Keir grimaces and turns around, heading toward the back of the hall. “I’ll see you both at dinner.”

I make a face at Calum, who waits until Keir is gone to react. Keir disappears behind a heavy oak door and Calum heaves a sigh.

“Wow. I had no idea that the Isla situation had gotten so bad. When I was here last a few years ago, Isla’s mother was still here.” He squints.

I slide my hand around his waist, looking up to where Isla appeared. Dropping my voice, I say, “I’ll wait to ask more about her until we’re alone.”

He raises an eyebrow at me. I gesture to where Isla could very well still be hiding and Calum understands immediately.

“Well… I think I remember the way to our room. What about we check that out, change clothes, then we go for a run together?”

My lips curve upwards as I smile at him. “You know what’s in my heart.”

He wiggles his eyebrows. “Always.”

Pulling me along toward the back part of the hall, he keeps me close as he starts up the stairs.