Fated By Starlight by Krista Street

Thank You

Thank you so much for reading Fated by Starlight, book one in the Supernatural Institute series! You, dear reader, are the reason I keep writing, so thank you so much for picking up this book!

Also, I wanted to give a shout-out to my amazing editors, Alyssa and Anna. I’ve loved working with you both and am so thankful I found such talented editors to work with. You ladies rock!

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Last before you go, if you like my writing and want to stay in touch, visit my website to learn about receiving new release texts or signing up for my newsletter: www.kristastreet.com/contact

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Last, if you prefer social media, I’m on Instagram and post the occasional photo along with my new release stuff. I’m also on Facebook and am most active there. Feel free to join my FB reader group for sneak peeks, cover reveals, and updates: Street’s Peeps

Thank you again for reading my work! I hope to meet you again in another novel soon!

P.S. Turn the page for chapter one, in book one, of the Supernatural Community series, Magic in Light!