Stolen Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


The shower was just what I needed to clear my head and think straight. I didn’t mean to take Tess from the alley, sure as hell didn’t mean to tie her up in a bed for me to deal with later, but from the moment I saw her I knew there was no way in hell I was going to let her get away.

She’s too fucking delicious for that. Everything about her calls to me. I jerked off thinking of her mouth on my cock, but I managed to keep myself from going to her and making her suck me off. That’ll come later.

I have no doubt in my mind that her perfect little mouth will look like heaven wrapped around my thick cock. I want to see her on her knees begging me to fuck her. I will, of course, but she’s going to have to want it so badly that she can barely breathe.

Stepping through the door, my eyes fall on her in her bed right away. She’s turned to the side a little like she had trouble getting to sleep, but I did hear her scream a moment ago, so I know that she’s awake.

She’s pretending.

That thought gives me a thrill and I feel my cock harden in my jeans as I walk across the room to her. She’s breathing slowly, her entire face relaxed like she’s had years of practice faking being asleep.

“Tess Roberts,” I whisper, reaching out and lightly dragging my thumb across her lips. It wasn’t difficult to find out who she is after I brought her back home with me.

Her lips part slightly and I dip the tip of my thumb inside, waiting to see if she “wakes”. Part of me wants her eyes to fly open. I want her to look up at me and wonder what I’m doing to her, but the rest of me wants to be able to explore her while she pretends that I’m not here.

When she doesn’t move, I drag my thumb from her mouth, down her chin, and across her jaw. A small trail of her spit sticks to her skin but she still doesn’t move. My fingers dance lightly down her neck and I think for a second about giving it a squeeze and making her look at me. I’m sure that that would have her eyes open and locked on me in no time, but I resist.

There’s a few hairs stuck to her cheek and I brush them away from her face before cupping her cheek in my hand. “Tess.” My voice is soft but I’m confident by now that she’s faking being asleep. Maybe she’s terrified. Maybe she likes me touching her. Whatever it is, I can tell from the way her breathing hitched when I traced my fingers along her neck that she’s here with me.

She may wish that she were dreaming, but she’s awake and she’s mine.

“Tess Roberts.”

Her eyes flutter at that and then, like she knows that the game is up, she opens them, staring right up at me. Her eyes are full of hate and anger and I can’t help but grin at the sight. She’s so gorgeous, so full of pent-up energy, and I’m definitely the person who can help her deal with all of that.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I say to her, even though it’s after lunch. She slept a long time but I don’t have a problem with that. Poor thing probably had a hell of a headache when I put her to bed, maybe still when she woke up.

“Marcelo Bonanno.” The way that she says my name is probably supposed to make me feel bad about having her strapped to my bed, but it only makes me grin.

“You know me.” It’s a statement, not a question, but she nods anyway.

“I know the scum of the earth when I see it.” She shoots her words at me like she’s honestly unconcerned about being tied to the bed and at my mercy.

Her words are meant to hurt, but I laugh, then pull a handcuff key from my pocket. “Feet or hands?”

Her eyes narrow. “Both.”

I shrug. “One of each, then,” I say, quickly unlocking her closest wrist. The handcuff falls open on the bed and she snatches her hand away from it like she’s afraid that it’s going to latch back onto her without any warning.

“Hands,” she blurts out, just as I’m about to pick up her ankle. “Please. Hands.”

“Hands it is.” I don’t bother to move around the bed. Instead, I lean over her, pressing myself as close to her as I can get. She turns her face away from me, refusing to look me in the eyes, but I don’t give a shit. Tess may not want me now, but she will.

When her hands are free, I move out of the way and she sits up, rubbing her wrists while staring at me. There aren’t any red marks. I was careful when putting them on. The last thing that I wanted to do was hurt her in any way.

“How did you sleep? Your head feeling better?” Reaching out, I move to brush her hair back so that I can see where I hit her, but she dips her head out of the way and then glares at me.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” she snaps. “Why the hell did you bring me here? What do you want from me?” Her voice has an edge to it, but I can hear the tears just below the surface. Tess thinks that she’s tough but I can tell that she’s close to losing it, whether or not she wants to admit it.

“You’re a liability,” I tell her, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I couldn’t exactly let you walk around town after seeing what happened, now could I?”

“I thought that you killed liabilities. Isn’t that what I saw happening at the bakery?”

For a moment I don’t answer and instead just look at her. She’s defiant, her arms crossed like she’s trying to stay warm. Her chin is tilted up a little so that she can look me straight in the eye and there’s bite in each of her words. I wasn’t sure what kind of person Tess Roberts was when I took her, but I do now.

She’s fucking perfect for me.

“I only kill people who fuck me.” Easy answer, and it’s true.

She pales a little bit but recovers quickly. “Are you going to kill me?” There isn’t a quaver in her words, which surprises me. Most women—hell, even most men—in this position would be begging for their lives, and offering to do anything to keep from dying. Tess either doesn’t give a shit if she lives or dies or she’s been in a worse position before.

“No,” I tell her, grabbing her chin and tilting her face to the side a little bit so that I can get a better look at her. “You will fuck me, Tess, but not in the way that gets people killed. I think that we’re both going to enjoy it.” Grinning at her, I let her go, and she reaches up, immediately touching her skin where my fingers were.

“You’re a sick bastard. All of you Bonannos are fucked up, you know that?” Still no quaver in her voice. What the hell kind of life did this girl lead before she ran into me? Obviously someone has her running scared, or she’d be more terrified of being locked up in my house.

“I’ve heard that before,” I tell her with a little shrug. “But let me tell you something, darling, I don’t know what it is you’re running from, but whatever it is, you don’t have to run any longer. Trust me, nobody is going to mess with you now that you belong to me.”

“I don’t belong to anyone!” She lunges at me like she’s going to hit me but I stand up and move quickly out of the way. Her gorgeous face, so cool and collected a moment ago, twists with rage while she stares at me. “I don’t belong to anyone, do you understand? You can fuck right off, Marcelo, because you don’t own me. I’m getting the fuck out of here.”

“Oh, yeah?” I grin at her, loving the bit of fight that I see in her now. “And how the hell do you think that you’re going to do that? In case you forgot, darling, you’re still handcuffed to the bed and I’m the only one who has the key.” It’s back in my pocket but I pull it out to show her.

“Someone will look for me.”

“Who? Your best friend, Kristen? You think that she’s going to come poking around a Bonanno house for you? No, Kitten, I don’t care how much she likes you, she doesn’t strike me as someone who really wants to die.”

Her pupils narrow as she stares at me. “How do you know so much about me?”

“Because,” I tell her, crossing to the door, “you belong to me, Tess. You didn’t think that I wasn’t going to do my research on you before I decided to keep you for my own, did you?”

Her mouth falls open. For the first time, she doesn’t have anything to say to me. I pause and give her a moment, but when no retort comes, I leave, shutting the door behind me. There’s no reason to lock it. Even with her hands free, I have no doubt in my mind that she’s going to be there waiting for me when I get back.