Her Reckless Rockstar by Gena Snow

Bonus Chapters from Drawn to You


Chapter 1






I’m driving in the rightmost lane on Highway 101 South, watching the signs and waiting for the GPS voice eagerly. I’ve driven for three hours from Clover Valley, where I live, since early morning. My dad gave me his Ford F-150, a truck he’s owned for twenty-five years, for a graduation gift, and this is the first time I drive it long-distance. The vehicle is easier to operate than it looks, and I love the feeling of being taller than other cars around me.

I haven’t taken any break on the road because I’m eager to get to LA to work for my best friend Dana’s brother, Andrew, who happens to be my crush back in high school. My heart skips a beat as soon as I recall Andrew’s tall, athletic frame and his intense blue eyes. Damn. It’s been so many years. Why does he still have the power over me?

As soon as I see the sign of Highland Ave, my heart races. That’s it. That’s where I should get off. I merge into the deceleration lane without hesitation.

“Take the northbound ramp!” the GPS voice says, and I panic. Which one is northbound? There is no sign! Shit. I swerve onto the first ramp that comes up and wait for the voice to speak as I drive with trepidation. “In about a quarter-mile, turn right on Hollywood Boulevard.”

Whew. I let out a breath of relief, glad I made the right choice.

I’m excited and nervous as soon as I see the traffic in Hollywood—so many cars! The last time when I was here must’ve been over seven years ago. I came with Dana to visit Universal Studios back in tenth grade. I can’t believe it was such a long time ago. Andrew was still a junior at USC back then, and he and his friend were our guides. Of course, I didn’t pay much attention to anything but him that day, like I always did when Andrew was present. I was the only child in my family, and always wished I had a brother like Andrew, except I never really saw him as a brother. My crush for him started before I even hit puberty. But of course, he never treated me more than his sister’s friend—a silly, uninteresting, freckle-face, scrawny girl with unruly hair between strawberry-blonde and ginger-red, and uncertain eye color that could be green or brown, depending on the light and the clothes she wore. Andrew dated not only the most beautiful girls in town but also some sophisticated women from LA, some of which were daughters of celebrities or billionaires.

When Dana told me Andrew was hiring a receptionist for his boutique gym, I was excited and nervous. I had the plan to look for a job in LA or SF because our small town had limited opportunities. I wavered because working for Andrew would be self-destructive, although it was what I had dreamed of doing as a teenager. Not seeing him for five years more or less put my teenage obsession in check, but working with him would just bring the feelings all back, right? When I was still considering her suggestion, Dana went ahead and asked her brother about it. Andrew agreed, much to my surprise and delight. 

So here I am, after a three-hour drive on the freeway, peeking out of my truck window at the most colorful and crazy city in the world.

As I look out, I meet the eyes of some amused drivers in the lane next to me and immediately become self-conscious of my truck. It is a few years older than me, but it’s still in good condition. The AC isn’t working, but I’ve got the fan. The CD player is broken, too, but then, who needs it when I have my iPhone? The outside of the truck looks new because my dad painted it just recently. It’s the best present I’ve got, and I’m proud of it. Although I admit the red paint Dad chose was too bright.

“Your destination is on your right!” the voice startles me, and I hit the brakes to slow down, earning a loud honk from the car tail-gating me.

I wave an apology at the driver in the mirror, but still, the jerk gives me the finger! What rude people!

Model Body Fitness Studio—I see the impressive sign and pull into the driveway. The parking is underground, and it’s jam-packed. I find a space, but it’s tiny. I park carefully and nervously, not wanting to scratch the Mercedes-Benz and Lexus in the spots next to me.

And then I go up to the third floor where the gym is on. Dana told me it was a small gym, but it isn’t small at all, at least not to my eye. There are at least ten treadmills and exercise bikes, besides half a dozen weight-lifting machines. And there seems to be a yoga area where a group lesson is going on. A few athletically built male employees in uniforms stand not far apart, helping clients. Even though I haven’t seen Andrew for many years, it isn’t hard for me to spot him. I’ve thought about him so much that his shape and profile have burned into my head. Even though he has gotten more muscular and his shoulders are broader, he’s as tanned as always, and he’s kept his slicked-back wavy hair in the same style. His straight nose and forehead are the way I remember them, but his square jaw is lined with stubble, which is new, and he looks so sexy with it!

As I’m gawking at Andrew and fighting the crush that’s returning at an alarming intensity, one of the trainers notices me and walks toward me. He has a beautiful dark complexion that glows and long eyelashes that make me envious. His bright brown eyes and friendly white smile could melt me if my mind weren’t on Andrew. “Welcome to Model Body. My name is Darrell. How may I help you?”

“Hi,” I say, returning him a cheerful smile. “My name is Brittney Brooks, and I’m here to see Andrew, I mean, Mr. Adams, for a job interview.”

“Nice to meet you!” Darrell puts out a hand for me to shake, and I do promptly. “He’s expecting you. Let me go get him.”

Darrell walks over to Andrew and speaks to him while gesturing my way.

Andrew turns and waves at me. And that smile, even from such a distance, destroys all my self-confidence. My knees wobble, and my heart flutters. Thousands of butterflies swarm my tummy. I force myself a smile as I wave at him, but deep down, I know I’m in trouble. I haven’t gotten over my best friend’s brother at all. It’s a mistake to be here!